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Starship Development Thread #57
  • Starbase activities (2024-07-26):

  • Falcon 9's Return To Flight scheduled for 2024-07-27T04:21Z
  • I almost wonder why it was still there if it wasn’t really used.

    That does seem to run counter to SpaceX/Elon's ethos. Maybe it was just a case of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"? (Until it did break, of course...)

  • Dragon splashdown moving to the West Coast, as part of trunk debris plan
  • Also, I’d be interested to see how this changes the Loss of Crew probability. Presumably it’s less risky to do trunk separation prior to the deorbit burn, because if the separation process encounters any problems, there is much more of an opportunity for troubleshooting.

    Yeah, it's interesting that they are modifying this sequence. There have been two Soyuz missions (Soyuz 5 and Soyuz TMA-11) in which the service module failed to separate from the descent module prior to reentry. The crew survived in both cases, with moderate injuries from the rough landings.

    It would be interesting to know if SpaceX/NASA have run any simulations on whether the Dragon trunk would burn away before the hatch burned through.

  • Starlink 10-9 launch bulletin (Falcon 9 return to flight)

    Falcon 9 returns to flight after the upper stage failure on Starlink 9-3. The cause was found to be a crack in a sense line for a pressure sensor attached to the vehicle’s oxygen system.

    Starlink Group 10-9 launch out of LC-39A in Florida currently scheduled for 2024-07-27 05:45 UTC, or 2024-07-27 01:45 local time (EDT). Booster 1069-17 to land on Just Read the Instructions.


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    Falcon 9's Return To Flight scheduled for 2024-07-27T04:21Z
  • Yay! I've been experiencing some "launch withdrawal" symptoms :)

    That’s 27 hours from now.

    I suppose I'd better get a launch thread up soon!

    Interesting failure and fix:

    the liquid oxygen leak on the upper stage led to the excessive cooling of engine components, most importantly those associated with delivery of ignition fluid to the engine. As a result, the engine experienced a hard start rather than a controlled burn, which damaged the engine hardware and caused the upper stage to subsequently lose attitude control.

    For near term Falcon launches, the failed sense line and sensor on the second stage engine will be removed. The sensor is not used by the flight safety system and can be covered by alternate sensors already present on the engine.

    Seems like another case of Elon's favourite, "try very hard to delete the part or process".

  • Featured
    Starship Development Thread #57
  • Starbase activities (2024-07-25):


  • [Hyperspace Pirate] Making Liquid Nitrogen with my Homemade Cryocooler

    Making liquid nitrogen is quite an achievement, especially using salvaged air conditioner and refrigerator parts. A nice application of the Joule-Thomson effect and countercurrent exchange too.

    What if you tried to print Wikipedia?

    Original static webpage version:

    [NurdRage] Make Nitric Acid without Sulfuric Acid by Oxalate Precipitation

    Another useful example of producing a strong acid from a weak acid by using precipitation as the driving force.

    Cortex #157: Being Better - Relay FM Cortex #157: Being Better - Relay FM

    Grey and Myke contemplate the conundrum of always striving to improve in creative work, evaluate technology that significantly impacts their productivity, discuss how they handle failure, and assess the success of a viral Instagram Reel.

    Cortex #157: Being Better - Relay FM

    Grey and Myke contemplate the conundrum of always striving to improve in creative work, evaluate technology that significantly impacts their productivity, discuss how they handle failure, and assess the success of a viral Instagram Reel.

    [rykllan] 2024-07-15 Falcon flightworthy boosters overview

    Infographic source: rykllan


    • B1062, B1061, B1067, and 1063 are the leaders at 22, 21, and 20, and 19 flights, respectively.
    • B1069, B1071, and B1073 are tied for 5th place at 16 flights each.


    144 launches in 2024 is now looking unlikely, given the ongoing investigation into Falcon 9 the upper stage failure on the Starlink 9-3 mission.

    What happened?

    Anyone else see this briefly before the site went down again?

    Differences between template styles?

    Source, One-to-one, One-to-one (keep incorrect)

    I can't notice any differences between these. How are they different?

    Dotted Small, Dotted Big

    These seem similar, but I'm still not entirely sure how to use them.

    They seem to overlay the intended pixel colour in the center, and display the current colour of the pixel a couple shades lighter. Is this correct?

    What advantage is conferred by altering the current colour of the pixel?

    Possible bug: If the intended pixel colour is white, but the current pixel colour is grey, this is lightened to white when the template is applied. There is no way to tell that the pixel is the wrong colour while the template is on.

    Is this a bug, or am I not using them correctly?


