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What's the most stupid trend (or fad) you participated in yourself?
  • Nowadays, they are boring.

    Fr, the foldy phones have been the biggest good innovation in like a decade. Unfortunately, now I'm stuck, I've had a taste and I can't go back now. It's like moving up to multiple monitors and then trying to go back to a single monitor setup after awhile

  • Everything old is new again.
  • main competative advantage is just breaking the law

    If you're talking employment law, then yea for sure

    If you're taking laws like those that cap taxis licenses arbitrarily that the Taxi industry pushed for so that bigger companies could buy them all up and establish a monopoly, then I can look the other way on those

  • Everything old is new again.
  • Fuck Taxis and Uber

    An entire industry that's playing the victim. Stop falling for it and stop romanticizing taxis, the shit they pulled was just as bad, if not worse than what Uber does.

    Biggest difference is their drivers were complicit in the shenanigans and primarily targeted their customers. Taking LONG routes because their customer "wasn't local", saying a route will "probably be 10$" and then it's 50 and "the meter says what it says man".

    They literally used strict regulations as a shield to hold local monopolies for decades which resulted in terrible downright scammy service, cash only for an unacceptable amount of time, 0 innovations, dirty ancient barely running cars, a dispatch who would constantly say a car "was just around the corner" for 2 hours

    The taxi industry doesn't give a fuck about you, they're just mad because they didn't think to do what Uber is doing and now they're dying. When/If Uber/Lyft dies, I guarantee the Taxi industry will resurge for the worst and take pages out of Ubers playbook. It's just going to go back to the wait it was before.

    Fuck Uber AND Taxis, they both can rot in hell, but I don't mind seeing taxis get there first.

  • Everything old is new again.
  • What mythical app does your local taxis have.

    Every single taxi "app" I've ever used have been shit. Just last year I tried one out, and the best it did (besides looking like it walked straight outta 2013 UI's in 2023) was give me an "estimated price range" which again left too much room for the cabbie to fuck with the meter/routes.

    And they used those strict regulations as a shield to hold local monopolies for decades which resulted in terrible downright scammy service, cash only for an unacceptable amount of time, 0 innovations, dirty ancient barely running cars, a dispatch who would constantly say a car "was just around the corner" for 2 hours

  • Everything old is new again.
  • It isn't, they're both shit.

    The taxi industry used strict regulations as a shield to hold local monopolies for decades which resulted in terrible downright scammy service, cash only for an unacceptable amount of time (and STILL is cash only in many places), 0 innovations, dirty ancient smelly barely running cars, a dispatch who would constantly say a car "was just around the corner" for 2 hours.

    Even now they can't get their head out of their ass to make a proper app in 2024 that just tells you how much you're going to pay. Last time I tried out one of those taxi "apps" last year:

    It wouldn't tell you where or how long till the taxi got to you

    It would only give you an "estimated price range" (FUCK THAT)

    It looked like it was from 2013 and they got a "nephew who knows computers" to make it

    Fuck Uber, but at least when Uber tells me a price, that's the price that gets charged (excluding tip). At least I know where the Uber car is and when it's getting to me. At least the Uber driver can't screw around with routes and fares.

    So really the choices for a taxi-like service are between a shit sandwich and a giant douche. Ugh, I'm just going to start renting cars.

  • Everything old is new again.
  • Fuck yea, fuck Taxis

    An entire industry that's playing the victim. People around here are romanticizing taxis, but the shit they pulled was just as bad, if not worse than what Uber does.

    Biggest difference is their drivers were complicit in the shenanigans and primarily targeted their customers. Taking LONG routes because their customer "wasn't local", saying a route will "probably be 10$" and then it's 50 and "the meter says what it says man".

    They literally used strict regulations as a shield to hold local monopolies for decades which resulted in terrible downright scammy service, cash only for an unacceptable amount of time, 0 innovations, dirty ancient barely running cars, a dispatch who would constantly say a car "was just around the corner" for 2 hours

    The taxi industry doesn't give a fuck about you, they're just mad because they didn't think to do what Uber is doing and now they're dying.

    Fuck Uber AND Taxis, they both can rot in hell, but I don't mind seeing taxis get there first.

