Arkansas bill targets 'gender nonconforming' haircuts for kids
Arkansas bill targets 'gender nonconforming' haircuts for kids

Arkansas bill targets 'gender nonconforming' haircuts for kids

Arkansas bill targets 'gender nonconforming' haircuts for kids
Arkansas bill targets 'gender nonconforming' haircuts for kids
Republican lawmakers in Arkansas have introduced a bill that would allow lawsuits against anyone who [...] use a student's chosen name that is different from their birth name
Did you just call him Bob? Robert, call the name police! Now!!
Ms sanders huckabee's state.
Was Arkansas always that conservative or this a recent thing?
yes its a gop stronghold Huckabee sanders, recently(kinda) made child labor legal there.
It's a super religious state, something like 80% Christian, and a lot of those are the actual church going kind. It's the home of the Duggars (18 kids and counting) crazy baptist type sect of ultra conservative loons