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  • Planes falling out the sky, the East Palestine disaster, and the Baltimore bridge

    And how is it an achievement to replace a liberal justice with a liberal justice? Who care?

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • Succession ahh plot device

    Biden is just cooked and dems don't care about winning.

  • A Tesla driver says he crashed his brand new Cybertruck after the brakes stopped working
  • Are you 100% sure the brake lights never turn on? They look somewhat bright as soon as they're visible to me, but the car is pretty far away.

  • Worse thing about the debate is that after years of not getting a single moderation report from c/latam, I got two from users arguing about yank electoralism.
  • Hay que dejar las elecciones yanquis a un lado para enfocarse en lo que cuenta: mi rey ReviewBrah.

  • How did you guys end up so funny? Serioisy if I'm having a bad day or I need to feel good about myself. I make a shit post and you make me lmao
  • I don't think I'm that funny, but when I'm at my funniest I'm just channeling Northernlion and Brace Belden.

  • This AI generated meme cooked
  • Does ChatGPT hang out in the news mega? This is extremely good.

  • Story's of dudes who were creeps to women you guys know?
  • It really is. I also am friends with someone whose aunt was murdered by an ex, which was absolutely horrifying and traumatic. It's not a good place for women honestly.

  • Story's of dudes who were creeps to women you guys know?
  • CW abuse

    There was a pretty bad case in my high school, happened to a friend of a friend. She broke up with a guy who had anger issues and was just generally crappy. Rich dude, extremely spoiled and wasn't used to being told no. He stalked her and would harass her by rolling up to her house at any time of the day, he'd scream at her in school, etc. The year after they broke up she had to get the school to place him in a separate group for her safety. But the guy had a family connection to the school administration (private school) and he managed to get that measure overturned and had one more year to harass her.

    Toward the end of that year he got into a huge fight with her in the women's bathroom. Gave her a black eye and broke a stall. He still was not expelled. My school had expelled two boys for getting into a brief fight the year prior, but this human garbage beating his ex in the lady's room and breaking a stall got him a slap on the wrist. Extremely rotten school.

    I think she did eventually get a restraining order on him around the time she went to uni, they went to the same local uni so she was still in a bit of a bad situation.

  • Just got this tagline: TrueAnon Rule: Never release political prisoners to placate protestors.
  • Cuba? Not sure if the exiles that did Bay of Pigs were ever freed from jail. TBH I don't recall what episode the rule comes from, but all the TrueAnon rules come from when they talk about some specific event in history so I'm sure there's some examples.

  • Rare China L.
  • Yeah is there some kind of trap card thing in Chinese law where as soon as a court recognizes that two women had a relationship it immediately makes gay marriage legal?

  • Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a vocal Israel critic and 'squad' member, loses primary
  • Benevolent authoritarianism is already the promise of liberal representative democracy. IMO the true problem is that people are alienated from politics after decades of neoliberalism being the leftmost position. If people didn't feel like the entire institution of democracy was useless, I'm sure you wouldn't see that level of detachment. Hell, just compare to Cuba where democracy is much more direct and people have much more input: it directly leads to a vastly larger portion of the population participating to protect their interests and their communities' interests. Because they see their own civil participation in politics as an extension of their country's revolutionary project. In America, the national political project is so transparently aligned with the interests of industrialists and billionaires that the best they can offer people is a negative promise, that we won't do what the other scary guy is gonna do.

  • When I go bride-shopping in a developing region, I buy American, baby!
  • It's pretty exploitative but certainly better than "passport bros." I wouldn't judge a lonely guy for choosing to do this over the apps though, as a last resort.

    E: maybe exploitative isn't the right word. But I would rather not use this method where the person you find is less likely to love you for who you are, instead they're likely to prefer you to the other options that were immediately available. It's only exploitative if you're a wealthy guy who goes to a poor area to do this and take advantage of desperate women.

  • NSFW Locked Removed moderator defends pedophilia
    Sunday is Gaming Day: What are you playing thread.
  • It's interesting how gold stake doesn't seem like it should be that much harder, but the fact that 3/4 jokers in the shop are very hard to justify buying means most runs struggle to get out of ante 3. It's brutal.

  • Sunday is Gaming Day: What are you playing thread.
  • Started a new Factorio game. First game I thought I could survive by just having a perimeter of gun turrets around my base with double walls, but I never got around to making the red ammo so they became useless as soon as big biters started to spawn. I learned my lesson so this time I prioritized military science and have been building fortified outposts at each ore patch. Been loving building the huge rail network too, going much bigger than my last game.

  • Is it possible to love and hate someone at the same time?
  • Yeah I think so. Personally I've never even felt hatred for anyone in my personal life, it's a whole different thing as opposed to just having differences with people IMO.

  • Factory gamers, which kind of input/output system is better: belts that go right into buildings, or inserters/arms?


    Belts going straight into buildings a la Satisfactory, Create in modded MC, or Mindustry. Buildings usually have slots that allow you to plug a belt into them.

    Inserters/mechanical arms that take items off a belt and insert them into buildings like Factorio, or Dyson Sphere Program

    My own thoughts:

    Inserters and mechanical arms are generally a cleaner system since setting up assembly lines you just have belts running parallel to machines. The case for belts that directly go into/out of buildings is that it makes the math for throughout a lot simpler because there is only 1 rate in the distribution to worry about. Games where inserters have stacking, different speeds, variable throughput depending on destination, etc... have annoyed me a fair amount so I like the straightforwardness of having a belt that carries 120 items/min no matter what.

