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They’re finally talking about replacing Biden

CNN analysts immediately after the debate are saying the dems are pannicing.

lol, lmao, who could’ve seen this coming


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  • Is it even possible to replace him with newsom at this point?

    • the DNC won a lawsuit by saying they're a private entity that isn't democratic and votes in the primary don't have any guarantee of mattering, so oh yeah baybeee this DNC convention is gonna be wild

      • 1968 Chicago DNC 2.0 let's fuckin goooo! lets-fucking-go

      • I think it's obvious that Trump would beat Biden, but would Newsom beat Trump?

        • I think Newsom could beat Trump, but it's not a lock. Like, surely, a lot of Dems and "undecideds" would be unhappy with a hand-picked Newsom... I think? I'm not sure if his "positives" would outweigh the potential outrage at a pick without winning a primary. Fuck this could be real interesting

          • He's disgustingly handsome in an "I'm rich in California" way.

            Yeah, he could do it. He's young (lol he's fucking 56), he's able to speak in complete sentences, he's very handsome. I think he could do it.

            outrage at a pick without winning a primary

            I don't think the Dems will care. They would vote for Biden to save them, they'll vote for literally anyone who is endorsed by the DNC and can string a sentence together. They're all good little Nazis, they'll fall in line.

    • They can whatever the fuck they want because they're not beholden to the people.

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