We’ve been anticipating it for years,1 and it’s finally happening. Google is finally killing uBlock Origin – with a note on their web store stating that the ...
We’ve been anticipating it for years,1 and it’s finally happening. Google is finally killing uBlock Origin – with a note on their web store stating that the ...
Chrome came up with that feature a while back. Now firefox is adding the same. And then later I learned it was a cooperative effort, just not under the same name
And in terms of cashflow, they depend on that google money. They're in trouble without it
That’s irrelevant. The only thing important is what they have to do for that money, which is setting Google as the default search engine. This only “hurts” you if you don’t take 15 seconds to change the default.
Well, yes, technically. But then again, if google decides to stop doing that firefox can't pay for it's staff or infrastructure. Really, they have an incentive to listen