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Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France

Image is of the leaders of various parties making up the French left coalition in the coming parliamentary elections, from this article.

Macron has recently called a snap parliamentary election in the aftermath of the far-right getting a large proportion of the votes in the EU elections. Why exactly he called an election at a point of profound weakness is a little beyond me. Explanations that I've seen range from "He thinks the element of surprise will benefit his party and not others," to "WW3 is about to start and he doesn't want to be leader for it," (which, like, isn't true - Macron is the President of France, not Prime Minister, he won't be unseated by this election and he has said he will not stand down regardless of result), to "He doesn't want to swim in the shit-filled Seine."

While we still have a couple weeks to go, the polling I've seen generally puts the far-right in first place with the left-wing coalition slightly behind, with Macron's party all the way back in third place. Anybody who knows anything about French politics knows that while France does actually have something of a left opposition in aggregate (in contrast to the two wings of the Capitalist Party in the UK and the US, for example), French left coalitions are profoundly unstable and this one will inevitably split - perhaps even before the voting begins - meaning they aren't nearly as useful as they otherwise could be.

Living in a France governed by far right parties would be awful, but maybe they might at least be against the carnage in Ukraine, and sue for peace with Russia? Well, possibly not, if the example of Meloni in Italy is anything to go by. It seems that the differences between the "centrist" parties and the fascist ones truly are not that great, beholden to the exact same set of capitalists regardless of which party wins, and will likely bend the knee to NATO, though they may grumble a lot. Would a left coalition be better on Russia/NATO? They have already helpfully told us that they won't (only opposing sending French troops to Ukraine but otherwise being full steam ahead), and additionally are genocidal Zionists. Western leftists have long been hampered by a dramatically faulty misunderstanding of how geopolitics works, with many seemingly believing "imperialism is when countries interact with other countries" and "democracy is when you can vote between two parties even if widely popular policies aren't at all represented by either of them, and if those popular policies are enacted but it's by a one-party state then that's authoritarian evil" and other such strange ideas, making them terminally useless on foreign issues and pretty unremarkable on domestic issues too. France is no exception.

And just to top it all off, this is coming in a period of further imperial decline for the tattered remains of the French empire, with West Africa rebelling and Kanaky (New Caledonia) deeply unhappy with recent French decisions.

The COTW (Country of the Week) label is designed to spur discussion and debate about a specific country every week in order to help the community gain greater understanding of the domestic situation of often-understudied nations. If you've wanted to talk about the country or share your experiences, but have never found a relevant place to do so, now is your chance! However, don't worry - this is still a general news megathread where you can post about ongoing events from any country.

The Country of the Week is France! Feel free to chime in with books, essays, longform articles, even stories and anecdotes or rants. More detail here.

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Last week's thread is here.

Israel-Palestine Conflict

If you have evidence of Israeli crimes and atrocities that you wish to preserve, there is a thread here in which to do so.

Sources on the fighting in Palestine against Israel. In general, CW for footage of battles, explosions, dead people, and so on:

UNRWA daily-ish reports on Israel's destruction and siege of Gaza and the West Bank.

English-language Palestinian Marxist-Leninist twitter account. Alt here.
English-language twitter account that collates news (and has automated posting when the person running it goes to sleep).
Arab-language twitter account with videos and images of fighting.
English-language (with some Arab retweets) Twitter account based in Lebanon. - Telegram is @IbnRiad.
English-language Palestinian Twitter account which reports on news from the Resistance Axis. - Telegram is @EyesOnSouth.
English-language Twitter account in the same group as the previous two. - Telegram here.

English-language PalestineResist telegram channel.
More telegram channels here for those interested.

Various sources that are covering the Ukraine conflict are also covering the one in Palestine, like Rybar.

Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Examples of Ukrainian Nazis and fascists
Examples of racism/euro-centrism during the Russia-Ukraine conflict


Defense Politics Asia's youtube channel and their map. Their youtube channel has substantially diminished in quality but the map is still useful. Moon of Alabama, which tends to have interesting analysis. Avoid the comment section.
Understanding War and the Saker: reactionary sources that have occasional insights on the war.
Alexander Mercouris, who does daily videos on the conflict. While he is a reactionary and surrounds himself with likeminded people, his daily update videos are relatively brainworm-free and good if you don't want to follow Russian telegram channels to get news. He also co-hosts The Duran, which is more explicitly conservative, racist, sexist, transphobic, anti-communist, etc when guests are invited on, but is just about tolerable when it's just the two of them if you want a little more analysis.
On the ground: Patrick Lancaster, an independent and very good journalist reporting in the warzone on the separatists' side.

Unedited videos of Russian/Ukrainian press conferences and speeches.

Pro-Russian Telegram Channels:

Again, CW for anti-LGBT and racist, sexist, etc speech, as well as combat footage. ~ DPR's former Defense Minister and Colonel in the DPR's forces. Russian language. ~ A few different pro-Russian people gather frequent content for this channel (~100 posts per day), some socialist, but all socially reactionary. If you can only tolerate using one Russian telegram channel, I would recommend this one. ~ Does daily update posts. ~ Patrick Lancaster's telegram channel. ~ A big Russian commentator. ~ One of, if not the, biggest Russian telegram channels focussing on the war out there. Actually quite balanced, maybe even pessimistic about Russia. Produces interesting and useful maps. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian Ministry of Defense. Does daily, if rather bland updates on the number of Ukrainians killed, etc. The figures appear to be approximately accurate; if you want, reduce all numbers by 25% as a 'propaganda tax', if you don't believe them. Does not cover everything, for obvious reasons, and virtually never details Russian losses. ~ Pro-Russian, documents abuses that Ukraine commits.

Pro-Ukraine Telegram Channels:

Almost every Western media outlet. ~ Pro-Ukrainian OSINT Discord. ~ Alleged Ukrainian account with a rather cynical take on the entire thing.

  • Namibia Removes Laws Prohibiting Same-Sex Relations

    The measures prohibiting gay relations, dates from the colonial era and subjected to severe punishment any man who maintained a love or sexual relationship with someone of the same gender.

    On Friday, the Namibian authorities removed from the constitution two laws that prohibited the affective or carnal relations of homosexuals.


    The measures prohibiting gay relations, dates from the colonial era and subjected to severe punishment any man who maintained a love or sexual relationship with someone of the same gender.

    Following the decision an extensive demonstration of the LGBTIQ+ community, which supported and welcomed the decision of the Namibian court, stating that despite the new measures “there is a long way to go”.

    Despite the small steps taken by the community, Namibia’s gay, lesbian and transgender people in recent months have been persecuted by the citizenry and the government itself.

    An example of this was SWAPO politician Jerry Ekandjo, who introduced a bill in parliament. It includes an amendment to the Marriage Act 1961 which defines marriage exclusively as the union between a man and a woman. It would also criminalize witnessing a same-sex wedding and generally promoting same-sex marriages.

    On the other hand, at the end of April 2024, a transgender woman was brutally murdered in an informal settlement in Windhoek. According to the police, the 30-year-old woman was found with dozens of stabs and mutilations.

    Despite changes to the law, it would not be uncommon for LGBTIQ+ activists and individuals to be persecuted unconstitutionally, say community members in Namibia.

  • Would the bourgeoisie engineer a nuclear war in the middle east to stop climate change? has a theory the news mega will may find interesting.


    Can someone with climate science knowledge help out with the following hypothesis:

    Let’s say the US wants to engineer a nuclear war in the Middle East to “cool” the global temperature for a determined period of time. This can be done by provoking Israel to use its nukes in a “last stand” as it is being militarily defeated by the regional forces, as an example.

    According to the climate model proposed by Robock et al. (2007), a regional nuclear conflict in the subtropics that detonated 100 Hiroshima-size (15 kt) nuclear weapons (0.03% of the global nuclear arsenal) could lead to a release of 5 Tg of smoke into the atmosphere, resulting in global climate change of -1 degree Celcius (which would revert the global temperature, at least transiently, back to the Little Ice Age period between 1400s and 1800s, and would also result in significant changes to precipitation rate, crop growth etc.).

    Guess what, Israel/Palestine is located exactly within the subtropical band.

    Let’s say several hundred millions of people die from the nuclear fallout (far away from the Imperial Core), and hundreds of millions more die to starvation due to crops failure, the global temperature goes down, the global population gets trimmed, reducing demand for global resources, the imperialists subsequently take advantage of the chaos and instability resulted to harvest the capital assets in the Global South.

    Is this something that would be dreamed up by the bourgeois class in the Western imperial core?

  • tweet

    Israeli press seems to be making a lot of hay about the Beruit International Airport being a staging ground for Iranian weapons. The classic stovepipe straight from military "intelligence" to credulous media stenography, no different than the Iraqi WMD bullshit in 2003.

    They are establishing a pretext to bomb it.


    Iran's parliament calls on gov't to blacklist Canada's army

    TEHRAN, June 23 (Xinhua) -- The Iranian parliament on Sunday put forward a motion requiring the country's administration to designate the Canadian army a "terrorist" entity, the official news agency IRNA reported.

    This is in retaliation to Canada designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist entity.


  • Consequences of the tragedy in southern Brazil:

    Recently, there were heavy rains in the southern region of Brazil, which is made up of three states, all of which are governed by opposition parties. The most affected state, Rio Grande do Sul, is under the control of the PSDB (Social Democratic Party of Brazil, which is actually a neoliberal party). The fascists of the PL (Liberal Party, currently Bolsonaro's party) obtained the majority support of the party's previous voters, who were mainly wealthy, middle-class, white, male Brazilians.

    Lula da Silva decided to do what any normal, sensible head of state would do. Give aid and support to the states and people affected. He sent the Army, Navy and Air Force to help with rescues and maintain order. He created an emergency council to deal with this and selected a member of his party (PT, Workers' Party, which is a mostly socdem party with some demsoc politicians in it) as the head of this council. This member is someone who was born in the affected state.

    Since the powers of the Executive allow the president to grant aid and order things to help a state without the approval of Congress, Lula began to interact with the governor of the state to see what he needed. The work the governor was doing seemed very bad and poorly done. As he is a neoliberal, it seemed that he wanted the private sector to solve everything. In addition, the state has a series of debts that he wanted to be forgiven, but this was refused.

    What happened was that the governor was overshadowed by the Emergency Council created by the federal government due to the incompetence of the governor and his allies. Meanwhile, the Bolsonarist opposition (which doesn't like the governor because he defeated the Bolsonarist candidate) decided it would be a great idea to spread lies about the tragedy and the army operation. Talking about Haarp's conspiracy theory and how global warming was fake, and this was God's way of punishing the state (a state that is mostly white and Catholic, and voted for Bolsonaro in 2018 and 2022).

    So, recently opinion poll results were released, showing that not only Lula, who was previously rejected by the majority of the population, now has a good margin of approval, but also the candidates in his party's coalition in Southern Brazil. Meanwhile, the governor is now more rejected than before. So how does Jair Bolsonaro react to this? By posting a video of Jordan Peteson saying that it was all HAARPS' fault, that Global Warming doesn't exist and that this is God punishing the State, that they don't deserve to receive donations because they support the "communist" Lula da Silva and are ungrateful.

  • French-backed "rebels" sabotage pipeline running from Niger to Benin:

    The Patriotic Liberation Front, which is fighting for the release of former president Mohamed Bazoum, who was overthrown in the last July coup, said it was behind the attack earlier that week.

  • Something not right about that shooting in Arkansas. Fordyce has six cops on the police force and 5 of them showed up in the grocery store parking lot within 4 minutes of the shooting? Thats 6 cops to cover seven days a week 24 hours a day there shouldn’t be more than 2 or 3 on duty at any one time. Shooter has no criminal history. Police believe most, if not all, of the rounds were fired from a 12 gauge shotgun. Shot 13 people in a town where everyone is armed. Witnesses are saying they tried to call 911 but the service was down. Now the Arkansas state police are saying it was a completely random event nothing to see here. hmm

  • Russian Ministry of Defence regarding today's massacre in Crimea by Ukraine with cluster munitions:

    "The US is responsible for this massacre, and they will get an answer. All flight missions for American ATACMS missiles are programmed by American specialists based on their own US satellite intelligence data."

