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Ideological Shaping of the Possible Part I: Democrats & the Black Box Corporate Consulting Industry --- Citations Needed Podcast Ideological Shaping of the Possible Part I: Democrats & the Black Box Corporate Consulting Industry

“David Plouffe's advice for 2020,” Axios shared in 2019. “James Carville: 'Stupid wokeness' is a national problem for Democrats,” CNN reported in 2021. “Robert Gibbs, former White House Press Secretar

Ideological Shaping of the Possible Part I: Democrats & the Black Box Corporate Consulting Industry
Corporate Media Push Conspiracy Theories to Discredit Student Protesters Corporate Media Push Conspiracy Theories to Discredit Student Protesters

Across corporate media, journalists and pundits introduced conspiracy theories to discredit the pro-Palestine student protest movement, particularly that they are funded by foreign countries or “outside agitators.”

Corporate Media Push Conspiracy Theories to Discredit Student Protesters
The NYT’s One True Subject Is the One Percent The NYT’s One True Subject Is the One Percent

From the career triumphs of nepo babies to deep dives about luxury real estate, it’s clear that the New York Times’ most cherished subject is the One Percent.

The NYT’s One True Subject Is the One Percent
Israel Killed Hundreds of Civilians to Save Four of Its Own Israel Killed Hundreds of Civilians to Save Four of Its Own

Last Saturday, Israel massacred hundreds of Palestinian civilians in an operation to rescue four Israeli hostages. American commentators rushed to justify the brutal operation.

Israel Killed Hundreds of Civilians to Save Four of Its Own
Hailed Abroad, Giorgia Meloni Undermines Democracy at Home Hailed Abroad, Giorgia Meloni Undermines Democracy at Home

The EU election showed how much the EU establishment has accepted far-right Italian premier Giorgia Meloni. She’s often cast as a pragmatist, yet her planned constitutional rewrite and attacks on media challenge the narrative of a benign moderate turn.

Hailed Abroad, Giorgia Meloni Undermines Democracy at Home
Over 27,000 K-12 Educators Just Unionized in Virginia Over 27,000 K-12 Educators Just Unionized in Virginia

This week, workers in Virginia’s Fairfax County Public Schools voted to unionize, forming a wall-to-wall union of 27,500 teachers, custodians, teaching assistants, bus drivers, and more. The vote has created one of the largest K-12 unions on the East Coast.

Over 27,000 K-12 Educators Just Unionized in Virginia
Defend Britain's NHS from Privatization Defend Britain's NHS from Privatization

The National Health Service is the British socialist movement’s greatest achievement. Now, it’s under threat.

Defend Britain's NHS from Privatization
What's Wrong With Literacy Programs What's Wrong With Literacy Programs

Revolutionary Cuba treated literacy as a form of liberation. US literacy efforts rely on charity and volunteerism. The difference in approach is striking.

What's Wrong With Literacy Programs
Indigenous Writer Gord Hill on Resistance Art History Indigenous Writer Gord Hill on Resistance Art History - UNICORN RIOT

British Columbia, Canada — Renowned Kwakwaka’wakw artist, author, and political activist Gord Hill recently spoke at the University of Victoria’s (UVIC) Faculty of Fine Arts in Victoria for its annual Lehan Family Activism & the Arts Lecture covering the intersection of art and activism. Hill is the...

Indigenous Writer Gord Hill on Resistance Art History - UNICORN RIOT
The IMF and Class Struggle in Latin America: Unveiling the Role of the IMF Monthly Review | The IMF and Class Struggle in Latin America: Unveiling the Role of the IMF

The International Monetary Fund, part of the Bretton Woods Agreement that helped establish the current rules of the U.S.-dominated international capitalist system, claims to aim for a world of…

Monthly Review | The IMF and Class Struggle in Latin America: Unveiling the Role of the IMF
NYT Misses What’s True and Important About an Anti-Trans School Resolution NYT Misses What’s True and Important About an Anti-Trans School Resolution

Like most New York Times articles about trans politics that FAIR has analyzed, the piece marginalized the voices of those most impacted.

