Rising anger among Democrats fuels talk of Tea Party-style backlash
Rising anger among Democrats fuels talk of Tea Party-style backlash
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Rising anger among Democrats fuels talk of Tea Party-style backlash
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Can we throw Schumer in the ocean first?
Nah, Pelosi has to go first.
Not thrilled with Chuck or Nancy, but at least Nancy is good at her job. Schumer has always been the quintessential weak, spineless Democrat weenie, and I will NEVER forgive him for stabbing Al Franken in the back. His weak job performance is a major reason we are in the mess we are in now.
Guys calm down we can fit both of them in there
How about we come together in compromise and tie them together the toss them both in.
Votes are tied, let's see who wins.
One into the ocean, one into the sun.