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ZH: CBO Director Warns Of Debt Market Meltdown With US Debt Is On "Unprecedented" Trajectory /V5JgD

"the director of the Congressional Budget Office, Phillip Swagel, issued a stark warning that the United States could suffer a similar market crisis as seen in the United Kingdom 18 months ago, during former Prime Minister Liz Truss’s brief stint leading Britain - which briefly sent yields soaring, sparked a run on the pound, led to an immediate restart of QE by the Bank of England and a bailout of various pension funds, not to mention the almost instant resignation of Truss - citing the nation’s "unprecedented" fiscal trajectory. "

Severe austerity is inevitable in USA, regardless of whether the Democrats win the next election. Soc-dem is hopium and economic conditions in USA will worsen.


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  • It's mostly nonsense. Federal Reserve has the power to set whatever yield it wants and the markets have to accept it. The issue is the Central banks don't want to fight the markets.

    Same with the UK debt "crisis". There would have been no crisis had Bank of England properly intervened and fucked with the markets. Sometimes, markets have to be fucked it but sadly, central banks are on the neoliberal kool-aid of "markets will fix everything".

    Obviously, U.S. should cut defence spending and replace it with more meaningful jobs, but to say it must be done because bond markets want it is nonsense.

    Historically, capitalist crises have always come from the private sector whether it's housing market crisis, dotcom etc. Public debt in domestic currency has never been the issue other than in cases where the countries are forced to rely on bond markets (because Euro is a foreign currency) or there was a big collapse in production.

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