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GameStop’s definition of “New”
  • i can tell you work in retail, damn

  • Almost 40% think Australia should dump US alliance if Donald Trump returns as president, poll finds
  • personally, i think mocking disabled people, being bigoted, denying that a disease exists leading to thousands of preventable deaths, starting an attempted coup, and rape are all pretty bad. conservatives have different views on morality tho 🤷

  • GameStop’s definition of “New”
  • yes, the exact same thing you did to op. you almost get it.

  • New evidence confirms COVID-19 vaccines are overwhelmingly safe
  • no, the only people forcing anyone to do anything are the anti vaxxers who want to force everyone to be around them.

  • New evidence confirms COVID-19 vaccines are overwhelmingly safe
  • are you just acting like a retard that doesn't know how vaccines work to score internet points or are you for real?

  • New evidence confirms COVID-19 vaccines are overwhelmingly safe
  • you know you're actually supposed to provide counter arguments, maybe explaining your reasoning and thought process?

  • New evidence confirms COVID-19 vaccines are overwhelmingly safe
  • some very trustworthy people are telling me you actually ate 32 live cats.

  • New evidence confirms COVID-19 vaccines are overwhelmingly safe
  • and that argument is dumb because they aren't being forced to take anything, they just can't force other people to be around them if they want to spread disease everywhere.

  • New evidence confirms COVID-19 vaccines are overwhelmingly safe
  • But studies largely shown that the risk of post-vaccine events do not exceed background rates

    sorry mate, guess you were the unlucky one. thanks for your sacrifice o7

  • GameStop’s definition of “New”
  • Have you tried talking to anyone at the company or is your first response just to cry about it in social media

    Also you’re an asshole.

    pot, I'd like you to meet kettle

  • American serial killers
  • at least his victims didn't complain as much

  • Story of Cruz
  • if bleach didn't work, i would suggest frequent and heavy exposure to uranium.

  • "It's a mental health problem!"
  • yes, the society where beating your wife was a fact of life was certainly a normal one. all the lead in the air was good for your brain too! you know crime has gone down and only continues to drop, right? sorry, but the facts don't give a shit about your fear-mongering

  • "It's a mental health problem!"
  • potential shooters from 1911

  • "It's a mental health problem!"
  • same. fr tho glad you're still here.

  • "It's a mental health problem!"
  • clearly it was all the good guys with guns stopping them.

  • "It's a mental health problem!"
  • years

    u mean a couple weeks, right? or have you never left bumfuck, Missouri?

  • "It's a mental health problem!"
  • 🤓👆

  • "It's a mental health problem!"
  • you can always go be black near a cop and that would get you executed pretty quick

  • "It's a mental health problem!"
  • you're a perfect example of it, actually.

  • Bruno_Myers Bruno_Myers
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