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Another Buy it for Life community (for the sidebar)

There are now two BifL communities in the free decentralized world:

Perhaps each wants to mention the other in the sidebar?


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  • There's actually two more, !, and !

    Unfortunately, the 3 other BIFL's are no longer moderated. Their creators jumped in and created them during the reddit exodus (which is when I came here), and at some point left for whatever reason.

    Due to their lack of moderation, I don't feel comfortable linking to them. But also, I've come to the opinion that the fediverse is still small enough that I think it's best to consolidate similar/exact communities where it makes sense to do so.

    Sometimes it does make sense to have multiple, like if their instance would contribute a unique culture, or set of rules, or some other variation that would be lost if consolidated, so I think it's best to approach consolidation on a case by case basis.

    In the case of BIFL, all of them are going for the same goal, which is to find durable stuff. I guess the one here is slightly unique in that it encourages DIY solutions, but not to the exclusion of normal suggestions, so I don't really see the benefit to having multiple, but that's just my 2 cents. :)

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