  • Hey she tried her best ok
  • Got pulled into the office for using my own money on that one lol

    It was because they had a form you could have filled out and gotten it paid for without any fuss right?.....right??

  • Hey she tried her best ok
  • They're saying that if you time it right, they won't get/hear the notification that you've checked in and you can slide into the right spot. Wait awhile and then you'll get refunded because you were "waiting so long"

    Which it can work TBH, it just won't be a reliable method by any means

  • Think of the children!
    1. A few years ago a study was done and it determined the worst case scenario for an individual (or family) implementing a Single Payer Healthcare system in the US was that an individual or families tax bill would go up about 1800/yr. No copays or deductibles.

    Rn, I'm at the better end with an employer provided plan and I pay 300/month which is 3600/yr not even factoring in copays, deductibles, prescriptions etc etc. it's already DOUBLE than just paying it in taxes.

    But no, clearly private businesses are way better in your healthcare am I right?

    1. Europeans seem to have better "wait lists" than us right now.

    Keep on parroting those right wing talking points though!

  • Is this a mandatory event?
  • Today's word of the day!

    Diarize (British form: Diarise)-

    intransitive verb

    : to keep or write in a diary

    diarize for an hour each evening

    transitive verb

    : to record in a diary

    diarize the affairs of the hour

  • Is this tree healthy?

    The tree is an adjoining neighbors backyard with large branches that come pretty close to my house (Though there is a sizable gap, if it comes down under the wrong wind direction...) and are actually touching another neighbors roof.

    If it is unhealthy, is it recoverable? I'd rather not have them cut the whole thing down (it provides a lot of shade for my backyard (well, when it's healthy that is lmao)) Should I talk with them directly (I don't really know them, at all) or let the city know?

    datahoarder cm0002
    Looking for some advice on moving 100TBs of data from the cloud to tape

    With Google Workspace cracking down on storage (Been using them for unlimited storage for years now) I was lucky to get a limit of 300TBs, but now I have to actually watch what gets stored lol

    A good portion is uh "Linux ISOs", but the rest is very seldom (In many cases last access was years ago) accessed files that I think would be perfect for tape archival. Things like byte-to-byte drive images and old backups. I figure these would be a good candidate for tape and estimate this portion would be about 100TBs or more

    But I've never done tape before, so I'm looking for some purchasing advice and such. I seen from some of my research that I should target picking up an LTO8 drive as it's compatible with LTO9 for when they come down in price.

    And then it spiraled from there with discussions on library tape drives that are cheaper but need modifications and all sorts of things

    Anybody got a good system for blocking religious artists on Spotify?

    I like to let Spotify leave my playlist and just have it play whatever so I can add new songs to my playlist.

    But from time to time it'll play songs from some religious band (Usually Christian rock or Christian rap or something). The annoying part is it'll sound pretty good, until I start paying attention to the lyrics and then I realize it's a propaganda song lol and have to block the artist and move on.

    Anybody know of a good list of religious artists on Spotify so I can write a script to block them ahead of time? (Or even better an existing FOSS project to do just that lol)

    Star Trek

    cross-posted from:

    > Author.

    NVR software recommendations that supports SSO/LDAP

    Hi everyone, looking for some NVR software to run a bunch of Cisco 6630 cameras I picked up (I know I know, but at <20$/camera....)

    I looked at a few like ZoneMinder and Frigate but they all seem to only support basic HTTP auth and I spent a lot of time and effort getting Authentik working nice and smooth and dammit I want to use it for everything I can lol

    Just "classic" LDAP is fine too, at least it's still using some part of my central authentication infra lmao

    Bikini Bottom Twitter cm0002
    I have more in the archives, 200,000 are ready with a million more on the way
    Bikini Bottom Twitter cm0002
    Hi everyone, please take your shoes off at the door
    Bikini Bottom Twitter cm0002
    Soon my precious will be here!
    Bikini Bottom Twitter cm0002
    Bikini Bottom Twitter cm0002
    What's you best "order mistake" story? 🍕🌮🍟
    Bikini Bottom Twitter cm0002
    Gotta make sure everything is up to code
    Bikini Bottom Twitter cm0002
    Bikini Bottom Twitter cm0002
    It's the worst blegh
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