I'm sure it's different with enterprise contracts, but VMWare support was next to useless when I used to pay for it on 20 servers. Not once did a problem get solved, and some of them must have been pretty widespread bugs from what I recall.
I never knew Microsoft even had support. Was part of a very large (worldwide) enterprise and remember the other teams complaining about lack of anything when trying to escalate issues.
Most larger companies I’ve work for can’t use vendors that don’t have support contracts because somebody wrote that into company policy. It’s a risk management thing. Don’t want to spend millions on something only to find out nobody can figure out how to make it work. So the vendors were forced to have support teams otherwise their sales guys never would have gotten a foot in the door. They aren’t really incentivized to make it actually good. The sale is made at that point. From my experience companies love to fall into the sunk cost fallacy. So the crap support is ironically overlooked and they keep purchasing from that vendor regardless.
It's not different really. Either it is obvious and you don't need them or its your hardware vendor's fault (according to them). Still better than Oracle's software support, which is not a high bar.
I have had to contact the vmware enterprise support several times and while it was tedious to do so, they always managed to help us out, including when we had datastore locked vhd's after a storage crash.