NYT Misses What’s True and Important About an Anti-Trans School Resolution
India’s Opposition Could Thwart Narendra Modi’s Ambitions India’s Opposition Could Thwart Narendra Modi’s Ambitions

Narendra Modi is seeking a parliamentary supermajority to enact authoritarian constitutional change. India’s political opposition could derail his plan by channeling the spirit of social resistance to Modi’s Hindutva chauvinism.

India’s Opposition Could Thwart Narendra Modi’s Ambitions
SCOTUS Is Helping Corporations Dodge Consumer Liability SCOTUS Is Helping Corporations Dodge Consumer Liability

In 2017, Georgia-Pacific invented a legal scheme to skirt liability for serious consumer harms. Earlier this month, the Supreme Court allowed the move to stay in place, giving the company more time to avoid paying up for its asbestos poisoning.

SCOTUS Is Helping Corporations Dodge Consumer Liability
Should You “Put Your Life In Order” Before Criticizing the World?
  • Queer folks and leftists tend to be aware of this guy on the one hand

    Guess who the CurrentAffairs demographic is. :D

    Literally a magazine for internet socialists, who absolutely know who this guy is, especially if they've been reading it for awhile. Your average Joe Schmoe doesn't know what CurrentAffairs magazine is. More people know who lobster man is, honestly.

  • Should You “Put Your Life In Order” Before Criticizing the World?
  • Marx is being juxtaposed here because the article the author is addressing did that; he's not equating the two, nor is he trying to legitimize lobster man (the dude's already gotten on mainstream platforms and has a fuckton of fans---that ship has sailed). The CurrentAffairs audience is expected to already be familiar with this guy on account of the fact that it's a niche libertarian socialist magazine that writes critical pieces about him every so often. The author agrees that he's a charlatan and intellectual fraud that peddles reactionary bullshit to depressed young men.

    If you want to do a deeper dive into why lobster man sucks (or share other pieces that do), then that would be a good contribution to the comments section here. Or post it to the beehive, provided that it's socialist critique. Either would be welcome.

  • Should You “Put Your Life In Order” Before Criticizing the World?
  • Is it though? The entire piece is taking a swing at his "put your life in order before criticizing" shit him and his fans do in the political arena. I don't see the article speaking positively of him.

  • Tankies
  • The tech subs that I'm subbed to on that instance have seemed fine. Is it specific communities where this is occurring?

  • Suggest unto me a new FOSS operating system
  • Steam with Proton works OOTB for me if you enable the option in the system config.

  • *Best* video for explaining the Fediverse to a total noob?
  • Not a video, but I always use this EFF article to introduce the concept.

  • Which file system do you recommend for Linux?
  • It'll probably be my favorite filesystem in 2030.

  • Why does beehaw and Lemmy in general feel so dead?
  • Lemmy's interop with the microblogging portion of the Fediverse (which is by far the largest part) sucks. You can't follow users, so there's no way to pull in content from there and there's no hashtag support built in for posts, so Lemmy posts don't get to take advantage of the discoverability features on the microblogging side. Beehaw in particular is picky with whom they federate, but it shouldn't matter since there's plenty of microblogging instances that share their ethos. I was already a Mastodon user for a few years prior to any of the exoduses and it bummed me out that you guys didn't get to experience Fedi in its full glory because of these limitations. Hopefully the next platform that Beehaw migrates to will be better about this.

  • Am I the only person that feels that retro games are better?
  • I'd say that the Indie game experience can still match that. Doesn't have to be old titles.