    Edit: After the server maintenance on July 13th, it seems the bug has been fixed.

    Starlink 9-3 launch bulletin

    Starlink Group 9-3 launch out of SLC-4E in California currently scheduled for 2024-07-12 02:35 UTC, or 2024-07-11 19:35 local time (PDT). Booster 1063-19 to land on Of Course I Still Love You.


    • Space Affairs:
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    Starship Development Thread #57

    SpaceX Starship page

    Portions of this thread copied from a Starship Dev thread on r/SpaceX.


    1. When next launch? (IFT-5) Booster catch NET Aug 2, per Elon.
    2. When previous launch? (IFT-4)? Booster 11 and Ship 29 launched on 2024-06-06.
    3. What was the result? Both booster and ship make it to landing burn and splashdown. Ship flaps took a beating on reentry, but remained in control of the vehicle.


    Quick Links


    Starship Dev 56 | IFT-4 launch thread | Starship Dev 55 | IFT-3 launch thread | Starship Dev 54 | Starship Dev 53 | Starship Dev 52

    Official SpaceX Starship Update Video (2024-04-06)



    Road Closures - @bocaroad Mastodon bot

    |Type | Start (CDT) | End (CDT) | Status| |---|---|----|----| | Primary Date | 2024-07-09 08:00 | 2024-07-09 20:00 | Possible Closure. | Backup Date | 2024-07-10 08:00 | 2024-07-10 20:00 | Possible Closure. | Backup Date | 2024-07-11 08:00 | 2024-07-11 20:00 | Possible Closure. | Backup Date | 2024-07-10 12:00 | 2024-07-11 00:00 | "Clossure" Scheduled. | Backup Date | 2024-07-11 12:00 | 2024-07-12 00:00 | Possible "Clossure". | Primary Date | 2024-07-12 08:00 | 2024-07-12 20:00 | Possible "Clossure".

    Up to date as of 2024-07-11

    Vehicle Status

    As of 2024-07-27

    Follow Ring Watchers on Twitter and Discord for more.

    Ship | Location | Status | Comment ---|---|----|---- S26 | Rocket Garden | Resting | Static fire Oct. 20. No fins or heat shield, multiple mysterious changes. Completed 3 cryo tests, latest on Oct 10. Rolls to Massey's May 8th, cryo test May 24th, static fired Jun 3rd, rolls to rocket garden Jun 12th. S30 | Massey's | Static fired Jul 26th | 2x cryo: Jan 3rd and Jan 5th. Engines installed ~Apr 9th. Static fired May 8th. Heatshield replacement completed by Jul 20. Static fired Jul 26th. S31 | Megabay 2 | Pending engine install | Cryo tested May 12th, suffers small electrical fire. Underwent repairs in the Highbay, rolls back to Massey's Jul 1. Cryo tested Jul 2nd and 3rd. S32 | Rocket Garden | Resting | Fully stacked, fore flaps installed but not aft flaps S33 | Highbay | Assembly | Nosecone spotted Jul 14th. First V2 Starship.

    Booster | Location | Status | Comment ---|---|----|---- B12 | Megabay 1 | Pending hot stage ring install | Cryo x2, Static fire Jul 15th B13 | Megabay 1 | Testing | Cryo tests Apr 26th (methane tank) and Apr 29th (LOX tank) B14 | Megabay 1 | Pending cryo | Stacked Apr 26th B14.1 | Sanchez | Resting | Multiple catch simulation "slap tests" performed on Jun 26th and 27th. B15 | Build Site | Assembly | Potential aft end, common dome section, aft tank section, and forward dome spotted. B16 | Build Site | Assembly | Parts spotted B17 | Build Site | Assembly | Parts spotted





    I'm pleased that Daily Hopper has been a bit more active recently. Their comics are quite good.

    Canvas 2024 is in 2 days. Can the HI community do better than last year?

    The ! event begins in 2 days! Any Tims interested in placing some pixels in the 2024 Fediverse Canvas?

    A bit of history if you are curious...

    r/place 2017

    This was the original r/place event, and the only one that Grey and Brady discussed on the podcast.


    Grey and Brady faces, Numberphile "pi" logo, Flaggy Flag, HI logo, Nail and Gear, CGP Grey flask icon, "r/hellointernet", White Cross, and "Tims!"

    r/place 2022


    • Left panel: Audrey, allied territory, and bees.
    • Middle panel: Grey and Brady faces, HI logo, Nail and Gear, and "CXXXVII" (137 in roman numerals)
    • Right panel: CGP Grey the lady penguin, allied territory, Numberphile "pi" logo, CGP Grey logo, allied watermelon, plane crash corner, and a tiny 4x4 Professor Poliakoff.

    r/place 2023

    Last year, we were unable to secure a single large territory, but managed to claim and hold multiple small territories.

