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They’re finally talking about replacing Biden
  • 1968 Chicago DNC 2.0 let's fuckin goooo! lets-fucking-go

  • One-Third of Americans Making $250,000 Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck, Survey Finds
  • You could definitely put a down payment on a house with that kind of money

  • it's firefly season 🤩
  • Take my love, take my land

    Take me where I cannot stand

    I don't care, I'm still free

    You can't take the sky from me

  • HUNNU & Altanjargal - Hiimori (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)

    Just Mongolian guys being dudes

    "I felt really safe around him" lol
  • Legalize crack for medicinal use

  • Title
    Truly a dark day in America.
  • Also they can let their franchise owners absorb some of the losses

  • I like to post on Hexbear while drunk
  • You ever mix a bunch of different sodas together from the fountain? I did that once and accidentally made something that tasted exactly like bubble gum. I haven't been able to reproduce it since

  • There's probably a warehouse like this somewhere, except it's full of campaign merch for all the failed American politicians
  • I've still got a couple Bernie 2020 bumper stickers here somewhere if anyone wants them

  • We have no choice but to abandon communism
  • Dear Friedrich,

    Today a strange Canadian man appeared in my apartment and started berating me in broken German about the messy state of my rooms. I drove him away with a few stout blows from a fireplace poker which I had recently retrieved from the pawn shop.



    PS: send more money I'm broke again lol

  • Meeting Mike Lindell at the Waukesha Trump Rally must've been what it was like to shake hands with the Apostle Paul before Christ took the stage at the sermon on the mound.
  • The real question is, what would Trump say to Biden when he appears to him in a vision on the road to Damascus? And will Assad be there to wash the scales from his eyes?

  • It would be really funny if the next Fallout game took place in a communist country and you find out that instead of a dog eat dog wasteland, the people came together to create a decent society
  • I remember someone saying this about Mad Max, like what if Australia is the only country that's fucked up and the rest of the world is doing just fine?

  • Conservative Theory be like
  • People aren't receptive to my backwards and oppressive values? It must be the fault of a vast web of conspiratorial Marxist brainwashing.

  • Real
  • If tele-evangelism existed in the 1930s and 40s they'd be saying that Hitler was the second coming of Christ or something.

    That more or less happened with radio:

  • Check out this fantastic AI yearbook page
  • Don't talk to me or my son Jorch ever again

  • I can't login with Chrome

    I've tried clearing all browsing data and it keeps giving me an error. It works fine on Firefox and the mobile version of Chrome.

    Newbie with questions about Debian

    I got an old Windows 7 laptop that was going to be thrown out and decided to put Linux on it (see previous thread here). Most people suggested I go with the latest stable version of Debian, so that's what I installed. I've mostly used Windows, but I do have some experience with Ubuntu.

    The installation went smoothly, but I've had a few problems getting it set up to my liking:

    1. I can't figure out how to setup flatpak. Everything seems to be working fine until I enter the last line in the terminal: > flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

    I hit enter and nothing happens. No error message or anything. I restarted the computer but flatpak doesn't work, either through the software center or the flatpak website. I found a few forum posts with the same problem, but no solutions.

    1. I somehow set it up so that my username is not the super user, so I have to type a password in the terminal every time I want to use sudo. Is there a way to fix this without a clean install?

    2. I somehow set up the hard drive partitions so that the OS is on an encrypted partition, so I have to put in a password for the BIOS to boot up. Is there a way to fix this without a clean install?

    3. I'm used to a desktop interface with a toolbar/start menu that I can pin frequently-used programs to, but with Debian it seems like I need to click "Activities" to do anything. Is there a way to set up the interface so it's more like Windows in that regard?

    4. If I need to do a clean install, I'm thinking of switching to Ubuntu, since I'm more familiar with the interface. Is there any reason why I should stick with Debian? I've heard some people trashing Ubuntu but I'm not sure why. Is Debian better for older hardware?

    Edit: Thanks for all the knowledgeable replies. I did a fresh install of Debian 12 (64 bit) with KDE and it seems to have resolved all my problems. Although it's a little slow and buggy, I've had to reboot it twice. I'll try a lightweight DE if that continues.

    Is YouTube trying to entrap me into doing something illegal?

    Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I've seen lots of suggested videos lately on how to build DIY rockets

    I have an old laptop with Windows 7, which Linux OS should I put on it?

    I've used Ubuntu in the past so that's what I'm thinking of using, but if anyone has another suggestion I'm open to ideas. I'm looking for something user-friendly and lightweight when it comes to hardware requirements. The laptop will mostly be used for web browsing and streaming video, if I can get that to work.
