you act vile to people online and yet have no idea why people shoot or stab human beings? im so glad guns exist because people like you have to keep their mouth shut in public or risk injury and death for your cruelty of language
i deserve death because you got your little feelings hurt? yeah, that's totally not vile and totally something a sane person would say. go play in traffic.
go play in traffic. hahaha way to be a peaceful human being. this..this right here is what starts the fires humans make. and you think humans are going to give up the advantage of a firearm. good luck out there. don't forget to be this vitriolic online as you are in person. don't be afraid of who and what you are. Just Another Monster in this jungle with the rest of us.
its just you and me down here in this comment chain bruno... feeling it yet?
that's the feeling of not being heard despite all that posted. yeah i know the pendulum swings in two directions. but you didn't, which is why we are down here. just the two of us....i brought you down this comment chain alone. see who followed you?
im going to not play in traffic because now i need to protect myself from yet another human who wishes me harm. way to be a part of the solution with all your diatribe.
and you want to be a peaceful person living ina gun free world. drink bleach, run into traffic. damn you are the monsters we need to be afraid of and arm ourselves to protect from, your sick fantasy of killing me. pendulum will contine to swing in two directions until you smarten up and look at the root cause not the object in space. you lack verbal communication skills and the intellect to discuss topics. why do i know this? what have been your last two replies? hmm...and you want us to hand over our guns to who, you? lol.
Actually I'm down here and you're absolutely insufferable. How you think it's okay to take personal attacks at several people across these post comments just because they don't think it's feasible to completely conquer the idea of violence before coming up with some common sense regulations is the craziest thing. You're coming off like a crazy person.
you're coming off like half measures are going to work. you stop the gun tree but are missing the entire forest of violence. you stop the guns then when your tackling the other weapons guess whats going to crop up and grow again? Pick up a history book. Humans have done this song and dance ad nausea for hundreds of thousands of years. you want to believe that you are detached from cave men. none of us are. the sooner you stop doing half measures and tackle the core issue. human will to kill, then you have my attention. otherwise you are a child who thinks to shallow.