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  • Sounds like untreated ADHD mate. Frequently starting projects and then giving up is a common symptom.

    Do you have tonnes of 5% to 15% done projects?

    If so, it's because the dopamine hit of (current project) has worn out, and the dopamine hit of (shiny new project) is more enticing.

    Do you often burn yourself out early on in the project, your first few days you stay up til 4 in the morning grinding, you progress wicked fast, "this is easy!"

    Then suddenly you crash, burnt out, exhausted?

    You have to set pace limits on the first days, purposefully stop and take a break.

    That rapid fire burn out on week 1 is a big productivity killer, instead literally set the kb+mouse down, get out of the chair and go for a walk. Yes, even though you could keep going, save it for tomorrow.

    Try buying an egg timer and force yourself to stop and get up and stretch every hour, and go for a walk after 4 "sets"

    • Do you often burn yourself out early on in the project, your first few days you stay up til 4 in the morning grinding, you progress wicked fast, “this is easy!”

      Then suddenly you crash, burnt out, exhausted?

      Yes. I have several projects I've abandoned. Like for example:

      • TUI-based text-editor app: because serial programming went over my head, C is already a difficult language to begin with, and I had no clue about what Data Structures to use.
      • a link-shortener with analytics: I started with Svelte/Bun and Golang. . Bun was not yet ready, so I moved back to NodeJS. I never learnt about Golang before, and I assumed that my C experience will help me - yes it did, but it was nowhere the same experience. Restructuring the project and connecting to ORM was very painful, nothing like ExpressJS.
      • SQLite Clone: again, a C project. Advanced pointer and malloc concepts made me abandon the project. Again, no clue about what data structure to use. Project also had a parser for database operations, so I had no clue on how to implement it.
      • Ruby's C binding for Ruby-based ML library, DuckDB and libcsv: lost interest because I thought that it would be easy, but it wasn't
      • Statistical-based grammar checker: I lost my interest after bad project structure and failing code
      • my personal web portfolio: I wasted an entire year on this. At first, over learning some basics of ThreeJS, then trying to implement a mesh gradient, then completely refactoring the page to a full-page style website, and then again refactoring it to use my own self-made Flowbite-inspired web component. My inability to choose over which text font for particular responsive breakpoint made me quit over this. And I also didn't know Typescript that well.

      You have to set pace limits on the first days, purposefully stop and take a break.

      I've wasted a lot of time, '24 grads are working in office, while I'm still doing nothing. Right now, I've been looking at this OCaml project called Dream, which is a micro web framework. I have been itching to learning this functional language, which is an entirely different paradigm, but no one is looking for this in my local job market.

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