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TIL about “passive houses,” building that are airtight and require barely any energy to heat or cool


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  • I live and own a passive house: Feel free to ask questions :)

    • Can you address any of the intuitive concerns around the air freshness and getting enough O2 and removing enough CO2 ?

      How much is the air exchange process a complex active process that you need to monitor and maintain, or is it pretty basic and "just works"?

      • I would say "Pretty basic just works" it was adjusted during construction of the house and as long as you don't do any fundamental changes to ventilation system there is no need to readjust.

    • Do you find yourself having to think about "optimal use" of the house? Or can you just live your life as you would have prior to ownership and reap the benefits of the engineering?

      • Most of the time I don't think about it at all. There is have a central ventilation system with a heat exchanger. So I don't even have to think about opening the windows for fresh air.

    • Does being airtight mean it's significantly easier to keep out pests (rodents, insects)?
      Ever since I'd first heard of airtight houses (and figured I'd fit nets on all the windows) my arachnophobic ass has been fantasising about a spider-free house..

      • In the ventilation system there is filter for the incoming air and I always find some insect in them but they can't get through. I the only way for insects to get in is through the front door, for the garden door I have a net.

        • Thanks for the answer, just makes me want an airtight house even more!
          Shame I could never even afford a draughty old dump, let alone anything nice, but a girl can dream lol

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