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Caption this.
  • Ghost seems to have a budget problem, their costume quality has gone downhill fast

  • Julian Assange is free
  • Holy shit. wow wow wow wow wow

  • NSFW Removed
  • I watch burialgoods on YouTube and the creative genius or actual schozo is 100% accurate for that account

  • I asked what Fetterman had been reading about Israel, meaning books - but he understood me to be asking about which news outlets he read. He opened his phone and showed me his Apple News feed
  • “I just cannot understand how someone capable of such empathy for the victims of violence in Braddock has none for the tens of thousands of Palestinian children who are also victims of violence.”


    Now Trump was competitive in the polls and the left’s invective was directed at Fetterman. “We are in a mad season of the Democratic Party,” he said. “We are turning against ourselves instead of realizing that we don’t have the luxury of fucking around.”


    I can't believe I ever thought a good thought about this guy.

    Like, nothing has blackpilled me more than this situation.

  • One-Third of Americans Making $250,000 Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck, Survey Finds
  • I buy 100 Funko pops a month and have a 2,000 sq ft U haul storage space to store them. Help me my children are starving

  • She literally admitted to not knowing the word pogrom before oct 7.
  • History didn't begin until after Imperial Japan's surrender

  • Anxiety grows inside the White House ahead of Netanyahu’s address to Congress
  • The thing that kills me is that Bibi did this to Obama when he was president, in an attempt to blow up the Iran nuclear deal.

    And Obama just took it.

    Biden was the VP for fucks sake when it happened. He doesn't remember that?

    None of his advisors from his VP days remember that?

    They're just going to let this happen?

  • Dirt cheap """cloud hosting""" provider?
  • If you can, just use dynamic DNS to keep an A record pointed at your home IP and port forward 443 or 80 into the server

  • Salon: we must block 3rd parties because they are a threat to Democracy
  • Definitely there with you. It's either West, Stein, De la Cruz, or stay home for me.

  • Salon: we must block 3rd parties because they are a threat to Democracy
  • Good point. I only remember them for sort of being on the right side during the Iraq War.

    Not as good as Code Pink but they were out there

  • Salon: we must block 3rd parties because they are a threat to Democracy
  • Real Office Space "so what is it that you do here?" moment for the CPUSA

  • Salon: we must block 3rd parties because they are a threat to Democracy
  • MoveOn working with Third Way just means that the lanyard wearing freaks finally infiltrated MoveOn and destroyed it from within. It's just a skin that the Democratic party machine wears now as it jerks off.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • This is the best that the ruling class has to offer, intellectually and it's completely incoherent

  • Despair
  • In order to be fair and balanced, we need an equivalent for Trump

  • Everyone always said to keep your support hand high up near the slide. I was foolish enough to listen to that when my gun is smooth on the side
  • So, you are never going to defeat recoil.

    The objective is for the gun to lift off the target, strip off a new round from the magazine, chamber, and have the gun return back to zero.

    I don't believe the left pictured grip is correct. Frankly the right pictured one is a little weird too because the thumb is bent.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Absolutely. He spent like an hour with Tucker explaining in detail his whole mental framework and philosophy from beginning to end and most in the west were like "too long; didn't watch"

    Like you can absolutely be opposed to his entire world view, accuse him of many of the crimes that he has most certainly committed, but he is absolutely a rational actor on the world stage.

  • Teenagers could lose bank accounts and driving licences for snubbing national service, Rishi Sunak says
  • I mean I think even the GenXers were hated by the boomers for being "slackers"

    They honestly just fucking hate everyone don't they

  • Biden’s LNG Export Pause Hits Ukraine. Kyiv’s deal with a major U.S. supplier faces a White House obstacle.
  • Mr. Biden surrendered to an army of TikTokers

    If only.

    I have to wonder if the pause is more about reminding Ukraine about who's in charge and making sure Ukraine doesn't try and reach a peace agreement with Russia?

  • The Nation’s Conscience The Nation’s Conscience

    The courageous stance of students across the country in defiance of genocide is accompanied by a near total blackout of their voices. Their words are the ones we most need to hear.

    The Nation’s Conscience
    Liberals claim protests helping Trump get elected

    > To the Gaza protesters helping to elect Trump: Give it a rest

    > You must have been doing for the past eight years what Trump has been doing in court the past three weeks: napping.

    > By Dana Milbank

    Let's Face It: Trump's Iowa Result Was Pretty Weak (51% is weak?) Let's Face It: Trump's Iowa Result Was Pretty Weak

    For something like a year I’ve been predicting that Donald Trump is...

    Let's Face It: Trump's Iowa Result Was Pretty Weak

    Liberals can't decide between Trump being the end of the world or weak.

    Orange site angry at Arabic Wikipedia display of solidarity

    Typical orange site behavior but worth showing. There's a couple commenters there trying to fight against Silicon CHUD consensus but the submission got flagged and removed from the front page

    Redditors struggle to convince an Arab to vote for Genocide Joe, give up and delete the post

    The mods of Reddit deleted the post but I have a cached version. Here's the original post

    > CMV: As an Arab, Im not voting for biden anymore.

