Cloudflare blocking Pale Moon and other browsers with smaller user bases
Cloudflare blocking Pale Moon and other browsers with smaller user bases
Cloudflare blocking Pale Moon and other browsers with smaller user bases
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I just duplicated this. I downloaded Pale Moon and went to and clicked on "Register". It puts up a Cloudflare "managed challenge" which loops endlessly when using Pale Moon, but not the other browsers I've tried it with, including Zen, another Firefox fork.
It's a problem, for sure.
As a staunch Pale Moon user, Cloudflare is just being a bully and I circumvent their nonsense when I need to desperately use a particular site or just don't go to that site anymore if I can do without.
Greed. I honestly don't know if they're even aware of the problem. Most corporations have cut teams to the bone and I can't see Cloudflare being an exception. The janitor is probably writing detection rules now.