My "It is baseless and disgusting to claim I am a Holocaust denier" shirt is raising a lot of questions already answered by the shirt
"speaking out against anti-Semitism" in this context means calling anyone who criticises Israel anti Semitic while desperately trying to brush the greedy blood drinking hook nosed goblin bankers that have a star of David on the floor under a massive rug
Jesus, for someone who hates antisemitism, she sure loves to defend holocaust denial and make fucking antisemitic depictions. And this is what the neoliberal media likes in Britain?! She's also a transphobic KKKunt as well as a KKKumSSKKKin. God, she's like fucking ISSn'trael like how she acts bigoted, and when called out, she shouts sexist or KKKancel KKKulture, but will happily use those against her adversaries. She actually needs the Communist treatment for TERFs and actual antisemites.