    "Therefore, the responsibility for the deliberate missile strike against the civilian population of Sevastopol lies primarily with Washington, which supplied this weapon to Ukraine, as well as with the Kiev regime, from whose territory this strike was launched. Such actions will not go unanswered."

    It seems that some Russian newspapers are saying that the attack was carried out by US drones from Bulgarian NATO bases, but I haven't been able to find any reliable confirmation of this.

  • free thinking pc enthusiasts when deepcool is banned in usa: "never heard of it blob-no-thoughts "

  • New Caledonia Indigenous independence leader transferred to mainland France for pre-trial detention

    NICE, France (AP) — A pro-independence leader in the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia was transferred to a prison facility in mainland France to await trial on charges relating to two weeks of unrest in May that left nine people dead, the public prosecutor in the territory said Sunday.

    Christian Tein, an Indigenous Kanak leader of the pro-independence party known as The Field Action Coordination Unit, was flown to mainland France overnight Saturday, along with six other activists, prosecutor Yves Dupas said in a statement.

    The seven Kanak activists were transferred to pre-trial detention on “a specially chartered plane” because of “the sensitivity of the procedure,” Dupas said. Moving the detained activists into custody 17,000 kilometers (10,500 miles) away from their homeland would allow the investigation into their alleged wrongdoings to continue “in a calm manner and without any pressure,” he said.

    The Kanak people have sought for decades to break free from France, which first took New Caledonia in 1853.

    full article

  • I’ve got some excellent news slop for the news mega. I know you’re all going to absolutely love this one:

    A lawyer who has been appointed by the British government to represent the Skripals appeared in court where he acknowledged that despite representing the Skripals, he has not been appointed by them, he has not met them, and in fact has had no communication with them at all.

    Furthermore the British government argues that not only should the Skripals not be called or even allowed to give evidence, furthermore the witness / victim testimony of the Skripals should not be made available to the courts either, except subject to redaction by the British government.

    In fact, the Skripal transcripts will be so redacted, the officials and lawyers admitted in court, it is uncertain what the Skripals believe had happened to them, and why [acknowledged government counsel]

    As for evidence that novichok was used on the Skripals at all:

    The British have presented no evidence of Novichok on the Skripal home door handle; in the blood, skin, and urine testing of the Skripals in hospital; or in subsequent inquest and court proceedings.

    The alleged Russian attack weapon – a perfume bottle atomiser – did not materialize for months until July 2018, when police claim to have found it on a kitchen bench in the home of another alleged victim, Dawn Sturgess, ten days – repeat ten days — after exhaustive police searches of the house had failed to find it.

    Oops the only actual evidence of novichok was just sitting there on the kitchen table of an unrelated person this whole time. Case fucking closed with that chain of custody.

    In addition to not being allowed to give testimony or to have any contact at all with their own legal representatives, it’s now not even clear if the Skripals are alive.

    Sergei Skripal has not been seen in public since the day of the alleged Novichok attack, March 4, 2018. He has not been heard on the telephone by family members in Russia since June 26, 2019. Yulia Skripal was last seen in a government-directed interview at a US bomber base in England in May 2018; her last telephone call to Russia was heard on November 20, 2020. The Skripals have not been seen or heard from since.

    The claim that this is due to witness protection doesn’t make any sense since that apparently wasn’t a concern and they were permitted to contact their family and even give interviews (under government supervision on US military bases) until 4 years ago, but now not even a judge can access even the most indirect proof of life, let alone discover their account of events.

    Assuming they are still alive (and if so, likely being held in some US military facility since that was their last known status), it appears the British government has used their vast national security powers to impose a secretive gag order:

    The judge then asked Holborn to speak for the Skripals. “A line does have to be drawn somewhere,” he began. Then he drew the line the British government is insisting on – nothing from the Skripals since the police interviews of six years ago, and nothing in the transcripts which the government doesn’t want to be known publicly. In short, a gag.

    The British government absolutely does not want the Skripals to talk, not even via a lawyer indirectly or even through the vehicle of their police testimony, not even to a court.

    The British government absolutely refuses to provide any evidence that novichok was used on the Skripals.

    The judge then asked the Home Office lawyer Cathryn McGahey KC to respond. She confirmed there is a gag on the Skripals,

    She then told the judge not to call the Skripals to testify either in writing or in open hearing. “Even if they were to be called,” McGahey said, “different considerations may very well apply to different topics, and the topic of preventability [read MI6] is one which will almost certainly be fraught with difficulty, unless there were very strict control over the questions. And most of the material is likely to be closed anyway.”

    No questions are to be allowed for the Skripals; no answers from them, either.

    Hughes has refused to say in open court that he has verified the Skripals are alive and free to instruct lawyers to represent them.

    Very very odd for a lawyer to have zero contact at all with the people he “represents”.

    Holborn also refuses to confirm that his clients are alive.

    Ominous as fuck for the government to refuse to to even claim they are alive.

  • Sevastopol has been struck by four ATACMS loaded with cluster warheads. More than 125 people are injured and a number in critical conditions.

    In case there is still any illusion about Washington “ramping down” the conflict in Ukraine, this should remind you that we have not seen even the slightest indication of them willing to do so.

    Correction: 4 ATACMS were shot down but one exploded in the air with the fragments of its cluster submunitions falling over the coastal region injuring a lot of people.

  • Lula da Silva will visit Noam Chomsky and former Brazilian president Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) in Sao Paulo

    Lula's friend, the American Noam Chomsky, 95 years old, was discharged from hospital last Tuesday (18). The information was released by the Beneficência Portuguesa hospital, in São Paulo, where the philosopher was hospitalized.

    During the 2022 presidential campaign, Lula met with Fernando Henrique Cardoso, who declared his support for the PT candidate in the second round of the race against former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL).

    A traditional rival of Lula during the 1990's, the liberal, FHC declared at the time that he was voting for Lula because of "a history of fighting for democracy and social justice".

    Lula's friend, 95-year-old American Noam Chomsky, was discharged from hospital last Tuesday (18). The information was released by the Beneficência Portuguesa hospital in São Paulo, where the philosopher was hospitalized.

    He suffered a massive stroke in June 2023, as reported by Mario Sergio Conti in the newspaper "Folha de S. Paulo". Chomsky is married to a Brazilian woman and, in recent years, adopted Brazil as his second home.

  • "They've gone full mask off: do not ever trust OpenAI or its products," Snowden — emphasis his — wrote in a Friday post to X-formerly-Twitter, adding that "there's only one reason for appointing" an NSA director "to your board."

    "This is a willful, calculated betrayal of the rights of every person on earth," he continued. "You've been warned."

  • Does anyone know what Kadyrov and his lads have been up to lately? He was like a celebrity at the start of the SMO, now we barely seem to hear about him

  • US Government blocks the unsealing of evidence related to the 9/11 attacks.

    A recent letter reveals the US government opposed the release of evidence concerning the 9/11 attacks.


    Families of the victims have initiated a lawsuit to uncover evidence they believe implicates the Saudi government in the attacks.

    Fifteen out of nineteen hijackers involved in 9/11 were of Saudi origin, and the leader of al-Qaida, Osama bin Laden, also had connections to the Saudi royal family. Despite these connections, the Saudi government has consistently denied any involvement in the attack that resulted in nearly 3,000 fatalities.

    The Department of Justice and the FBI have written to the judge presiding over the lawsuit between 9/11 victims and Saudi Arabia, urging him not to disclose the materials sought by the families for public release.

    The letter, obtained from court records, argues that previously undisclosed evidence should not be made public until the agency has had a chance to review it.

    "The FBI believes it is not appropriate to request a blanket Privacy Act order to unseal a large collection of documents before the FBI has had the opportunity to review them.

    The materials cited in the plaintiffs' filings, including their 564-page averment, and the documents marked at depositions are extensive, and they involve a wide range of privacy interests and information of varying levels of potential relevance to the issues in the pending motions," the letter states.

    "Furthermore, while the majority of the redactions identified through the FBI's review to date have been subject to the Privacy Act, the FBI has a broader law enforcement interest in preventing the wholesale public disclosure of the personally identifying information of U.S. persons who were witnesses or of investigative interest in FBI investigations."

  • Moderate fascist Bernie Sanders flattened-bernie : “Israel has the right to defend itself

    This was an event by Bernie and AOC to get people to vote for Biden, but the counter protests were more calling for an end to the war and unendorsing Biden for his role in the genocide

  • It still amazes me that the general public/mainstream media just forgot about Nord Stream like nothing happened or it never even existed.

    This is like undeniable proof of the invented reality of the western public consciousness.

    No real investigation by journalists (apart from Hersh), western state agencies said they'll drop the case, walk away, nothing happened.

    I bet that at least half of liberals never even heard the official cover story and they still think it was Putler.


  • Lula da Silva will visit AMLO in Mexico

    The trip to Mexico promised by President Lula da Silva right after the Claudia Sheinbaum election, to "thank" comrade Andrés Manuel López Obrador, should take place in September.

    The president wants to combine his visit to Mexico City with a trip to the UN General Assembly in New York. AMLO's successor will take office on October 1st.

  • After nearly 9 months away, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower will return to Norfolk | June 22, 2024 at 3:18 p.m.

    DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — U.S. officials ordered the Norfolk-based USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, the aircraft carrier leading America’s response to the Houthi attacks, to return home after a twice-extended tour that’s lasted nearly nine months.

    The U.S. Naval Institute’s news service reported, citing an anonymous official, that the Eisenhower would be returning to Norfolk after combat the Navy says is its most intense since World War II.

    Two U.S. officials, later speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss ship movements, confirmed the Eisenhower had been ordered home and already had reached the Mediterranean Sea. It wasn’t immediately clear when the ship would return.

    The report said an aircraft carrier operating in the Pacific would be taking the Eisenhower’s place.

    The closest American aircraft carrier known to be operating in Asia is the USS Theodore Roosevelt. The Roosevelt anchored Saturday in Busan, South Korea, amid Seoul’s ongoing tensions with North Korea.

    [continues, unconvincingly denies the Ansarallah attacks did any damage]

  • #Lasting Death to Israel #841 2/6

    posting the "monday" Tradle in the "sunday" thread is becoming a weekly tradition for me


    Venezuela -> Ecuador

  • Huh, the US banned Kaspersky as Spyware yesterday.

  • Audience Question: "Houthis" or Ansar Allah?

    Ansar Allah movement is a Yemeni movement which was founded by martyr Sayyid Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi and was known as “the Believing Youth” before.

    The movement was known as Houthis as well between Yemenis and media at the early years of the activities. Houthis comes from the family of Sayyid Hussein Badreddin, the founder of the movement, which is the name of a district in Amran province, north of Yemen.

    What is wrong with using Houthis for Ansar Allah movement?

    Like other countries of West Asia, Yemen also had many [ethnicities] and tribes, which was influential on the government of the area.

    This is used by western media mastermind to label a vast popular movement in Yemen by name of a tribe and to label the current war as a tribal war. Dividing Islamic countries is usually done using two methods: 1. Religion and 2. Race [or ethnicity]. In Yemen ethnicity is being used by Saudis.

    This doesn’t mean that the religious differences are not used for discord and dividing in Yemen but the racial and tribal differences are the main trick for warmongering.

    Therefore using Houthis for the popular vast movement of Yemeni Ansar Allah helps the MSM to overlook the tens of parties, political movements and tribes and millions of people who joined Ansar Allah.

  • Parts of the American port have reached the beaches of Tel Aviv

  • seems like the saudis are getting pressured via "you did 9/11" angle, truly fascinating

  • JUST IN: The Yemeni Armed Forces announce targeting:

    🔻The American USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier in the northern Red Sea

    🔻The “Transworld Navigator” ship belonging to a company that violated the entry ban to israeli ports in the Arabian.



    The schoolchildren being lured by rebels on TikTok

    Fighters belonging to breakaway groups associated with Colombia's largest rebel movement are posting videos on TikTok to entice young people to join them.

    The BBC has investigated the growth of guerrilla "recruitment" videos, with dissident factions yet to agree to a peace deal with the Colombian government.

    “One or two start the trend and it becomes fashionable in the classroom,” says Lorena (not her real name), a 30-year-old teacher in Cauca, a rural region in south-western Colombia.

    She says as she enters her class, she is often met by students filming themselves on their smartphones, drawing symbols inspired by the now-demobilised Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia guerrilla group (Farc) on the blackboard, or dancing to revolutionary tunes.

