Stop buying name brand, some store/home brands are better then name brand, just takes time to find them.
Specials are your friend, of there is another store 5min away selling something at a discount buy some extra to save of off your regular bill.
National chains are likely to be more expensive anyway, try going to a smaller shop or international chain to get cheaper goods.
Now for the controversial take. Eat less meat, give some of the fake meat a try. They are generally cheaper and less deadly if cooked incorrectly.
Remember I said less meat, not none. You can still get meat if you want but meat is far more expensive then substitute meats.
We have a frozen food chain around here (Ontario, Canada) that has a wonderful selection of faux meat, often brand name (Beyond, Gardein, etc), but also their own brand.
Super cheap! I usually get massive bags or boxes of the stuff for under $20, usually much less. Not long ago they had vegan cheese for like $2.50 a bag, and the bag was at least the size of 4 or 5 dayia packages.
I consider myself extremely lucky to have them around. I refuse to pay $8 for four veggie sausages 😂
I disagree with this only because prices for store brand stuff has been wacky the past year.
I'm often finding much better prices (per 100g) on brand name cereal than no name. Even brand name condiments, spreads, or drinks, have gone on sale to be cheaper than no name equivalents.
But yes, generally speaking, no name is often cheaper for just about everything.
We’re in Hy-Vee country and the just ran a special over Labor Day, 80/20 ground beef at $2.99/#. We bought 10 to chuck in the deep freeze which will probably last us at least a year.
Most places where we are charge more for the “faux” meat products. Better to move into meat alternatives or cut it to a meal or 2 a week instead of switching.
I wish it was cheaper for meatless meat products here because we would probably switch almost completely off meat then.
to add to this, don’t turn your nose up at the discount options – dollar stores, Grocery Outlet, Walmart – and along those same lines, keep an eye out for any ethnic markets near you (fruit, vegetables, meat)
Be careful with those budget/dollar stores though, the actual price per weight is often higher than regular grocery goods.
Around me there’s an Amish store that gets stuff that was pulled from regular groceries - damaged outer packaging, just past expiry (dry and canned goods where that doesn’t matter as much), and stuff that doesn’t sell well, that heavily discounts everything. If there’s anything like that around you, it’s a great way to save a ton.
Also, befriend gardeners if you can - they love to share!
An Amish store that gets cast offs from the regular groceries. Exactly what you described so I sort of assumed it was the same place. I think there are three of them now. I guess there is more than one place like that.
I'm going to have to disagree on the dollar stores. I once bought American cheese at one and it wouldn't melt. I don't know what it was, but it wasn't cheese.