    Region 1


    CGP Grey bot, Nail and Gear, split Grey and Brady face, HI logo, 137, and Flaggy Flag. Unfortunately, this region was steamrollered by a streamer and did not survive to the end of the event.

    Region 2


    CGP Grey bot, plane crash corner, Flaggy Flag, HI logo, and Audrey.

    Region 3


    Another HI logo, 137, and bees.

    Region 4


    Near the very end of the event, we managed to secure a whopping 24x24 region on the "taskbar" at the bottom of the canvas. We had to fight off a barbie to get it (true story), but the Tims held strong!

    Fediverse Canvas 2023

    And finally, our humble patch on ! last year.


    Fediverse Canvas 2024

    The ! event begins in 2 days! Would this community be up for placing some pixels?

    There are already a few Tims organizing in the "Tim Army" Discord but I thought it would be nice to have some people from here as well.

    What do the Tims say?

    Link to the Canvas:

    Link to the Tim Army Discord:

    Ariane 6 Demo Flight Launch Thread! (ESA Rideshares)

    Welcome everyone! It's time for another new rocket!

    | Scheduled for (UTC) | 2024-07-09 19:00 | | --- | --- | | Scheduled for (local) | 2024-07-09 16:00 (GFT) | | Launch site | ELA-4, Guiana Space Centre, French Guiana | | Launch vehicle | Ariane 62 | | Payloads | Multiple | | Mission success criteria | Successful launch and deployment of payloads into Low Earth Orbit |


    | Stream | Link | | --- | --- | | ESA (English) | | | ESA (Français) | | | ESA (Deutsch) | | | ESA (clean feed) | | | Arianespace (English) | | | Arianespace (Français) | | | Space Affairs | | | Spaceflight Now | | | NASASpaceflight | | | Everyday Astronaut | | | The Launch Pad | |


    ☑️ 1st ever Ariane 6 mission

    ☑️ 1st ESA mission of 2024, 15th mission overall

    Payload info

    • SpaceCase SC-X01: Test platform for reentry technologies such as new-generation ablative materials for thermal protection systems.
    • GRBBeta: 1U CubeSat – Gamma Ray Burst detection
    • ISTSAT: 1U CubeSat – Characterisation of aircraft’s ‘cone of silence’ and in-flight performances of a custom-made Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) system.
    • 3Cat4: 1U CubeSat – Techno demo Flexible Microwave Payload.
    • OOV-Cube: Microsatellite – IoT agriculture use case demo.
    • CuriumOne: With a duplicate ASTRIS Engineering Qualification Model PCB as primary payload.

    Please feel free to post updates and questions in the comments!

    Türksat 6A Launch Thread!

    Launch info

    | Scheduled for (UTC) | 2024-07-08, 23:30 | | --- | --- | | Scheduled for (local) | 2024-07-08, 19:30 (EDT) | | Launch site | SLC-40, Cape Canaveral SFS, Florida | | Payload | Türksat 6A | | Booster | 1076-15 | | Landing site | Just Read the Instructions | | Customer | Türksat A.Ş. | | Mission success criteria | Successful delivery of payload to Geostationary Transfer Orbit |


    | Stream | Link | | --- | --- | | Space Affairs | | | Spaceflight Now | | | NASASpaceflight | | | The Launch Pad | | | SpaceX | | | The Space Devs | |


    Sourced from NextSpaceflight and r/SpaceX:

    ☑️ 34th launch from SLC-40 this year

    ☑️ 5 days, 13:05:00 turnaround for this pad

    ☑️ 68th Falcon 9 launch this year, 354th overall

    ☑️ 69th SpaceX mission this year (nice!), 369th overall (excludes Starship hops)

    ☑️ 71st SpaceX launch this year, 382nd overall (includes Starship hops)

    ☑️ 86th landing on JRTI

    ☑️ 284th consecutive successful Falcon 9 launch (excluding Amos-6) (if successful)

    ☑️ 329th Falcon Family Booster landing, 339th Falcon recovery attempt

    Mission and payload info

    >First communication geostationary satellite built in Turkey. (Some payloads are Canadian) Türksat 6A is a satellite that will provide data relay for civil and military communications to the Anatolian peninsula as well as most of the European continent, the Middle East, and the westernmost part of the Russian federation. The satellite is equipped with 16(+4) Ku-band and 2(+1) X-band transponders.
