This is not even really a proper implimentation of UBI anyways right? They are injecting more capital into the local economy of course people were better off...
I still dont see this as a proper experiment of UBI since it's not self-contained within a society.
Okay, great. Then let's actually do it. Everything below 100 percent implementation is a success so let's stop handwringing over the size of the experiment and pull the trigger.
In this experiment, external funding is paying for the handouts.
In a self-contained system, the same system/community providing the handouts would be generating the revenue for them (e.g., via taxation). Think of existing social welfare where "the system" generates the revenue that pays for the welfare programs.
That's irrelevant to the question here. Here the question is how would people live their lives depending on the variation of the UBI. They still pay taxes. It's no different than government money.
The question you are asking is where the money will come from. Or how will the government finance this. It's not a difficult question to solve, except for liberals who hate taxes more than anything else on earth.