  • Ben Rhodes, the Obama guy, on grappling with reality

    Second, the old rules-based international order doesn’t really exist anymore. As the old order unravels, these overlapping blocs (BRICS, CSTO) are competing over what will replace it.

    If Biden does win a second term, he should use it to build on those of his policies that have accounted for shifting global realities, while pivoting away from the political considerations, maximalism, and Western-centric view that have caused his administration to make some of the same mistakes as its predecessors.

    If Washington allows foreign policy to be driven by zero-sum maximalist demands, it risks a choice between open-ended conflict and embarrassment.

    On the one hand, encouraging to see an establishment liberal pumping the brakes on unipolarity, on the other hand, disappointing because both the Biden and Trump regimes have been full of maximalist neoconservatives as far as foreign policy.

    Definitely liberal brainworms on display still, like this passage:

    American rhetoric about the rules-based international order has been seen around the world on a split screen of hypocrisy, as Washington has supplied the Israeli government with weapons used to bombard Palestinian civilians with impunity. The war has created a policy challenge for an administration that criticizes Russia for the same indiscriminate tactics that Israel has used in Gaza.


    In Ukraine, the United States and Europe should focus on protecting and investing in the territory controlled by the Ukrainian government—drawing Ukraine into European institutions, sustaining its economy, and fortifying it for lengthy negotiations with Moscow so that time works in Kyiv’s favor.

    Rofl what does this mean? How is this different from what's happening now? Time will never work in kyiv's favour - that's the problem with attrition war. Every 6 months ukraine is in a worse position than it was previously.

    In the Middle East, Washington should join with Arab and European partners to work directly with Palestinians on the development of new leadership and toward the recognition of a Palestinian state, while supporting Israel’s security. Regional de-escalation with Iran should, as it did during the Obama administration, begin with negotiated restrictions on its nuclear program.

    So we're still talking about getting rid of hamas. And it is too bad that Biden didn't pursue restart of the jcpoa, but he chose to continue trump's policy over Obama because he didn't want to give the Israelis a tummy ache. He's a staunch Zionist. Note, no prescription for relations with Hezbollah or ansarallah there, just an assumption that resolving things with Iran will improve relations elsewhere. In other words, misunderstanding of the relationships of the axis of resistance.

    In Taiwan, the United States should try to preserve the status quo by investing in Taiwanese military capabilities while avoiding saber rattling, by structuring engagement with Beijing to avoid miscalculation, and by mobilizing international support for a negotiated, peaceful resolution to Taiwan’s status.

    America's strategy in Taiwan should be to have its cake while eating it too

    Overall, not a terrible framing of the article, but truly written by a speechwriter lapdog. It follows the familiar Obama-technocrat style of describing a problem somewhat correctly while offering no material change in approach, without recognizing the true cost of failure. Still, maybe worth a share to the libs in our lives because of Ben's pedigree.

  • US offers assurances to Israel this week in the event of full-blown war with Hezbollah

    Senior US officials reassured a delegation of top Israeli officials visiting Washington this week that if a full-out war were to break out on Israel’s northern border between Israel and Hezbollah, the Biden administration is fully prepared to back its ally, according to a senior administration official.

    US officials made clear this week that the Biden administration would offer Israel the security assistance it needs, the senior administration official said, though the US would not deploy American troops to the ground in such a scenario.

  • Checking the megathread every morning to see if Israel has been destroyed yet sicko-wistful

  • Al Aqsa TV channel has uploaded an edit... using the old national anthem of Libya:

    You can find translations online of the song, as for the Ahmed Yassin he says "As long as we know that we are right, and that we are for Islam, and that our Jihad is for the message, belief, honesty, nation and people. We can not submit"
    the injured man says "Remember our faces, by Allah we won't forgive and we won't reconcile"

  • Orano, a French uranium mining firm and nuclear fuel producer, has been ordered by Nigerien authorities to pack their bags and hit the road:

  • The Al-Jazeera documentary (on YouTube, presumably on the AJ website too) The Night Won’t End: Biden’s War on Gaza is very good and is a good video to show libs who might be sympathetic but have largely tuned out to what’s happening. CW for the fact that you see the Gazans’ suffering up close.

  • The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of South Korea summoned the Russian Ambassador in Seoul Georgy Zinoviev and expressed his protest to him in connection with the conclusion of the agreement on a comprehensive strategic partnership between Russia and the DPRK - Yonhap Agency

    Seoul is concerned about the rapprochement between Moscow and Pyongyang and believes that the signed agreement forms a military alliance.

    Therefore, South Korea is going to reconsider its attitude towards the supply of lethal weapons to Kiev. Previously, the South Koreans did not supply anything to Ukraine.

  • A taste of things to come as climate change gets more insane

    PODGORICA, June 21 (Reuters) - A major power outage hit Montenegro, Bosnia, Albania and most of Croatia's coast on Friday, disrupting businesses, shutting down traffic lights and leaving people sweltering without air conditioning in the middle of a heatwave.
    Montenegro's energy minister said the shutdown was caused by a sudden increase in power consumption brought on by high temperatures, and by the heat itself overloading systems. Power distribution is linked across the Balkans for transfers and trading.
    "This was just waiting to happen in this heat," Gentiana, a 24-year-old student in Montenegro's capital Podgorica, told Reuters. Temperatures hit 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) across the southeastern European region.
    Electricity and wifi networks went down from around 1 p.m. (1100 GMT), officials and social media users said. Suppliers in the four countries said they started restoring supply by mid-afternoon and power was largely back by the evening.
    At the start of the blackout, traffic light failures caused gridlock in Bosnia's capital Sarajevo and the cities of Banja Luka and Mostar, Reuters reporters said.
    Many lost water in Podgorica as pumps stopped working, locals reported. Air conditioners shut down and ice cream melted in tourist shops. Cars also ground to a halt in the Croatian coastal city of Split, state TV HRT reported. Ambulance sirens rang out across the city, it added.
    "The failure occurred as a result of a heavy load on the network, a sudden increase in power consumption due to high temperature and the high temperatures themselves," Montenegro's energy minister, Sasa Mujovic, said in a TV broadcast.

  • #It's Sunday Morning, Beautiful Weather and Death to Israel #840 5/6


    hopping around central Europe

  • Drone boats are crazy, black ops 2 was so right, the millenium challenge could have never predicted this

    Cw: birds on the Tutor being blown to shit

    Damn this appears to be a test? I’ve lied to you all and spread misinformation, see emizeko for the real shit

    The real shit

  • Are the Israeli dogs still barking? “Israeli” “civilians” hatred of Netanyahu not doing enough genocide gonna turn into The Offensive to satiate their bloodlust or no?

  • #I'm Running out of Novel Ways to Say Death to Israel #839 3/6


    and behind door number three, $641000 worth of human hair from Afghanistan

  • !! Breaking News !! Redditors have analyzed the body language of President Putin and General Secretary Kim and have determined that Mr. Kim is the man in the relationship.


    "So, Kim, here's the story... We are going hunting with Shoigu, and uncle Lukashenko is sitting in the back. I was driving then, like I am now.

    I look at the road... and see Biden running-crossing it. I veer to the left, and he goes the left. I go right, and he's to the right! We just barely missed each other! Suddenly I hear a pop from behind. And uncle Luka says to me: Vladimir Vladimirovich, if I hadn't opened the door, Biden would have gotten away!"

  • Looks like I'm going to be pulling another multi day crisis posting session soon when this Lebanon offensive happens.

  • Seen a video of a released palestinian hostage that was kept by "Israel" for some time. He's showing clear signs of torture, both physical and psychological. His eyes are wide open, he's constantly moving and he's having trouble speaking and recalling his own identity. Much love and care to these men and women.

    That just makes me think about the immense psychological damage "Israel" is inflicting upon the palestinians in general and gazans in particular. Even if the bombings and shootings end tomorrow, the damage is impossible to calculate. Lots of people are fully broken inside, they've seen hell with their own eyes. You can't easily go back from that, if at all.

    Death to the Genocidal Entity that is "Israel". They will answer for their crimes.

  • The guy that Biden sent to "mediate" in Lebanon, Amos Hochstein, was born in Israel and literally served in the IDF lmao.

    Not getting good feelings about at all about this Lebanon war talk, it has never felt this close honestly. Spoke with family in Beirut today and it just feels inevitable at this point. At same time there's like a disgusting voice inside of me that almost wants a war, my brain knows how horrible it will be for my country and its people, but the pure anger and hatred makes me blind and I just need to see Israel suffering. I believe in Hezbollah and Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, literally everything that has happened in the last 18 years has been building towards this decisive moment. I hate how conflicted this all makes me feel, Nasrallah's speech today was the closest I've felt to the point of no return since the blessed October 7th

  • Holy shit Hitler youth is back in Germany

    This is Germany: #HitlerYouth Reloaded

    Last Saturday, the neo-Nazis #JungenNationalisten held a #Solstice celebration in a small Village in Northern Saxony. Even small children were allowed to march along with torches, an #NS rune was set on fire.

  • Wake up babe new Israeli polling. Highlights:

    Only 40% of Israelis are confident of their victory in Gaza
    2/3 of Israeli jews want an invasion of Lebanon, with 1/3 after Gaza is wrapped up and 1/3 immediately
    Netanyahu remains hated

  • The Guardian continues to be on their state department propaganda bullshit: ‘It is all lining up’: Plan for Ukraine to finally start using F-16 jets this summer

    Fucking finally! I can't believe we had to wait this long to dramatically escalate a bullshit war that should have ended two years ago.

    US ‘incredibly concerned’ over Putin’s threat to supply weapons to North Korea after Asia tour

    How could Putin do this when the west has been so reserved and cautious? powercry-1

  • Two most important results of Putin's visit to Pyongyang.

    • Russia stated that it no longer intends to comply with the sanctions imposed by the West, both through the UN Security Council and without it, which severely limit the interaction between the two countries. What was long overdue. After this step, horizons open up, limitless and mutually beneficial - from legal labor migration to the development of trade and industry in both countries.
    • Putin announced that North Korea could become one of the first countries to receive modern weapons systems in response to Western supplies to Ukraine. Which will change the balance of power not only in the region, but also in the world. If earlier Pyongyang’s statements about its intention to reach Washington with a missile were purely theoretical, now it is naked practice and only a matter of political will. There is no need to say how they feel now in Seoul and Tokyo.

    And what Russia will receive in return - from shells and MLRS to the North Korean corps on the outskirts of Kharkov - will become clear in the near future.

    Putin also took Kim on a ride around Pyongyang in the Aurus, and visited the Orthodox Church of Holy Life-Giving Trinity in Pyongyang before leaving.

    Next stop - Vietnam.

  • France has been handing out fines for people shopping with watermelon pins on lately. Tweet france-cool

  • yawn

    It really feels like they’ve been saying this bullshit every week for like 6 months now

  • Two minutes of Palestine Action smashing shit:

    After seven actionists broke in on Monday morning and caused over £1million worth of damage, the site remains SHUT DOWN.

  • I won my wiki edit war to get Kiui's gender changed from "Female" to something else, page got locked after reverting to my changes. This is very important and newsworthy and not at all extremely petty.


  • A story in four headlines

    (credit to John Pang)

  • Is Cyprus about to be dragged into a war between Israel and Hezbollah?

    On June 19, Hassan Nasrallah, the powerful leader of the Lebanese group Hezbollah, warned Cyprus that if it helped Israel attack Lebanon, it would become a target.

    Israel’s army says it has approved an offensive on Lebanon targeting Hezbollah, and its foreign minister has said an announcement on whether Israel will go to war is imminent.

    This came after Hezbollah released footage it said was taken by one of its drones over the Israeli city of Haifa, showcasing its ability to infiltrate deep into Israeli territory, and sending an implicit threat.

    So, if Israel declares war on Lebanon, what does this mean for Cyprus? Here’s all you need to know:

    Cyprus has traditionally allowed Israel to use its airspace for air drills, but never during active conflict – and it doesn’t look like Cyprus will start now. After Nasrallah’s threat, Cyprus announced that it would remain neutral and not get involved in any war.

    However, the United Kingdom has bases in Cyprus, which it uses to conduct military operations in the region. The UK allegedly used those bases to launch attacks against the Houthis in Yemen. The bases have also reportedly been used to arm Israel in its war against Gaza and south Lebanon.

