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Guys i need help on installing Windows 10

First of all sorry for saying that cursed name, but a school teacher asked me to install it on her laptop, i had no idea how to but after following some tutorials online, it displays this error:

Windows couldn't open C:\Source\install.wim

I would be very grateful for your help


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  • Hiya there! I am DeafBlind so windows' interfaces aren't the best for me. But you might get further help if you try searching that exact error. Which you should then be able to follow in the Windows' interface on how to fix it.

    That how 95% of computer errors are resolved. So it should comes in handy. :)

    • Hey, I've been meaning to ask you this, but you're both deaf and blind? And that's interesting that Windows doesnt't have good interfaces, since I always heard Windows is better in that department compared to Linux.