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Hey couples, do you have similar views as your partner or are you very different people?


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  • My husband and I are both relatively similar in our political views though he is much more pessimistic. For example, I make sure to get out and vote every election, whereas he refuses because he thinks they're all corrupt and shitty anyway.

    As far as personal interests go, we're extremely similar. We both love to play video games, and we love the same tv shows. For movies, we'll both watch pretty much anything, but I feel my bar is a bit lower than his. I don't mind if a movie has awkward acting, or a bit of a janky story line, as long as it has some heart, whereas he either wants a cinematic classic or so-bad-its-good and doesn't bother with anything in between.

    For food, I'm much more adventurous and will try almost anything once, whereas once he knows what he likes that's all he wants. I think this is the way we differ the most. The frustrating thing is I'll eat pretty much anything so I'll say "what do you want to eat?" And he'll say "I don't know whatever" so I'll just pick something random and he'll go "if you want I guess...." And it makes me want to throat punch something.

    Financially, we both make relatively frugal decisions. We try to think 5 years ahead before making any major purchases, but I usually think in terms of wanting to enjoy ourselves so how can we make this work in the next 5 years whereas he thinks what if we both lose our jobs in 5 years how will this purchase affect us. We both listen to eachother and don't make big purchases without the other's input.

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