    “Cyprus’s declaration of neutrality can be viewed as a strategic win for Hezbollah,” said Imad Salamey, a political scientist at the Lebanese American University.“This response … suggests an indirect message from the EU that there is no appetite for backing an Israeli military campaign.

  • US federal interest payments have now exceeded its defense spending

    Neoclassical model debunked in a single chart.

    Raising interest rates because the government has “printed too much money” led to more money being printed as a result of interest payout, simply by virtue of the gigantic volume of the US treasuries, something that I have been saying for more than a year now.

    Joe Biden has succeeded in creating more wealth for the rich than any of his predecessors has ever managed, and this is why he, not Trump, will have the full backing of the bourgeois class.

  • The new agreement between Russia and DPRK includes building a road bridge over the DPRK-Russia border.

    The agreements were signed between the governments of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation on building a motorcar bridge over the River Tuman on the DPRK-Russia border and on cooperation in the fields of public health, medical education and science.

  • UN food chief: Poorest areas have zero harvests left

    Droughts and flooding have become so common in some of the poorest places on Earth that the land can no longer sustain crops, the director of the World Food Programme’s global office has said.

    Martin Frick told the BBC that some of the most deprived areas had now reached a tipping point of having “zero” harvests left, as extreme weather was pushing already degraded land beyond use.

    He said that as a result, parts of Africa, the Middle East and Latin America were now dependent on humanitarian aid.

    Mr Frick warned that without efforts to reverse land degradation globally, richer countries would also begin to suffer crop failures.

    The Global Environment Facility estimates that 95% of the world’s land could become degraded by 2050. The UN says that 40% is already degraded.

    When soil degrades, the organic matter that binds it together dies off. This means that it is less able to support plant life – reducing crop yields – and absorb carbon from the atmosphere.

    Soil is the second largest carbon sink after the oceans, and is recognised by the UN as a key tool for mitigating climate change.

    “There's too much carbon in the air and too little carbon in the soils,” Mr Frick said. “With every inch of soil that you're growing, you're removing enormous amounts of carbon out of the atmosphere.

    “So healthy soils – carbon-rich soils – are a prerequisite to fixing climate change.”

    Land degradation can be caused by modern farming techniques removing organic content from soil, but also prolonged droughts interspersed with sudden, extreme rainfall.

    Scientists say many extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and intense as a result of climate change.

    While it is hard to link climate change to specific droughts, scientists have said global warming has made certain ones, like the recent one in East Africa, more likely.

    Mr Frick said that in Burundi, in East Africa, months of heavy rain and flooding had damaged 10% of its farmland, making it unusable for the upcoming harvest season.

    He pointed to a UN report, released in March, which found that cereal crops in the Darfur region of Sudan were 78% below the average for the previous five years amid civil war and drought.

  • Lmaooo

    🟢 Hamas Political Bureau member Izzat Al-Rishq: — Netanyahu's request from America for "tools to finish the mission quickly" is an explicit admission of his failure to achieve anything so far.

    After tens of thousands of tons of explosives, ammunition, and American spy planes, Biden has only one tool left to offer Netanyahu, known for his stinginess and corruption: the price of a plane ticket back to Poland.

  • "The government of Ho Chi Minh City has, is, and will always support and create fertile opportunities for foreign investors, including Israel's, to invest and conduct safe, effective long-term business in the city."

    Full Article

    ( - On the evening of June 18, Vice Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Nguyen Van Dung attended and delivered a congratulatory speech at the ceremony celebrating the 76th anniversary of the Independence of the State of Israel.

    According to comrade Nguyen Van Dung, over the past 30 years, since the two countries officially established diplomatic relations on July 12, 1993, the relationship between Vietnam and Israel has had positive developments in the world. many fields for peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world. In 2023, bilateral trade turnover between Vietnam and Israel will reach 2.68 billion USD, an increase of 20% compared to 2022. Every year, Israel receives about 300 Vietnamese trainees to study and work on farms. Israel for a period of 1 year. After returning home, many trainees have made positive contributions to agricultural development in localities of Vietnam. In July 2023, the two countries signed a Free Trade Agreement, opening up many new opportunities for cooperation in the fields of economics, trade, investment, people-to-people exchange... between the two sides. next time.

    Joining the general flow of good relations between Vietnam and Israel, Ho Chi Minh City always strives and is proud to contribute to the positive development of bilateral relations. Currently, Israel ranks 42nd out of 125 countries and territories investing in the City, with 27 projects and a total investment capital of nearly 14.5 million USD. Last August, the City also coordinated with the Israeli Embassy to organize the Vietnam-Israel Business Forum to create an exchange channel and support the business communities of both sides to strengthen connections and expand cooperation. collaborate and build trusted partnerships.

    In efforts to promote cooperative relations between Ho Chi Minh City - Israel in particular and Vietnam - Israel in general, we appreciate and appreciate the companionship of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Israeli Embassy in Vietnam. Through the Israel International Development Cooperation Agency (Mashav), many delegations of City officials have participated in training programs on economic policy planning, innovation, agriculture, and education in Israel. and many competitions and programs to support young individuals starting a business have been implemented in the City. Experimental projects on high-tech dairy farming, application of climate management systems and smart irrigation... that the City and Israeli partners are continuing to implement with the support and connections of the Ambassador The Israeli Embassy is always a testament to the effectiveness of bilateral cooperation in promoting growth and lasting connection between the two sides.

    Vice Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Nguyen Van Dung said that, in the context that Ho Chi Minh City is allowed by the Vietnamese National Assembly to pilot specific mechanisms and policies to accelerate development, we call on Israeli businesses and investors to consider This is like a "golden opportunity" to promote investment and seek new mutually beneficial cooperation models and projects with the City.

    Comrade Nguyen Van Dung affirmed the consistent stance of the Ho Chi Minh City Government that has been and will always support, accompany and create the most favorable conditions for foreign investors, including Israeli businesses, to invest, produce and do business effectively, safely and long-term in the City. At the same time, the City government will always create favorable conditions and support the Israeli Embassy in promoting bilateral cooperation programs and projects, contributing to strengthening the friendly relationship and multifaceted cooperation between the two countries. water.

    Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Israel to Vietnam Yaron Mayer affirmed that Israel and Vietnam have had friendly and close diplomatic relations for more than three decades, with Vietnam becoming a top destination for tourists. Israel both for tourism and business. The two countries' relationship is mainly based on economic and technological cooperation. The signing of the Free Trade Agreement between the two countries is an important milestone built on trust and a common desire for a shared future.

    According to the Israeli Ambassador, the two countries' trade turnover surpassed 2.7 billion USD last year. Israeli shipping company Zim, one of the world's leading shipping companies, has moved its Southeast Asia Hub to Vietnam, opening up a direct trade route between the two countries. Cooperation in education, science and research with young scientists and scholars plays a key role in the cooperation between Israel and Ho Chi Minh City.


  • Within a month of taking office, President Putin visited China, Belarus, Uzbekistan, North Korea and Vietnam. Perhaps this is some kind of world record for the activity of the country's leader after the inauguration

    Putin doing a socialist world tour. Ironic it’s a capitalist doing this

    I will remind everyone that the last time Putin won the presidential election in 2018, the first country he visited was Austria to secure further economic cooperation with the EU.

  • Canada has designated Iran's IRGC a terrorist organization. Would like to see how Iran is gonna wriggle their way out of this jam

  • Say what you will about Milei, but you have to admit it’s pretty impressive how in a few months he has turned Argentina into the first ever 5th world country

  • Putin and the Pioneers, Hanoi, today.

    Hey uh, how about we all try to evoke the good memories of USSR locked away in some distant part of Putin’s brain?

    While we’re at it, how about we re-enact the memories of Cuban Missile Crisis by sending Russian warships to perform naval exercise in Cuba?

  • One of the Anti-communist founders of DSA writes article spitting on the legacy of American communists and says DSA is becoming just as bad as the old CPUSA because they won't condemn hamas, confirming my bias that todays DSA - somehow - collectively is a more communist party in substance than todays CPUSA.

    What the Failure of American Communism Should Teach the Left

    Ideological fervor is no substitute for popular support.

    By Maurice Isserman

  • Putin - at a gala reception on behalf of the President of Vietnam:

    The great statesman of Vietnam Ho Chi Minh said: “In any matter, think first not about yourself, but about your compatriots, about all the people. Be in the forefront when it comes to hardship, and take the back seat when it comes to reward.” We will try to follow these traditions. In our interactions with Vietnamese friends, we will certainly follow these wise tips. All our joint efforts are aimed at improving the well-being of citizens of the two countries. We will continue to act in the interests of our peoples, in the name of peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • Israel is making claims that Hamas smuggled prisoners of war into Sinai, guess this is the excuse they'll be using to invade Egypt

  • Israeli media: The Cypriot president wrote a letter to the Lebanese president to explain matters, then he discovered that Lebanon was without a president

  • ⚡️Sayyed Nasrallah speech SUMMARY:

    The party that should be in fear now is the enemy [not us].

    Hezbollah will continue its operations in support of Gaza and at the same time is ready for all scenarios

    We have a very, very, very large amount of information, and [the drone footage] published yesterday is a small part of many hours that were filmed in Haifa.

    We have info that Israelis are conducting drills in Cyprus & its airports, which the enemy plans to use in case its airports/facilities were struck

    We warn Cyprus against opening its facilities to “Israel”- If it does, we will treat it as part of the war

    All the weapons that were supposed to reach Lebanon have already arrived

    The weapons will be revealed when needed, and we have new weapons to introduce

    We produce some of the rockets we need

    We have a large amount of drones because we produce them

    Hezbollah has a FULL and real target bank inside the Israeli occupation entity, and has the capability to reach its targets

    The enemy must await us from land, air and sea, and we will fight with no constraints nor a ceiling

    The [Israeli] enemy knows that what awaits it in the Mediterranean Sea is very massive

    He could be also including the US in this threat

  • India, Mexico and Brazil chose not to endorse Zelenskyy's unilateral Ukraine peace summit communique. Argentina's ultra-neoliberal President Javier Milei gave it his full support - anything for his US masters.

    Volodymyr Zelenskyy has blown a white supremacist dog whistle, calling Brazil "uncivilized" because it didn't sign his "Ukraine Peace Summit Communique". Like China, India and Mexico, Brazil doesn't believe peace negotiations can take place without dialogue between both parties.

  • Can Europe ever hope to become civilized?

    Is attempting to uplift and civilize Europeans a lost cause?

    Do we have a moral duty to save Europeans from their own savagery?

  • While most were busy arguing to shorten the work week to 4 days, conservatives in Greece have legally extended the work week to 6 days along with a bunch of other anti-worker legislation.

  • This is different from my usual posts. It is an open letter from one of the only Marxist formulations in my country. I think it succinctly addresses a lot of the local arguments that are of interesting rhetorical value and in which I assume a lot of the people here are not often exposed to, especially when Western media often likes to picture Malaysia as Pro-Hamas and Pro-Palestine.

    Note: It is common to refer to people by their first names in formal settings because a majority of the ethnic groups here have no concept of a family name. This is true for Indonesia and Brunei as well.

    Palestine is more important

    I take note of Tengku Zafrul’s defence of BlackRock, which has strong links to Israel, arguing that it has major shares in Apple, WhatsApp and Facebook. I take note of Defence Minister Khaled Nordin defending the inclusion of Lockheed Martin and BAE Systems, both complicit in Israel’s military dominance, in the recent Defence Service Asia (DSA) 2024 expo held in Kuala Lumpur with the argument that Malaysia is a free trading nation. I take note of Anwar’s urge of caution against not participating in the Rim of the Pacific Exercise (Rimpac), a US-led maritime military exercise which includes the participation of the Israeli army.

    But one thing remains. Palestine is more important.

    Zafrul should understand that the deep roots of BlackRock in all major cultural mechanisms of the world is a cause for concern, not submission. Khaled should understand that giving space for those actively involved in the cleansing of innocent souls to put up a booth in our nation’s capitol is indirect endorsement of their practices. Anwar, so vocal with his support for Palestine when a microphone is in his hand, should understand participating in any US-led military exercise, especially with the direct involvement of Israel, makes his supposed support ring hollow. None of these have to do with global participation or the United Nations, whose highest court ordered Israel to halt its offensive in Rafah.

