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Saw this while browsing r/196 today...


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  • I mean.. It's a tale as old as time. Teens fuck.

    Definitely issues between 17/18 & 13 but two 14 yo? 🤷‍♀️

    At some point, if they want to, they'll find a way. I don't know what you can do without being totalitarian and constant monitoring besides teach consent.

    Edit: As a caveat, I just realized there are 2 pics and only the 2nd loaded for me, so I may chat ve my answer on revisiting.

    • The second image is the only one that loaded for me as well

      But yeah, teens are gonna fuck no matter how much adults don't want them too. The best option is to teach them about consent and safe sex practices. And making sure that they have an adult they can go to if there's something that goes wrong.

      • I agree with that. However, I am more worried by how the orange person claims that it's a good thing that underaged people fuck, when they really shouldn't. There is still a difference between teaching them all of the things you mentioned while at the same time still telling them they should wait until they're 18 and saying that there is nothing wrong with underaged sex.

        • There's a difference between seeing something as not bad and seeing something as good. There's a spectrum of good and bad things.

          Should teens be discouraged from having sex before 18, probably. But it should be done in the context of a conversation on informed consent, because just telling your teens to not have sex will likely lead to bad outcomes in the sense of them trying to hide the fact they did, even if they didn't consent to what happened due to fear of getting in trouble.

          You want your teens to feel safe coming to you with questions about all kinds of things because they will seek answers from older people in their lives and you don't want them to seek answers from people who will abuse them on what constitutes abuse.

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