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  • It's absolutely ridiculous that we let this guy into the country at all. It's also absolutely par for the course.

    We have a fundamental conflict with doing what's right as a country. It's not because of individual Americans not knowing what's going on, it's because we let corporate power and monetary interests supersede doing the right thing at an institutional level and in our individual lives. The reason we're continuing to fund bombing innocent civilians is the same reason we tolerate all the other horrendous shit that goes on in this country. From factory farming to stretching labor to its limit to price gouging on everything from food to clothes to housing. We've been lulled into complacency by people who care about nothing at all except quarterly profits and their own stock portfolios.

    The cruelty will not end until we refocus our society on cultivating compassion and doing what's right. We need to stop worshiping money and start giving a shit about one another and the world we share.

    That means all of us. We need to stand up for ourselves and for one another. Stop sitting around politely when you see some shit. Ditch the deer in headlights bystander effect routine and do something. Speak up, even if it's scary. Help people, even if it's hard.

    If we just sit here and coast by with the status quo, this will never end. We have to be willing to shake shit up regardless of the consequences because we know the consequences will be worse if we don't. We have to stop playing it safe, because it's not fucking safe.

    Until we do, this is what we're going to have.

    Yeah, politicians are part of it. Voting is part of it (let Trump in and it'll be worse). But the bigger component of it is individual decisions. We need a change in attitude. We need to ditch the whining and hopelessness and get fucking real.

    Do something about it. Push back.

    • I agree completely. Our collective minds in the U.S. have been warped by decades(if not centuries) of propaganda by the rich and powerful. Things aren't exactly going to change overnight. Change needs to come from the bottom up, and that's not going to happen until we start working together to build a culture of compassion.

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