    We understand that this capitalist government alongside every other capitalist government we have had bends the knee willingly to the US and it’s allies no matter how many lives are lost. We understand the need for free trade and the intricacies of navigating an unfree world with the conglomerate of NATO nations bullying others willingly. We understand that taking any material step to disrupt the lives of the US, Israel and their military industrial complex is an immense risk for our nation.

    Having said all of that, Palestine is more important.

    We know this government wants to make political gains against Perikatan Nasional, so every Palestine protest by them is labelled a political ploy. We know Perikatan are also only using this issue for clout, using the issue to further divide Malaysians on the basis of race and religion. We know the mudslinging on both parts is to distract from the real issues people like BDS Malaysia and Gegar are pushing.

    We acknowledge all of that. But Palestine is more important.

    Have some perspective. There is a genocide happening. There are pictures of children being dismembered. There are videos of bombs raining down on innocent Palestinians. Bombs made by whom, funded by whom? And at this time when the world is divesting, when people around the globe are protesting and day-by-day, though the bombs keep raining down, the will of the Palestinian people remains unbroken. When victory approaches as each material step is taken by those who claim to be allies of Palestine. When necessary military action is taken by all who can over the land Israel occupies. Is it at this time we want to play the card of free trade, global citizenship and national security?

    It is time to take some risks. Begin withdrawing from all of the above actions. Send back the US ambassador until the conflict is over. Take some risks because, to us, Palestine is more important. To you?

  • In Danish media, so-called security experts are currently inventing a guy and getting scared of him.

    In statements to media the experts speculate that Russia could use it's "shadow fleet" of oil tankers as "a weapon against the maritime environment" and deliberately cause an oil spill in Danish waters as part of hybrid warfare.

    It goes without saying that no evidence is presented but as one expert is quoted for saying: "in a time with increasing Russian hybrid warfare, only imagination sets the limit".

    Las time an environmental disaster was deliberately caused in Danish waters was when Nordstream 2 was blown up, most likely by the yanks.

  • The seriousness with which one regards the mounting US national debt is inversely proportional with how seriously I take their opinions.

  • Turkish goods shipped to Israel via Greece despite official ban

    Statistics indicate Turkish companies use Greek ports to re-export goods to Israel following Ankara’s decision to halt trade


    TIM data indicate that Turkey’s exports to Greece surged to $375m in May, up 71 percent from $219m in the same month last year.

    A second Turkish businessman explained that Turkish exports, although passing through Greece, are still recorded as imports from Turkey in Israeli statistics because they remain Turkish products.

    I am Jack's complete lack of surprise. But there seem to still be impacts on Israel because they are looking for alternative suppliers in Egypt, Spain, and Italy:

    “This parallel trade might continue for a few more months, but Israeli companies are quickly aligning themselves with alternative suppliers in other countries like Egypt, Spain, and Italy,” the second businessman said.

    Not to mention the exports surge to Greece doesn't come close to matching the total figure of exports to Israel: ~$4.788 billion:

    The trade volume between the two countries was $6.3bn in 2023, with 76 percent being Turkish exports, according to the Turkish Statistical Institute. Turkey had been a key supplier of affordable products to Israel.

    And there are of course porkies whining about muh free trade and all that

    “Instead, we punished all the businesses trading with Israel without even a grace period. Some goods are stuck at customs, resulting in hundreds of thousands in losses for the companies.”

    So am I crazy to think that the Turkish embargo is working as expected despite this seemingly bad news? I would go as far to say it's good news that there are attempts to circumvent the embargo because if there wasn't then it would be a sign that it isn't a very effective embargo. It could obviously be more effective if these companies were punished by Erdogan, or if other countries joined the embargo, but leaking $155 million out of $4.788 billion ain't so bad.

  • Putin's visit to North Korea deepens concerns about growing military cooperation between the two states - The Washington Post

    The trip is scheduled for July 18-19, and this will be the first visit in 24 years. The publication writes that the Russian Federation is interested in a large supply of artillery shells and missiles in the DPRK, which will be compatible with Soviet and Russian weapons systems.

    The article also suggests that the question of the labor force that Pyongyang will be able to provide will be raised. It is noted that in return Moscow can offer technological assistance to the DPRK, in particular, to accelerate the build-up of nuclear weapons production capacity.

  • POV of Palestine Action breaking into a factory and smashing shit:

  • Full text.

    Top Israeli generals approve Lebanon offensive battle plans, army says | The Times of Israel

    The head of the IDF’s Northern Command Maj. Gen. Ori Gordin and head of the Operations Directorate Maj. Gen. Oded Basiuk approved Lebanon battle plans today, the military says.

    In a statement, the IDF says the generals held an assessment, during which “operational plans for an offensive in Lebanon were approved.”

    The top commanders also made decisions regarding “accelerating the readiness of the forces on the ground,” the military adds.

    The announcement comes amid repeated attacks by Hezbollah and allied Palestinian terror groups in Lebanon on northern Israel, with fears of a wider conflict.

    Israel has warned it can no longer tolerate Hezbollah’s presence along its border following the October 7 atrocities, and has warned that should a diplomatic solution not be reached, it will turn to military action to push Hezbollah northward.

  • Putin visit to the DPRK, perspective from Russian communist:

    Politician, historian, ex-State Duma deputy Daria Mitina, speaking specifically for BRIEF about the prospects for cooperation between Russia and the DPRK:

    We must not forget that Kim Jong-un was the only leader who, firstly, openly supported the Special Military Operation, saying that the Russians and Koreans are in the same trench. Even our closest allies, such as Belarus and Iran, are formally neutral in this regard. The DPRK does not maintain neutrality, but quite supports us. Despite the fact that it is doing this purely in advance, because Russia has not actually remembered the DPRK for 25 years.

    In general, the strategic partnership agreement that Putin signed is, after all, a military-political alliance of two nuclear powers. And the most important thing is that this agreement can be very long-term, because, apparently, the world situation will not change for a very long time. The main thing is that our goals and our principles, which now situationally find themselves quite on the same wavelength as the Korean ones, do not once again turn into a subject for bargaining, as they turned into the 90s.

    Our cooperation now is very limited, sectoral, and this is completely wrong, taking into account the fact that we have a common border with this country. We have virtually zero trade turnover, although there is huge potential for both exports and imports from North Korea, which has a completely diversified, diversified economy.

    We still don't have direct flights. If you want to fly from Moscow to Pyongyang, then you must fly through either Vladivostok or Beijing. There must be direct air service, there must be sea air service. We have a common sea border.

    Energy is a very painful problem for the DPRK. Unfortunately, due to sanctions and a very cruel blockade, the DPRK is in a very cruel energy saving mode. And here we can greatly help with the construction and modernization of new thermal power plants and hydroelectric power plants. I know that such negotiations have been and are ongoing with Rosatom, which means that there may well be mutually beneficial cooperation. In exchange, for example, the DPRK may allow us to develop uranium deposits.

    Military cooperation. Here, most likely, there will be a powerful defense order that will be placed by Russia. For 152mm shells, the most popular type of shell in the current theater of operations in Ukraine. Shells for multiple launch rocket systems. In terms of MLRS shells, the DPRK is generally the world leader.

    Labor resources, because everyone knows the extremely disciplined, hardworking and non-drinking Korean workers at Russian, Far Eastern and Siberian construction sites. They can work on construction in any region of Russia: we have a huge need for such workers - in new territories, for example.

    In some completely shameful way, we joined the anti-Korean sanctions, from which we now cannot get out. The problem is that these sanctions are not inter-country, but sanctions of the UN Security Council. Here Russia supported them and now formally cannot leave them. That is, in order to get out of the sanctions regime, we need to re-initiate consideration of the issue at the UN Security Council, and only if the UN Security Council votes to lift them will our karma be cleared. But in this case, we understand due to political arrangements that this is impossible.

    Why did Russia join this? That is a huge mystery. I suspect that Chinese considerations were not at the top of the list of priorities for Russia in this case. Nevertheless, what is done is done. Now we need only state that we can not only circumvent these sanctions, but directly violate them. If we cannot change the situation de jure, then we can ignore these sanctions de facto, which, in fact, we have been doing for a long time.

  • New Slammer post



  • Outlets are retracting obituaries and stories about the death of Noam Chomsky. It appears that Dr. Chomsky either did not pass away, or that his wife is trained in the forbidden arts of Brazilian Necromancy, the same powers that have kept Jair Bolsonaro’s remains animated for the past decade.

  • Ukrainian summit in Switzerland redraws the world map (Moskovsky Komsomolets)

    It is important for Russia not to miss the moment of friendship

    But in general, if you look at the world map with the list of participants and non-participants of the “summit”, you can see a map of the world from the time of my youth, in which the USSR and the social bloc still existed. Those who did not come to the “peace conference” were mainly friends of the USSR and the countries of the social bloc - South and Latin America, Africa, China, and the Global South in general. And the explanation is very simple: this whole “peace conference” was quite obviously not “for Ukraine”, but against Russia. It is quite possible to agree with the writer Prilepin: “It is easy to notice that the political forces, one way or another, left to us as a legacy by the Soviet Union, the inertia of whose influence is still great and it would be unreasonable to underestimate it,” were largely absent from the summit.” I would add that this inertia received an additional impetus when Russia launched the Special Military Operation and for the first time dared to challenge the West.

    In Russia they began to see the image of the USSR - the country that led the anti-colonial movement. And it is absolutely obvious and natural that our current friends are countries with left-wing socialist regimes, countries dominated by communist ideology, countries fighting for independence and trying to break out of the shackles of neo-colonialism. (We should not miss this moment ourselves and finally decide on our own ideology.)

    lol. The former Komsomol turned pro-Putin liberal semi-mainstream press now suddenly remembers the socialist legacy of the USSR.

  • I know it's from like 20 years ago, but does anyone have the video montage of American politicians and news media calling for the destruction of the nord stream?

  • French far right pulls manifesto that included controversial Russia, NATO plans (Politico)

    The now-deleted documents proposed a closer “alliance” with Russia and exiting NATO.

    PARIS — With the countdown to the French snap election underway, is the National Rally wobbling on its Russia-friendly defense agenda?

    The far-right party has quietly removed part of its defense policy offering from its website, deleting sections that proposed deepening diplomatic ties with Russia, halting cooperation projects with Germany and exiting NATO’s integrated military command.

    The deleted proposals hailed from Marine Le Pen's presidential run in 2022, in which her party had laid out 17 thematic booklets outlining its proposals across all policy areas. While 16 booklets remain online, the one on defense was removed from the web page some time after June 11. It can still be found online at a page that is no longer linked to on the party's website.

    In the manifesto, the National Rally had advocated distance from Washington while trying to engage with Moscow. Noting that Washington "does not always behave as an ally to France," Le Pen's program in 2022 proposed to seek "an alliance with Russia on certain issues," such as European security or combating terrorism. The withdrawn document also said that France should "immediately" leave NATO’s integrated military command.

    The deleted document also proposed "to put an end" to cooperation projects with Germany in the military sector, given "a deep and irreconcilable doctrinal, operational and industrial divergence with Berlin." Those include plans for jointly developed next-generation battle tanks and next-generation fighter jets. In recent months, the National Rally has toned down some of its most controversial positions.

    In March, National Rally lawmakers abstained on a vote on military aid to Ukraine, while MPs from the left-wing France Unbowed voted against. The same month, the National Rally's rising star and president, Jordan Bardella, told POLITICO that France should wait for the end of the war in Ukraine before leaving the military alliance’s integrated command. Bardella is slated to become prime minister if the National Rally wins the parliamentary election.

    In its program for the 2024 European election, the party didn't reiterate those proposals. Instead, it said that "Russia [was] violating international law and provoking a revision of the international order."

    In recent days, the National Rally has also backpedaled on some of its most expensive economic proposals, as the prospect of having the far right in power is spooking markets.

    lol. How many times do we have to say that nobody in Europe, especially the far right, will ever pose a meaningful opposition to NATO and their American masters?

    Has nobody learned the lesson from Italy’s Meloni? Whenever they’re about to get into power, they’ll change their tune.

