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I hate this trope in fiction:

Where the evil villain will go on a rant about how society is cruel and needs to change and that they're going to change it. The hero opposes this for like zero reasons and somehow we're supposed to be on the hero's side.

Are we really supposed to believe that our society doesn't need to change? Are we supposed to cheer for the status quo even when it's shown to be terrible?

I also hate the sympathetic villain trope where it's shown that the villain is the product of abuse and yet their want for revenge is still treated as unjustified.


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  • Another one I hate is that Disney basically told us that Movie Thanos's* ecofascist plan was right and worked but is still bad. In Endgame society hasn't full on collapsed from the sudden death of half the planet, people are just sad.

    Falcon and the Winter Soldier is far worse. It starts with the premise that the Earth was better for the five years after the Snap. There was housing and food for everyone! Everyone banded together! Not like there were terrible structures in place which would have perpetuated inequality and famine in favor of greed.

    And the pseudo-Anarkiddies** who are the villains preach about the communal good, giving power back to the people, etc....then bomb a random building because reasons. Plus the Anarkiddies' reasoning doesn't exactly make sense. They were people who enjoyed the 5 years with half the planet dead, but they got moved into concentration camps when the rest of the people came back? Wouldn't it make way more sense to keep people where they were, then have the newly houseless people returned from the dead be put in concentration camps? No, because we have to have the main villains say "Thanos is right". Which in the fiction of the universe, he was.

    *Comic Thanos's plan was way cooler. Killing half the universe wasn't his major plan, it was just a thing he did on a whim because he wanted to impress Lady Death. Dude was crazy and it didn't even work. Rational eco-fascist nut face from the movies is #notmythanos.

    **Love for my anarchist comrades, was one once. But it's funny call these pseudo-anarchists kiddies.

    • Most of the time I can get over bad plot lines, but that whole “killing half the universe to save the other half” was so terrible that it pretty much ruined the movies for me. I couldn’t he instead just snap his fingers and double the resources? Or why not shrink everyone to where so they consume half as many resources? Also no discussion whatsoever of how resources are distributed and if that’s the most equitable way. I realize I’m preaching to the choir here but that really was one of the worst plot points I’ve ever seen in a big budget movie.

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