    > I am a long term lurker, but I wanted to share my thought about all the hype suourding 'a no-vote for Biden means a vote for Trump'. The reason I won't be voting for Joe Biden is his blind and ultimate loyalty to Israel. I understand this is highly sensitive and controversial. I am an average Arab American with no expertise in politics, military, media, writing, or technology. Forgive me if I say something dumb. I am not alone in my decision to not vote for Joe Biden, so many Muslims, Arabs, and young people have started to call him Genocide Joe. This is not a simple issue, and I am not a single-issue voter, but I cannot ignore the atrocities committed by the Israeli government that are ignored by Biden, his administration, and other dems in Gaza. I have nothing against Jews and Israel, and I respect their right to exist and coexist peacefully. However, I strongly condemn the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, which Biden supports financially and militarily.

    > One of the main reasons I am not voting for Biden is his hypocrisy and double standards on human rights. He was rightfully quick to condemn Russia for its aggression in Ukraine. However, he turned a blind eye to the much worse and documented violence against civilians, journalists, health workers, UN workers, and religious minorities in Gaza. He ignored the use of white phosphorus, a banned chemical weapon, and the bombing of schools, UN shelters, hospitals, mosques, churches, and safe passages. He also ignored the worldwide and domestic calls for a ceasefire, and vetoed the UN Security Council resolution that demanded an end to the hostilities and additionally repeatedly affirmed himself as a zionist. Not only that, but he even gave the green light to Israel to continue the destruction of life and property in Gaza, by approving and sending many more and weapons and ammunition.

    > Another reason I am not voting for Biden is his indifference and complicity in the increased settlers’ violence against Palestinians in the West Bank. Innocent Palestinians are being literally murdered, evicted, and harassed by extremist settlers, who are backed by the Israeli army and government. Biden has done nothing to stop or prevent these crimes, or to hold the perpetrators accountable. He has also failed to support the legitimate rights and aspirations of the Palestinian people, such as self-determination, statehood, and sovereignty. He has sided with Israel on every major issue.

    > Biden lacks moral courage and political will to stand for justice and peace. They need to do something, but they are afraid of the powerful pro-Israel lobby and the electoral consequences. They value their own power and interests more than the lives and dignity of millions of oppressed and suffering people. Likewise, they are willing to sacrifice the principles and values that they claim to uphold and defend, such as democracy, human rights, and international law. They are also betraying the trust and support of millions of Americans, especially Muslims, Arabs, young people and even thousands of American Jews, who voted for them in the hope of change and progress and live in battle ground states.

    > In conclusion, I voted for him in 2020, but have decided not to vote for Joe Biden, because I cannot support a candidate who is complicit in the genocide of Palestinians, who is hypocritical and indifferent to their plight, and who is cowardly and selfish in his policies. I am not alone in this decision, and I am not voting for Trump or the Republicans either. And yes, Trump and the republicans are a lot worse for the Palestinians, but at least they are honest and open about it. In comparison, Dems are wolf in sheep's clothing. I hope that Biden and the Democrats lose the election and learn from their mistakes. I hope that they will realize that they cannot ignore or alienate their constituents, especially the minorities and young people, who have legitimate grievances and demands.

    > Edit: I under that the republicans and trump are worse. But realistically for palestinians, they are the same. How is Biden legitimately different from trump? He is sending more arms and missiles that will be dropped on palestinian children. He is also trying to send navy to Yemen since they are stopping ships from getting into israel until food and medicine can enter. Biden is willing to essentially go to war on Israelis behalf.

    HN flags post of Irish tech personality being punished for speaking for Gaza

    HN lore: a news submission that gets flagged is removed from the listing of posts on HN and basically hidden.

    It's interesting because there are a bunch of comments basically agreeing with the statements re Palestine and against a genocide, and of course that means it gets flagged.

    Bonus: casual Irish racism -

    > Given Irish history, and this person's Irish origin, I can understand how, in an unguarded and possibly reflexive moment, he could see this as merely support for a smaller, inferior, insurgent force against a larger, militarily superior occupying force, as this can be argued to loosely parallel Irish 20C history involving Britain.

    > At the same time, I'm surprised because this person organized a cosmopolitan gathering, and it seems likely that he would have adopted a more cosmopolitan and sensitive attitude.

    > I suppose the old adage is true, "The tree may leave the forest, but its roots are still in the soil."

    Reddit Liberals: Gazan refugees cannot come to US

    > I'm a progressive but

    I also see a lot of comments that are super similar, accusing Palestinians of causing civil unrest in neighboring countries that have taken them in. Bot spam or a concerted propaganda push

    AOC punching left

    > NEW YORK — The New York City chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America is facing a political firestorm after the organization promoted a pro-Palestine rally in the wake of Hamas militants’ attacks on Israeli communities.

    > The group did not organize Sunday’s rally, its leadership said Monday. But several lawmakers with DSA ties are distancing themselves from what was said at the event.


    Reddit Wall Street Bets almost gets it

    > Why does the fed want unemployment to go up?

    > I don't understand why? Why do they want to see unemployment go up??? Why does the market go down when employment numbers go up?? Someone enlightenment my regarded mind

    Ten years since the US-backed coup against Australian Labor PM Ten years since the US-backed coup against Australian Labor PM

    Literally overnight, a handful of factional warlords, including US “protected sources,” engineered Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s ouster, entirely behind the backs of the population.

    Ten years since the US-backed coup against Australian Labor PM
    New site tagline

    Hats off to for their patience and trying to actually educate this commenter