  • What i don't get, how did armenia not recognize palestine before, i thought all post-ussr republics did it by default

  • There’s a video of the recent Kim-Putin summit. The short clip was taken before Putin arrived. It just shows Kim standing around by himself, kicking his foot and checking his watch lol

  • Scenes from attempts to operate hospitals in northern Gaza after they were burned by the Nazi Zionist occupation, Al-Shifa Hospital and the Patient’s Friends Clinic.


  • russia has entered the southers outscirts of New York

  • hajj is going great what-the-hell


    Iraq, Jordan, and Rwanda have withdrawn their signatures from the Ukraine "peace" summit joint communique. zelensky-pain

    Sorry about the source. There's no good article about all three yet, but it seems to be real.

  • today is the national day of Iceland, it is celebrated on the birthday of the most prominent leader of the nationalist independence movement, Jón Sigurðsson, who married his niece, as was the style of the time. He may also have died from syphilis.

  • clare daly and mick wallace both got got kitty-birthday-sad

  • Heartwarming:

    "On the eve of his arrival, Vladimir Putin looked back on Russia and North Korea’s long history in an article published on the Rodong Sinmun newspaper.

    Putin wrote that Moscow was “the first among the world’s states” to recognise and establish diplomatic ties with Pyongyang.

    “Our country helped the Korean friends to build their national economy, create a healthcare system, develop science and education, and train professional administrative and technical staff,” he said.

    The Soviet Union also“extended a helping hand” to North Korea during the Korean War, the Russian President added in the piece.

    “I am convinced that our joint efforts will take our bilateral interaction to a higher level, which will facilitate mutually beneficial and equal cooperation between Russia and the DPRK." "

  • Discussion:

    Mossad files after the zionist entity falls, I think even if they went full force destroying the files and the documents that there will be enough interesting stuff to look at, they will probably go straight to burning it instead of cutting the paper, they've learned their lesson from Iran.

  • Watching the Ukraine v Romania match, and the Ukrainians are really having trouble with their counter-attacking strategy here. Their opponents have settled into a well-organised and manned defensive line which the Ukranians have failed to breach, instead only making themselves vulnerable to the enemy offensive. Romania have taken a 1-0 lead with a truly hypersonic strike and will hope to further press their advantage by rotating fresh players into the squad later in the game.

  • Slovakia 1-0 Ukraine after 20 mins. A breakthrough on the flank put Ukraine's defence in a pincer before the Slovak winger closed the pocket into Ukraine's goal. A familiar movement for us in the news mega, very reminiscent of the battle of Popasna

  • The Bundeswehr is buying 8.5 billion € worth of 155 mm shells from Rheinmetall. (n-tv | archive)

    Actually it's a "framework contract" for "up to" 8.5 billion, upped from 1.3 billion previously. They want to start shipping by the beginning of 2025, and want to produce 100,000 per year by the second year, and 200,000 eventually. Mainly this is to replenish stocks in Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark and Estonia, but Germany wants to send some of it to Ukraine.

    This is... not that much. I guess Ukraine can hope to get three weeks worth of extra ammunition in 2026 from that.

  • happy "Titanic Titan and the waterpressure" anniversery..

  • Under Communism, the Political Commissar comes into your common housing unit and takes all your jewelry which will be given to the State, then sold to Jabhat Fateh al-Sham and with that money buy new tanks to kill people when they protest. Under the Anarcho-Capitalist Wonderland, you have to sell your jewelry, which you might have a strong sentimental attachment to, in order to survive because The Market (TM) demands you to. Problem is, one is a complete lie and the other is very real. Can you guess which one is which?


    Argentines pawn the family jewels to make ends meet

    *Hundreds of Argentines are selling their jewellery at gold dealerships every day as a last resort to face the economic crisis. *

    In Argentina's strangled economy, one sector is thriving: the pawn shops buying up gold and other family treasures that many are forced to sell to pay their bills. "When you are drowning in debt, sentimentality falls to the side," said Mariana, 63, who went to a hub of gold dealerships in Buenos Aires to sell a watch her grandfather gave her father as a graduation present.

    Reminder that indebtedness is one of the key components of capitalism. Everyone has and should have a debt, this is how the economy functions.

    Inflation of around 270 percent year-on-year has gnawed away at her pension as a court employee, and she will use the cash for housing expenses and overdue health insurance payments. With an austerity-hit economy in recession, as President Javier Milei carries out his vow to slash decades of government overspending, Mariana – who asked not to give her last name – is far from alone.

    While a neighbouring shoe store hasn't had a single customer in hours, hundreds line up daily at El Tasador, one of the main cash-for-jewellery pawn stores in the heart of Buenos Aires, where "we buy gold" signs abound. "There have been a lot of people lately, I think because of what is happening in the country," said Natalia, one of the four appraisers at the store, who did not give her surname for what she called “security reasons.”

    She said the surge in clients came from "people who perhaps had pieces that they did not plan to sell and decided to do so because they cannot make ends meet."

    Natalia said the business had been swamped with over 300 daily transactions – triple the amount seen a year ago. "We have increased staffing and working hours because we cannot cope."

    Victorian jewels and cufflinks

    Daniel, a 56-year-old unemployed accountant, enters several stores to have a silver keychain appraised but leaves dejected. He was barely offered the price of a few Subte subway rides. "The situation is difficult. Life in Argentina is very expensive," he sighs.

    Carlos, who manages a small jewellery store, said he has a constant flow of customers but no-one is there to buy. "They bring in anything to be appraised, especially at the end of the month, when the bills arrive." The most usual thing is the sale of small gold pieces.

    Natalia, a gemologist, said her store, next to the busy Once railway terminal, is frequented by customers from all walks of life.

    While half of Argentina's population now lives in poverty, it was once one of the world's richest countries between the 19th and early 20th centuries, and many people have something valuable to pawn. "The classic thing is the wedding ring, but they also bring Victorian jewels, from the 'belle époque' that come from grandparents and great-grandparents, unique pieces," said Natalia.

    Even a few decades ago it was common for men to have gold cufflinks, or for women to be gifted a gold watch when they turned 15, she added. "Gold has always been sold. What has changed is why it is sold," said Natalia.

    But the use of these pieces has long ceased for security reasons. This, added to the economic constraints, reinforces the desire to sell. "Before it was to remodel a house, buy a car, throw a party. Today it is because, 'I can't make ends meet', 'my utilities have increased' or 'I'm out of work.'"

    Thorough destruction of the Capitalist regime! Death to those who stand in the way of working people!

  • Following a racially-motivated stabbing of a 12 year old girl at a shopping center in Oulu, Finland last week, a teenage boy stabbed a "foreign-looking" man at the same shopping center in a copy-cat attack. The injuries are not life-threatening, and the boy can be tried criminally since he is over the age of 15.

  • Statewide 911 emergency services outage in Massachusetts

  • Sudan has accused the U----- A--- E------- of arming a paramilitary force in the country’s 14-month civil war, prompting a clash at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). (AJ)

    The AlJazeera article is so skewed to what the --- said it's not even funny. Also, I am told the --- envoy speaks in English, what a joke.

  • BREAKING: Kendrick Lamar has been elected to the chair of the West Coast Supreme Soviet

  • US airbase signs a visa-free agreement with Israel:

    This decision, approved by Israel at the request of Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani, will be effective on September 19, 2024.

  • Noam Chomsky didn't die.


    In reality - he suffered a stroke 7 days ago. There is not a single google result showing that he died. Sites like Jacobin & New Statesman are using SEO manipulation. Sometimes I hate the internet.

  • Sorry if its already been discussed, but what the news peeps opinion of Biden's announcement of a legal path for up to 500k undocumented migrants? As is Dem tradition there's a bunch of means testing that seems to be behind it. I get the feeling that this is a big nothing burger that's being announced to give the illusion that Biden is a fair president after his border order from last week.

  • Zelensky accuses China of trying to undermine Peace Summit, but also criticizes Biden. The Ukrainian president spoke at the Singapore Defense and Security Forum and spoke to journalists.

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Sunday accused China of trying to prevent other countries from participating in the Ukraine Peace Summit, which will take place on June 15 and 16 in Switzerland. But his criticism didn't stop there. Although he was grateful that US President Joe Biden had authorized the use of US weapons against targets in Russia, he says that this is "not enough".

    "The world has to be resilient, it has to be strong, it has to put pressure on Russia," Zelensky said at the Shangri-La Dialogue Defense and Security Forum in Singapore. "There is no other way to stop [Vladimir] Putin - only diplomatic isolation, a strong Ukrainian army and for all the countries of the world not to seek a balance between Ukraine and Russia, but to uphold international justice and law," he added.

    On the sidelines of the forum, Zelensky expressed his disappointment that many world leaders had not yet confirmed their presence at the summit in Switzerland - without mentioning China or the US (Biden has not yet said whether he will attend). On Beijing's side, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning argued that the summit should also be attended by Russia, considering that without this it will be "difficult" to play a "substantial role in restoring peace".

    The Ukrainian president told reporters that China has been supporting Russia's efforts to prevent some countries from taking part in the Peace Summit. "Unfortunately, Russia, using Chinese influence in the region, using Chinese diplomats as well, is doing everything possible to disrupt the Peace Summit. It is regrettable that a country as large, independent and powerful as China is an instrument in Putin's hands. Asia needs to know what is happening in Ukraine. We need the support of Asian countries."

    Zelensky has said he is grateful to Biden for allowing the use of US-supplied weapons against targets in Russia, near the Kharkiv border regions. "Is it enough? No," he said, claiming that Russia launches its attacks "quietly" from certain air bases, knowing that Ukraine "can't retaliate" because it doesn't have permission to do so.

  • ⚡️⭕️🔥 #YEMEN - Exclusive scenes show the #Yemeni Navy targeting the "Tutor" ship with drone boats in the Red Sea:

  • do you think nacron is being controlled by his teacher/mommy like ratatouille

  • The president of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, just got inaugurated for his second term. I saw some of the fighter jets practicing their flyover near the Union Buildings earlier this week. Today is the first day of the Government of National Unity (GNU), effectively a coalition between the ANC and DA. To mark this occasion, old video footage, from 2010, has emerged of DA Member of Parliament Renaldo Gouws using racial slurs. For some background, Renaldo Gouws was an "anti SJW" YouTuber during the 2010s, that joined the DA last year for reasons no one can quite explain. What a way to start the GNU... Day one and a DA member is already involved in a racism scandal.

    New racist video of DA MP Renaldo Gouws surfaces, Independent Online, 19 June 2024

    article snippets, warning for racism

    A shocking new video has emerged of a Democratic Alliance Member of Parliament Renaldo Gouws appearing to spew hate speech.

    In the video first published to his Youtube channel and subsequently deleted, Gouws says “Alright so there’s a couple of things I want to say. Kill the f**ing kffirs, kill all the fing nggers. That’s all I gotta fing say. Kill all the kffirs! Kill all the fing n*ggers!”

    No comment

    However, the video was made available to Democratic Alliance (DA) federal chairperson Helen Zille.

    Zille said she would check the veracity of the video before commenting.

    “I have contacted Renaldo. He says he has no recollection at all of making a video with such vile language and says if one exists, it could be AI generated.”

    Zille went on to say that “Renaldo is denying flat out that he ever made this video. I am sending it for testing.”

    The video was retrieved from the internet archive, which collects snapshots of web pages from time to time for retrieval and leaked to IOL.

    Even though this content is deleted from Youtube, the video still exists in this archive.

    The video was allegedly published by Gouws on 11 March 2010 under the title “Kill all black people” before being deleted, but not before the content was archived.

    Open source analyst Andrew Fraser confirmed to IOL that the video was legitimate and that it is highly unlikely that the video is AI generated.

    “Deepfake technology has been generally available for fewer than 5 years. This video first aroused controversy in 2016, so unlikely that it was deepfaked. The video is visible on Gouws’ YouTube channel archive on the Internet Archive Wayback Machine and was archived in 2011. The archive is of the actual Rendier YouTube Channel page, not a third party - so unlikely to have been placed there maliciously,” said Fraser.

    Gouws however has denied he made the video when contacted for comment.

    “Made hundreds of videos over the years. Would not have used those terms. I don’t have actual context from who the source is and how it could have been manipulated through audio or video AI. Whether this was an old video manipulated to use those words the same way my previous videos have been manipulated and audio synched to say things I never said. I don't have full context but as with the last couple of days there has been a clear smear campaign against me and this seems to have reached new heights", said Gouws.

