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  • Well yes. The UK government makes no claim of attempting to force religion or secularism onto children. But it dose and has for generation. Force parents to educate their children.

    As soon as you force education and remove the options for parents ensure that education meets their own religiose choices. You are forcing changes in those choices from parents to the government.

    I am an atheist or agnostic. Depending on how you ask me the question.

    But I sure as he'll will never expect my government to force anyone to teach thidr own children using those views. But it is way more important to ensure those children have an education then to force parents to feel their children are interacting with people who feel differently. While I personally think children are better off interacting with multiple views then one. Forcing those with intolerance to those views to home school will never achive that. Other opertunities are a much better option.