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PSA/HOWTO: Avoid fake mkv torrents. Avoid getting hacked

There are some torrrents showing up with .lnkextension (ex: movie.mp3.lnk, tvshow.mkv.lnk...) and automated software (Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr, qBittorrent RSS Downloader) could pick those torrents (but not import).

These (fake) torrents include a .lnk file that executes a script on your Windows

HOW TO exclude from download on qBittorrent.

  • Go to Options -> Downloads

  • Enable "Exclude file names"

  • Add patterns:

(one by line)


Or exclude all together: *.lnk

Example on VirusTotal


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  • Yet another reminder that piracy on Linux is the way because new files don’t have execute permissions by default

    • On many distros will open with WINE by default, not a big deal, you can just delete ~/.wine. If it does anything

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