    The article explains itself. The video exists, it was uploaded to the internet archive 13 years ago, it's not fake or AI, it's impossible for it to be. It's real, you can access it right now, and he did use those terms.

    The full video of the incident on the internet archive, warning for racism

  • Good day news nerds meow-coffee

  • Denmark's succdem-led right-wing regime is going to lower the inheritance tax for family-owned businesses from 15 to 10 percent. This follows a long period of austerity with abolishment of public holidays, cuts in higher education and chronic underfunding of healthcare, public schools and and other social services. We all had to make sacrifices to fund rapid agressive military buildup or else Putin's Asiatic hordes would run us over, or at least that is what we were told. The royal family was given a generous raise as well.

    But now there's money to give tax cuts to rich people. The tracking cuts are funded by "the fiscal space", ie. savings on public services.

    The gilding of small business tyrants is a victory for the two right-liberal parties that makes up two thirds of the ruling junta. It is deeply unpopular among succdem voters who, despite their party being a bunch of low-effort strasserite chuds, still support the welfare state and hate to see it picked apart.

    In the recent EU elections the succdems suffered a humiliating defeat, being outperformed by the "Socialist People's Party", a more left-ish succdem with greener and less chuddy vibes. By showering the rich with money in a time of alleged fiscal crisis is only going to make succdem voters more eager to look for alternatives.

    The regime is deeply unpopular and the parties behind the regime only stand to get 33.7 percent of the vote compared to getting half the vote at the general election a few years ago.

  • party-parenti DNC shenanigans inaugural meeting question: who will replace genocide joe?

    michelle "i love serial killer" obama (inoffensive to yasqueen libs, has institutional support, but allegedly doesn't want to)

    gavin "gruesome" newsome (quintessential california lib, also institutional support)

    kamala "coconut tree" harris (hand-picked successor, is zoned out half of the time)

    kathy "some black kids dont know what a computer is" hochul (team player, but got kamala foot-in-the-mouth disease)

    hillary "bomb them all" clinton (sore loser, but has hangers on)

    pete "haven't heard my name in a while, have you" buttigieg (blank space for mckinsey)

    "retvrn to rockafeller" pritzker (forgot his name, too radical)

    *changed ranking there is also whitmer, dunno where to fit her. Can kinda work for libs like obama, no big scandals directly attached to her, being target of maga/fbi plot (basically mlk jr)

  • Kuwait grapples with power outages amid high temperatures

    Main part of article

    KUWAIT CITY, June 19 (Xinhua) -- Multiple areas in Kuwait faced power cuts on Wednesday as scorching temperatures pushed the electricity grid to its limits during peak hours.

    The Ministry of Electricity, Water and Renewable Energy (MEWRE) said in a press release, carried by Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), that power generation stations struggled to meet the surge in demand, leading to outages in parts of all six governorates.

    "Precautionary measures, including scheduled power cuts for periods ranging from one to two hours at most, have been taken to safeguard the stability of the electrical system," the ministry explained.

    MEWRE urged residents and businesses to conserve electricity during peak hours, from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM, to ease the strain on the grid.

    Local newspaper Al-Rai reported that 41 areas experienced disruptions throughout the day.

    Earlier on Wednesday, Abdul Aziz Al-Qarawi, Director of the Kuwait Meteorological Department, attributed the heatwave to the Indian seasonal low-pressure system, which brings hot air masses to the region. This has caused a significant rise in temperatures, with highs reaching between 51 and 52 degrees Celsius in most desert areas.

    Some interesting photos for the photo connoisseurs on the Xinhua site.

  • New (first?) Hezbollah drone recon vid just dropped

  • By 2027 every video game will be a Mario RPG

  • Fucking shitty article by the Guardian. It never explains for a second what "powder paint" is. I don't know what it is specifically, but I'm gonna guess this is easily washable (as in rain will take it away) and non-harmful. But instead they just interview like 10 weirdos who give are angry and call it front page material. Just terrible work regardless of how one feels about the action. I tend not to care too much, personally, about this sort of action but I see its place in a broader movement I guess

  • Tomorrow Denmark's succdem-led right-wing regime is expected to announce a controversial package of tax cuts for businesses. Part of the tax cuts will be lowering the inheritance tax for failsons who take over the family business, thereby easing the succession in dynasties of small business tyrants. The regime is also pursuing a policy of rapid aggressive military buildup and has recently raised the salary of the royal family.

    In other news, the school boards of Odense, Denmark's third-largest city, recently refused to approve upcoming budgets as the funding is insufficient to provide public schools of an acceptable standard. Schools across the nation are increasingly strapped for money and have to resort to begging local businesses for money to buy supplies just as many teachers are now buying supplies for students with their own money. The underfunding leads to understaffing which in turn leads to remaining staff being overloaded with work and getting sick from work-related stress. The lack of funding for public schools makes private schools more attractive for families who can afford them which is leading to a more stratified education system.

  • Russian President to Visit North Korea and Vietnam


    ‘We expect good results from the visit,’ said Sergei Narishkin, head of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service.

    On Tuesday and Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin will pay an official visit to North Korea. He will later travel to Vietnam.

    The visit to North Korea arose from an invitation from President Kim Jong-un, who held a meeting with Putin in the Russian Far East in September 2023.

    “We expect good results from the visit of the Russian President to North Korea. The visit is well prepared,” said Sergei Narishkin, head of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), addint that the Kremlin has defended “the right to develop friendly relations” with its neighboring countries.

    “It should not worry anyone nor can it be questioned. We will continue to do so in an increasing manner. The potential for the development of our bilateral relations is very deep,” he stressed.

    The first and last time that Putin traveled as president to North Korea was in July 2000, when Kim Jong-il, father of the current leader who died in 2011, was in power. The Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu had a great reception when he visited that Asian country in July 2023.

    In the last year, both countries have strengthened their cooperation, especially in the defense sector. This rapprochement accelerated after the summit that Putin and the North Korean leader held in the Russian Far East in September 2023.

    On Thursday, after his visit to North Korea, Putin will travel to Vietnam where he will be received by the Communist Party Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, the most powerful man in the country. Since his inauguration in May for a fifth presidential term, Putin has traveled to China, Belarus and Uzbekistan.

  • Ecuador has been experiencing a blackout for more than 30 minutes that affects most of the national territory. So far, no authority has said anything about the causes of the sudden blackout.


    I don't have a lot to say about this particular incident, but the ongoing conflict over second thomas shoal truly is some waterworld / mad Max shit. If the inciting incident for us-China war is fighting over the rights to what is literally a derelict ship on a reef, I'll be very disappointed.

  • For a long time there has been calls for Denmark's succdem-led right-wing regime to help evacuate injured Gazans and treat them in Danish hospitals. The regime has rejected the calls, giving the excuse that they had not received "concrete requests for medical evacuations of patients from Gaza".

    Now such a request has been made by the WHO who is asking EU countries to provide medical assistance. Not wanting to let a single non-Aryan into the country if they don't have to, the regime has denied the request, this time simply giving the excuse that "based on an overall assessment" the regime "currently has no plans" to contribute to the medical evacuations.

    But fret not, the regime is not unmoved by the suffering of Palestinians, in a written statement Sophie Løhde, head of Denmark's Liberal Party-controlled ministry of healthcare, tells that the regime is "deeply concerned" about the humanitarian situation in Gaza. She refuses to give any interviews on the matter.

    Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Denmark's corruption-riddled minister of foreign affairs claims that the regime wants to help Gazans "in so many ways" and goes on to talk about the secondhand hospital equipment that Denmark has already donated and blames the absence on more Danish aid on Hamas who have not "accepted the UN security council's resolution so we can get a ceasefire".

    Rasmussen finishes by once more stating that "based on an overall assessment of our capacity, we don't believe we are in a position to accept Palestinians in Denmark".

    The regime has previously provided medical treatment for injured Ukrainian soldiers.

  • Chilean President Gabriel Boric urged the Argentine government to remove solar panels, which it installed on the Chilean part of the island of Tierra del Fuego. The panels are at least 3 meters away from the island boundary.

    Boric said that he received a statement from the Argentine Foreign Ministry, saying that it was all "a misunderstanding and mistake", but urged that the panels be removed quickly, or the Chilean state will do so.

    No Chilean liberation of Argentina, unfortunely. sicko-wistful

    Is Milei trying to reignite the Beagle conflict?

  • Hananya makes the worst propaganda ever, gets told to leave the Propagandaministerium

  • First!

    Vive la Commune!

    Shut up I know it's from the wrong period

  • Noam Chomsky released from hospital in São Paulo on Tuesday to continue treatment at home

    Information from the Beneficência Portuguesa hospital. The philosopher and linguist had a massive stroke in June 2023.


    One of the world's greatest intellectuals and political activists, 95-year-old American Noam Chomsky, was discharged from hospital on Tuesday (18). The information comes from the Beneficência Portuguesa hospital in São Paulo, where the philosopher was hospitalized.

    He had a massive stroke in June 2023, as reported by Mario Sergio Conti in the newspaper "Folha de S. Paulo". Chomsky is married to a Brazilian woman and, in recent years, adopted Brazil as his second home.

    Known as the "father of modern linguistics", Chomsky has been the subject of seven biographies, interviewed numerous times in the media and appeared in more than 20 films and documentaries.

    An ardent defender of freedom of expression, Chomsky is famous for his political commentary and geopolitical analysis. He has published and lectured extensively on US foreign policy, Middle East politics, democratic society and war. He is the author of more than 100 books, including "Requiem for the American Dream: The 10 Principles of Concentration of Wealth & Power" and "Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media".


    that is all oh other doomer news we got some stats from the EMCDDA drug consummation is going way up still and so are deaths.

    The EMCDDA believes it's due to greater availability and why europeans would seek to 'break out of their role in society' is not understood at all. The report calls for more repressive measures to deal with the drug mafia.

  • Russia and North Korea Sign a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement


    ‘Despite external pressures, our countries are successfully developing in a sovereign, independent manner,’ Putin said.

    On Wednesday, North Korea and Russia signed a “Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement,” which includes mutual military assistance in the event of an attack.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean President Kim Jong-Un signed the document after a two-hour closed-door meeting at the Kumsusan state residence.

    The Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement will replace the diplomatic treaties signed between Moscow and Pyongyang in 1961, 2000, and 2001, according to Yuri Ushakov, the Russian presidential advisor on international policy.

    “The agreement will not have any confrontational nature, it will not be directed against any country and will be aimed at ensuring stability in Northeast Asia,” he said, emphasizing that the new deal is necessary due to contemporary geopolitical changes.

    Earlier, North Korean authorities held a grand ceremony to welcome Putin at the iconic Kim Il-Sung Square, which was decorated with balloons and flags of both countries waved by thousands of citizens.

    The new agreement’s mutual defense clause also represents a response to the military rapprochement between the U.S., South Korea, and Japan, three countries that are visibly upset with Putin’s visit to Pyongyang.

    “Despite external pressures, our countries are successfully developing in a sovereign and independent manner,” Putin said after signing the new agreement, thanking North Korea for its “steadfast support” for “Russian policies, including those concerning Ukraine.”

    For his part, Kim highlighted “the important mission” of Moscow “regarding the maintenance of global strategic stability and balance.” He also pointed out that the special military operation in Ukraine protects Russian sovereignty and security.

    On Wednesday, once his stay in North Korea concludes, the Russian leader will travel to Vietnam for a two-day visit, during which the construction of new cooperative ties between the two nations is expected.

  • CW Transphobia

    Famous influencer Mika Raun [@mikaraun] was physically attacked by unknown individuals in Turkey while with her boyfriend and family, following a days-long transphobic smear campaign against her on social media.

    Rest of the article

    Raun has been known for her social media presence, particularly on Instagram with more than a million followers. As a trans woman, she recently shared some videos with her boyfriend and began to be the target of transphobic attacks on social media.

    On the night of 18 June, Raun shared her bleeding face in an Instagram story and said, "We were attacked for minutes, I am being taken to the hospital."

    She previously shared her holiday with her boyfriend and family before the attack.

    The government’s anti-LGBTI+ stance has accelerated particularly in recent years particularly with hate speech delivered by high-level state representatives including President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and many ministers.

    Istanbul’s LGBTI+ community celebrates Trans Pride Week from June 17-23 and LGBTI+ Pride Week from June 24-30 against the heightening hate environment in the country.

