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Salon: we must block 3rd parties because they are a threat to Democracy No debate: RFK Jr. is a threat to Democracy

MoveOn and Third Way represent different views but agree about Robert Kennedy Jr.

No debate: RFK Jr. is a threat to Democracy

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  • Jill Stein, are parroting views right out of the MAGA/Vladimir Putin playbook

    let me guess, she doesn't want to genocide Palestinians?

    • Liberals lack imagination to the point everything they don't like is scary foreigners. MAGA/Putin/China/Venezuela are all the same thing to them.

      • Dems are at the point where they are more xenophobic than Republicans.

        Russiagate completely broke their brains. The mere notion that a country assisted a racist that they hate has caused them to go full racist.

        Their insistence that any pushback on their talking points is a Russian op reminds me of neocons with "Islamic terror" in the 2000s.

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