Sadly, this is the second worst bike rack design though. A lot of ebikes have wider tires. And the way it’s positioned, the bikes would block the sidewalk.
A bunch of “staple” racks parallel to the road are good. Or a set of the Parisian coils taking over one car spot is best.
I do agree that this is NOT an ideal design for a bike rack (the bike I'd use to get groceries would NOT (edited) work with the rack as designed), but I do appreciate the effort. This would get me to shop at that store, where it wasn't even an option before.
As for blocking the sidewalk, it's a non-issue at this specific location because there's no reason for pedestrians to actually walk across that section (the loading dock is back there, and the parking lot and entrance behind the camera view).
I have been to other stores where the bike racks are 100% in the way of pedestrians, when they need not be. Poorly planned or ignorance by the owner/planner... who knows?
@psoul@Showroom7561 When more than 2 wide tyred bikes want to use it at a time the store will probably consider installing a different rack worth while, you can with care and skill still secure them to the ends of the rack while using up no additional path/rack space.
I do love the staple style ones though, making pedestrians feel safer from the cars can also improve how a space feels.