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Those with a side/second job in this economy, what is it that you do and how did you get into it?


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  • I bartended on the side. I finally gave it up mid-covid because the extra money I was earning didn't outweigh the exposure to sick people and people with deteriorating social skills.

    The number of people who thought a server in the middle of a pandemic deserved less pay and more grief truly astounded me. Like bruh, I'm not here serving your drunk ass in the middle of covid for my enjoyment. Tip or I will prioritize every possible person at the bar before you.

    I got into that latest bartending job because I had free time, I wanted a bit more money every month, and I'm decent at it from previous experience.

    • You are blaming the customers for "thinking you deserve less pay" when the actual person not paying you enough is the bar owner. Sorry for kicking up yet another fruitless discussion about tipping in the US, but these kind of mental gymnastics just trigger me.

      • Tips are stupid, but it's the system we live in. Knowing that and going to a bar and not tipping hurts the bartender, not the bar.

    • You must be an American, sigh. Tips are stupid, period.

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