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Looks like some subreddits are extending the blackout


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  • r/Videos already said they will not reopen unless reddit makes changes to their recent decisions. I'm not very optimistic but I hope other main subs will follow. Because let's face it, a 2 days blackout is not going to accomplish much. A protest should end only if the leaders die or accept to the demands of their people, not just 2 days.

    • A sub like /r/videos will eventually be brought back online. The site admins will remove the mods and replace them with ones that don't care and want the "power" (do janitors have power?). They'll remove the mods who were protesting and take away any of their mod privileges, maybe even ban them outright. That wouldn't surprise me one bit at all, par for the course for Spez.

      • I guess that's a possibility, but where will spez find masochistic people who have to deal with abuse, spam, CP, far-right bullshit holocaust deniers every second of their day for free? Reddit mods may seem on a power trip and almighty super proud people but they are still what keeps reddit not turning into voat or 8chan. And they do it for free. Then reddit reaps the profits. Something's not right.

        • I thought voat died off awhile ago... That place scared me off real quick.

          • I have no idea if voat still exists to be honest, and I'm not going to check. But it is (or was) a prime example of what happens when there is no moderation. Crazies take over and there is no more discussion.

            • I was in there when it first launched. I set up a sub for craftbeer. I first notice a problem with the site when I would browse /all. It was really bad... I just nuked my account there after that and went back to Reddit. I assume it died years ago but I'm also not going to check either.

        • where will spez find masochistic people who have to deal with abuse, spam, CP, far-right bullshit holocaust deniers every second of their day for free?

          For all he cares, the mods may as well be people who spread abuse, spam, CP, far-right bullshit holocaust denial, every second of their day, for free... As long as he can make his money.

          • If it goes as well as voat or 8chan it won't be making much money. If any.

            • Shhhhh, don't let the investors catch wind! I need their money before I ride off into the billionaire sunset.

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