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Playing Disco Elysiym for the second time

I wasn't really politically conscious the first time I played, so I didn't properly enjoy it then. This time around I think I'm truly appreciating it.

I'm taking Harry in a lolbert/ancap direction. I'm using the Indirect Modes of Taxation thought and it pays you for picking ultralib dialogue options and reduces your empathy. The gameplay mechanics are flat out saying free market bros are shills. Fucking A!


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  • Is there a way to review what choices you made in a previous save?

    • spoiler

      It may not apply for you, but right at the end as you rendezvous with the other RCM, Kim will debrief them. Kim will essentially summarize how the game went and what kind of choices you made, what kind of person Harry is, how efficient the case went.

      So if you're able to load a save near the ending, you could try that.

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