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hexbear has a tankie problem.

some of you aren't tankie enough...


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  • I agree.

    It's also infiltrated the mods because I had a DUNK TANK (you know, the place for dunking) comment deleted (comment was, verbatim "anarchists 🤮") for doing literally the babiest of lightest of shitting on anarchists. Who honestly deserve a lot worse, but I just gave the ol puke and moved on.

    Btw, the entire premise of the post I replied to was DUNKING ON SOME ANARKIDDIES BEING OBNOXIOUS ON INSTAGRAM

    So, yes, I would like an apology and perhaps a small cookie from whoever got buttmad and deleted a comment in an entire post and entire chain of comments shitting on anarkiddies complaining about "authoritarianism"

    Best faith interpretation: scrolling too fast and thought the accusation was at the author (OP) and not me dunking on the content, which is what I was doing, again, along with like 8 other posters

    There's a specter haunting hexbear and lemmygrad... and it's fed up with bed times

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