  • Noam Chomsky's wife denies the philosopher's death

    Earlier on Tuesday (18), there had been reported the death of linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky at the age of 95, according to reports in the American magazine Jacobin and the British New Statesman, as well as a publication by the Spanish party Podemos.

    We clarify that this information was incorrect. The professor's wife, Valeria Chomsky, denied the death, confirming that he "is well".

    Chomsky, who is professor emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of Arizona, is in an intensive care unit in the city of São Paulo. In July last year, he suffered a serious stroke.

  • Ukrainian national team not playing well vs Romania so far, expected better from the likes of Mudryk and Dovbyk. Tsygankov (or Tsyhankov since the war began so that he sounds more Ukrainian) has been terrible too.

    Edit: 3-0! Biggest L for Ukraine since the battle of Bakhmut

  • President Putin Arrives in North Korea for the First Time Since 2000


    Leaders will deliver a statement on the results of the meetings at a press conference.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in North Korea on Wednesday for a two-day state visit at the invitation of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

    The Russian leader was received by Kim himself at Sunan International Airport adorned with Russian flags.

    Also, portraits of the head of the Kremlin and welcome phrases in Russian such as “We warmly greet the president of the Russian Federation, Comrade Vladimir Putin” welcomed the leader of the Eurasian country.

    According to the Russian presidential adviser, Yuri Ushakov, Putin’s program in Pyongyang will be very intense as «a very busy agenda is foreseen that includes negotiations in various formats, including expanded and informal talks among the leaders».

    Putin last visited North Korea in 2000, when the nation was led by Kim Jong-il, father of the country’s current leader.

    Meanwhile, Kim Jong-un attended the Russian Federation in September last year, where he held a meeting with Putin at the Vostochni cosmodrome in Amur province.

    Also, the current North Korean leader visited the Eurasian nation in April 2019 to hold talks with the Russian president in the city of Vladivostok.

  • The Energy System of All Ecuador Collapses


    Given the situation, the Ecuadorian Minister of Public Works, Roberto Luque, detailed that the cuts are due to “a cascade disconnection”.

    Several territories of Ecuador suffered this Wednesday unprecedented power cuts that began from 15H15 (local time).

    Given this energy situation, the Ecuadorian Minister of Public Works, Roberto Luque, detailed that the cuts are due to “a cascade disconnection”.

    The immediate report we received from the National Electricity Operator (CENACE) is that there is a failure in the transmission line that caused a cascade disconnection, so there is no energy service nationwide. We are concentrating all our efforts on solving the problem as quickly as possible», underlined Luque in X.

    Among the affected cities, the local press has reported to Quito (capital), Guayaquil, Cuenca, Latacunga, Playas, Daule and Samborondón.

    In addition, local media indicated that users have reported the traffic lights of the main arteries of the country disconnected after the sudden cut.

    In the same line, the Metropolitan Transit Agency (AMT) explained that, due to the lack of electricity, it caused the blackout of traffic lights of “1,027 intersections in the city”.

    Meanwhile, the entity stressed that «580 agents work in traffic management throughout the city», and the situation with the signage gave way to a vehicular chaos.

    In addition, the national disconnection also led to the suspension of the metro and tram service in Quito (capital).

    Finally, local media have reported that after 16H00 (local time), citizens of Quito and cities like Ambato de Latacunga have reported the restoration of electricity service.

  • oh also kpo didn't get a seat sadness a shame, would be fun to have not completely revisionist socdems in eu parliament

  • Iran Continues to Campaign for Presidential Elections


    The six candidates in the race for the presidency of Iran are Masud Pezeshkian, Mostafa Purmohamadi, Said Yalili, Alireza Zakani, Amirhosein Qazizade Hashemi and Mohamad Baqer Qalibaf.

    The electoral campaign in Iran for the presidential elections of 28 June continues with the participation of six candidates, who set out their programs and policies.

    In this context, the first televised presidential debate of the June 28 presidential elections in Iran began on Friday, with the six candidates meeting to discuss their plans to reactivate the economy.

    The candidates will participate in five televised debates held by the Islamic Republic of Iran Radio and Television Organization (IRIB).

    During the televised debate, the candidates will answer questions and explain their electoral programs and solutions to the country’s problems.

    Previously, during the Political Round Table program on Iranian television, candidate Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, the current speaker of the Parliament, mentioned that confronting sanctions against Iran is among its main objectives.

    Qalibaf stressed the importance of cooperation with Russia, China, India, Pakistan and Central Asia, also mentioned the need to train diplomats and unite the revolutionary front before the elections.

    Meanwhile, Saeed Jalili, former nuclear negotiator and head of the Supreme National Security Council, underlined the essence of his campaign slogan «A world of opportunities, a mega leap for Iran» and stressed the need to capitalize on global opportunities, and address threats through collaboration with other nations.

    Jalili also mentioned the failure of Washington’s policy of maximum pressure against Iran.

    Moreover, Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, president of the Iranian parliament, highlighted a few days ago the challenges and pressures facing the country since the 1979 Islamic Revolution and acknowledged that the nation in the geopolitical sphere has risen to a prominent position.

    Qalibaf described the possible strategy of his future government to counter Western sanctions against the Islamic Republic and protect Iranian interests.

  • Haiti: Army on War Footing


    Such chaos has prompted the speedy mobilization of a multinational contingent, supposedly led by Kenya, whose men should be in Haiti before the end of June, but the African nation claims that logistical details are lacking to disembark its troops.

    On Wednesday, Haiti dawned with its army on a war footing, in another attempt to unite efforts to fight a coalition of gangs that controls 80 percent of the capital.

    The Minister of Defence, Jean Marc Berthier, ordered the Acting Chief of the Army, Lieutenant General Jodel Lessage to put the Armed Forces in D-position.

    The order in short is to put the military institution on alert, with soldiers in combat position, the daily Le Facteur Haiti reported.

    Between March and June, gang members attacked the airport, the port, schools, universities, police stations, prisons, ministries, bank branches, community stores, the national printing press, which first published in 1804, and set fire to a 96,000 square metre warehouse in the free zone.

    They also attacked private cars, a religious seminary, the first Baptist Church in Haiti, founded more than 180 years ago, and more than a dozen pharmacies, and in a demonstration that they mean business, they burned down the house of the former commander-in-chief of the Haitian National Police.

    Such chaos has prompted the speedy mobilization of a multinational contingent, supposedly led by Kenya, whose men should be in Haiti before the end of June, but the African nation claims that logistical details are lacking to disembark its troops.

    The US government, which appears to be out of Haiti’s internal affairs, threatened the coalition of criminal gangs that is keeping the national police in check.

    “The gang members will have to choose between prison and the cemetery,” said the US ambassador to Haiti, Dennis Hankins.

    In April, the US began landing its air force planes in Haiti, loaded with weapons, ammunition, armoured vehicles and other combat equipment, and in addition to its soldiers, it brought with it mercenaries under the guise of contractors.

    Washington – some media recall – is considered here to be to blame for the economic, political and social chaos in the Caribbean country, which it intervened militarily in 1915 and supposedly abandoned in 1934.

    Most of the arms and ammunition used by the gang members, who are martyring the population, come from the United States.

  • SEA Headlines

    Morning Star - China blames Philippines for clash of two vessels in the South China Sea


    This was inevitable I think.

    Reuters - Vietnam to host Putin in nod to old ties, risking ire of West

    CNA - Thailand to be first Southeast Asian country to legalise same-sex marriage

    VNA - Vietnam, China bolster stable, sustainable ties


    The Star - Oil spill incident: Singapore expands cleanup effort to more areas, including eastern end of island

    China Daily - ASEAN SG speaks of future relations with China

    Fortune - Indonesia’s $5 billion deal with Tesla is only part of its all-in strategy on nickel mining

  • Did they put a baby in a jar? did that happen fr?

  • 🇨🇳🇾🇪 Chinese television broadcasts Yemeni Brigadier General Yahya Saree’s statement in Chinese

    Yahya Saree speaks fluent Mandarin?! is this some sort of fakery

    EDIT: okay, I guess it's fake. but the few minutes I thought it was real were very enjoyable

  • English translation of the Hezbollah drone footage:

  • Official CPUSA statement on the EFF

    "wont someone think of the white people"

    My bad


  • Philosopher and linguist Noam Chomsky dies at 95

    Noam Chomsky's wife denies the philosopher's death

    Earlier on Tuesday (18), there had been reported the death of linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky at the age of 95, according to reports in the American magazine Jacobin and the British New Statesman, as well as a publication by the Spanish party Podemos.

    We clarify that this information was incorrect. The professor's wife, Valeria Chomsky, denied the death, confirming that he "is well".

    Chomsky, who is professor emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of Arizona, is in an intensive care unit in the city of São Paulo. In July last year, he suffered a serious stroke.

  • Metroid Prime 4 announced

  • little blums v5.3.203 of france really do be liking their new caledonia nickel huh.

  • The Country of the Week is France!

    Feel free to post or recommend any books, essays, studies, articles, and even stories related to France.

    If you know a lot about the country and want to share your knowledge and opinions, here are some questions to get you started if you wish:

    • What is the general ideology of the political elite? Do they tend to be protectionist nationalists, or are they more free trade globalists? Are they compradors put there by foreign powers? Are they socialists with wide support by the population?
    • What are the most important domestic political issues that make the country different from other places in the region or world? Are there any peculiar problems that have continued existing despite years or decades with different parties?
    • Is the country generally stable? Are there large daily protests or are things calm on average? Is the ruling party/coalition generally harmonious or are there frequent arguments or even threats?
    • Is there a particular country to which this country has a very impactful relationship over the years, for good or bad reasons? Which one, and why?
    • What are the political factions in the country? What are the major parties, and what segments of the country do they attract?
    • Are there any smaller parties that nonetheless have had significant influence? Are there notable separatist movements?
    • How socially progressive or conservative is the country generally? To what degree is there equality between men and women, as well as different races and ethnic groups? Are LGBTQIA+ rights protected?
    • Give a basic overview of the last 50 or 100 years. What's the historical trend of politics, the economy, social issues, etc - rise or decline? Were they always independent or were they once occupied, and how have things been since independence if applicable?
    • If you want, go even further back in history. Were there any kingdoms or empires that once governed the area?

    Check out the reading list. Our books on France:

    These books focus on the French Revolution:

    • Twelve Who Ruled: The Year of Terror in the French Revolution by Robert Roswell Palmer (1941).
    • A People's History of the French Revolution by Eric Hazan (2014).

    These books focus on 19th century French history:

    • The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte by Karl Marx (1852).
    • The Paris Commune: A Brief History by Carolyn J. Eichner (2022).
    • Peasants into Frenchmen: The Modernization of Rural France, 1870-1914 by Eugen Weber (1976).

    These books focus on 20th and 21st French history:

    • France's Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West's Best Values by Ramin Mazaheri (2022).
  • Taking up the mantle.

    #Death to Israel #Tradle #834 1/6


    Got lucky, the gold and cocoa made me start with Africa. Due to Mark Thatcher's attempted coup, I always think of Equatorial Guinea as the African petrostate. But Equatorial Guinea was an answer last week, so I guess a coastal neighbor and got it.

  • #Eat shit, Israel! Fall off your horse! #838 3/6

    this is what the refrance


    those seeds are apparently pine seeds? wack

  • #Death to Israel! Guaranteed! #837 3/6


    honk twice for oil honk honk

  • #Tradle #837 6/6








    Anyone wanna play a round of "guess the gulf monarchy"?

  • #Tradle #836 4/6






    Assumed this was an island as there was a small amount of fishing. Then assumed it was african, because while the country had a fairly diversified export profile, it seemed too small to be one of the post-soviet states. Then I was pointed due north, and began guessing in the Caucasus, and was pointed in the right direction. No idea how the country manages to have non-filet fish as a major export, since AFAIK the country is landlocked, but it could be imported from Georgia i guess.

  • #More and More People are Saying Death to Israel #835 4/6


    I swear Eswatini has been on three times in the last year and I never recognize it's economy

  • CW: gore

    There is a video clip circulating on Twitter of a beheaded child in Gaza. It’s one of the worst things I’ve ever had to watch.

    At this point, Biden can literally murder a Palestinian child on 5th Avenue and libs will let him get away with it.

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