  • My rating of Lemmy
  • I would say that the decentralized nature of the platform means that the demographics that don't get along don't have to share the same space. Reddit is full of communities that fucking hate each other and the centralized nature of the site means that those userbases have to occupy a lot of the same subreddits; those users have a low barrier to entry to go troll each other and pick fights. In the Fediverse, these communities are separate instances and will just defederate from each other, putting an end to it. Instead, like-minded communities and instances can congregate together. The federation model also provides incentive for users to behave, since instances can be cut off from everyone else if they're deemed too toxic/annoying.

  • I found a beautiful alternative to MusicBee (audio manager & player)!
  • Now this looks like an interesting option. I'll be checking it out over the next few days. Thanks!

  • Music Players
  • I too have noticed a number of minor behavioral differences that I've found annoying, but it is what it is. This was the closest I could find to an active fork of Cantata, but nothing has been released at this time, though the dev has expressed interest in a Qt6 port.

  • Music Players
  • If there's any other Cantata enjoyers reading this thread while feeling sad that it's not maintained anymore, Strawberry is the closest alternative.

  • Does enshitification happen because companies are publicly-traded?
  • Any organization that's forced to pursue endless growth is going to end up enshittifying eventually, because there's only so much innovation and wow factor that you can do to make a product appealing before you hit a talent/demographic/creativity limit. Not to mention that infrastructure and operating costs are massive when you hit that level of scaling and that needs to be funded somehow. Eventually they'll be forced to start extracting more value out of their existing userbase to keep the revenue growth going. Going IPO is mostly just a telegraph for how things are going behind the scenes.

  • Which communication protocol or open standard in software do you wish was more common or used more?
  • SimpleX was nice when I used it for small chats, but how is it with large groups? Matrix really drags ass with large rooms, even on native clients.

  • We Need To Rewild The Internet
  • The internet has become an extractive and fragile monoculture.

    Something that has become very apparent to me over the past year of migrating away from the big 6 sites into the dark forest is that, no honestly, the internet isn't that; the big 6 sites are that. Places like Neocities still exist and have lots of traffic and you can go there and have an interesting time. I've encountered more cultural diversity on the Fediverse than I had in the past decade of using Reddit. There's still cool stuff and interesting communities; it's just hard to find because search engines are increasingly useless. We need better discoverability; if we fix that, then we're golden.

  • Laziness Does Not Exist
  • The solution, instead, is to look for what is holding the procrastinator back. If anxiety is the major barrier, the procrastinator actually needs to walk away from the computer/book/word document and engage in a relaxing activity. Being branded “lazy” by other people is likely to lead to the exact opposite behavior.

    Often, though, the barrier is that procrastinators have executive functioning challenges — they struggle to divide a large responsibility into a series of discrete, specific, and ordered tasks. Here’s an example of executive functioning in action: I completed my dissertation (from proposal to data collection to final defense) in a little over a year. I was able to write my dissertation pretty easily and quickly because I knew that I had to a) compile research on the topic, b) outline the paper, c) schedule regular writing periods, and d) chip away at the paper, section by section, day by day, according to a schedule I had pre-determined.

    Yeah, this matches my experience from when I used to tutor people. They tended to be below grade level and would fall victim to a fear of failure, since their self-esteem has taken hits from struggling with the work, in their mind the failure would be confirmation that they're stupid and would make them not want to try. Getting them to change their mentality resulted in more productive sessions going forward and accomplishing that required addressing the root causes of their anxiety and/or skill deficits.

  • LXQt 2.0.0 released
  • I don't use LXQt itself, but its software suite is nice if you want a Qt desktop with a tiling window manager. Looking forward to it landing in my distro. 👍

  • Stay on Fedora or Switch to Void?
  • Is the bootup/shutdown speed, and faster package management really worth it? Is it really significant enough?

    No. The primary reasons why you'd want to use Void Linux are the musl packages, the easy packaging experience with XBPS, and the simplicity of Runit. The distro felt like BSD on Linux when I last used it (it's admittedly been a few years since then); I liked it. If the above things interest you, then go for it; otherwise, stick with Fedora.

  • OneRedFox 🦊 OneRedFox 🦊
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