    A pretty important thing to note is that 2d factory games are gonna struggle with a direct belt access mechanic since it means belts have to go through each other a lot, diagram below

    py [12] [12] [12] -/|---/|---/| --/----/----/

    The belts in the 2nd line have to cut through the first. In 3D that's not a problem since you can just stack the lines vertically instead, but in 2D you have to use whatever mechanic the game has to go above or below existing lines. I think this is the main reason the inserter mechanic is most common, but some games like Mindustry solved this problem neatly and allow you to easily pass items in multiple directions. Dyson Sphere Program also has direct belt inputs for a few buildings where only 1 input is needed, but DSP allows belts to easily cross over each other in 3D space, it just doesn't allow stacking assemblers vertically like in other 3D games.

    Another solution for 2D games with direct access belts is to allow for the building itself to act as a kind of junction. Final Factory (an underhyped new release) has this system where you run your belts like this:

    py [1]--[1]--[1] [2]--[2]--[2]

    And as a building fills up, it starts passing the overflow to the next one. This means as long as you feed the first building in the chain with enough items to stock the whole line, you'll be fine. Then you can take the products out the bottom or sometimes you can fit another line through the crafters to take the output from the assembly line.

    Also, another thing, some games use neither system because they rely on other systems for transporting items, like units that automatically carry them. I haven't played any games like that outside of modded Minecraft with Thaumcraft golems and Pneumaticraft drones, so feel free to give your thoughts on those (I think Oddsparks works this way? Haven't tried it yet).

    Bit idea: Argue with a lib by pretending you're a libertarian, then reveal your power level

    You accuse them of being a socialist because they support Biden. Then you run through all the thought terminating cliches:

    • Human nature
    • Imagine you have 2 cows
    • Totalitarianism/authoritarianism
    • Socialists are just utopian idealists who haven't received their first paycheck/don't know how the real world works
    • Explain the origin of money using the barter myth
    • Climate change related thought terminating cliches that could literally fill the character limit 3 times over
    • Call them a tankie
    • Say that tankies always claim real communism has never been tried because they keep moving the goalposts
    • Show them the reddit front page, /r/theleftcantmeme, etc whatever you can to make the brand of lib you're portraying look as uncool as possible

    Then you show them your power level. Make them feel as frustrated as we feel when we speak with their cracker treatbrains. At the very least, from then on if you talk with that person ever again they'll have to think twice before they say some stupid thing you could easily dismiss as sounding like the character you cooked up.

    Also, I guess this is just the standard-issue wrecker strategy that some trolls use against us here, ended up recreating that unintentionally !trump-moist

    Throwback to this insane Bill Gates moment Watch 0gzsjr | Streamable

    Watch this video on Streamable.

    Watch 0gzsjr | Streamable

    Several mind boggling lines here, my personal favorite is him trying to say he was using Epstein to get to some global health professionals because Epstein was well connected. My brother in Christ, you're Bill Gates, who's gonna say "No, sorry, I can't talk to Mr. Gates at the moment. Oh, Epstein gave his word? Clear my schedule!"

    What's the biggest turn for the better that any current or historical political figure has made?

    Who are some people that started out as ghouls and made a turn for the better? Bonus points if it came suddenly and from their own realization.

    I thought about this for a while and the ones I could come up with aren't really that good.

    • Emperor Puyi.
    • Jeffrey Sachs went from doing shock therapy to Russia to defending their right to defend against NATO expansionism on a lib news show, but that's been his only good moment to my knowledge.
    • Jimmy Carter but he never changed course when he needed to, not much he can do to undo the harm he did as president.
    • Patty Hearst but she really wasn't doing anything bad, just came from a wealthy and powerful family much like Puyi.
    • Pat Tillman was deployed when he had a change of heart and contacted a bunch of reporters, sadly he was killed by another troop before he got to make much of a difference.
    • Peter Daou but he's largely irrelevant
    • That natsec ghoul that wrote the article about quitting her job because she doesn't want to be complicit in genocide.
    • Whistleblowers like Chelsea Manning? I don't know off the top of my head how involved she ever was with the war on terror, but she was a troop.
    • Malala and Greta were never ghouls, but did grow from lib media darlings to !qin-shi-huangdi-fireball over time so honorable mention to both of them.

    I guess the most obvious example that does satisfy my criteria is Kissinger, who really popped off when he died.

    edit: You do not, in fact, have to hand it to Puyi before he was re-educated.

    Final Factory Early Access Launch Trailer

    This game is pretty cool, the demo is free on Steam and it's a good afternoon of content. Lots of interesting ideas that I haven't seen before in factory games.

    If you like Factorio, Dyson Sphere Program, or Satisfactory, I'd recommend you check it out! I'm a playtester and have played with some of the features that are coming in the early access launch, they're very cool and it looks like the devs are pretty active.

    halp im dumb and deleted my reddit

    Deleted my reddit account some years ago, now I really wanted to ask a question in /r/pathofexile2 but it looks like they hide posts from low karma accounts. Can someone repost this for me? thx

    The news should refer to the FBI as "those guys that killed MLK and smuggled crack into the hood"

    Those guys that killed MLK and smuggled crack into the hood warn about Chinese cyber crime.

    Those guys that killed MLK and smuggled crack into the hood report rise in black-on-white crime.

    Those guys that killed MLK and smuggled crack into the hood deny killing MLK and smuggling crack into the hood.

    How do you respond when you meet a real world ghoul?

    Seems like every day I meet more guys on a Raytheon coop program or some other project building weapons. How are you supposed to respond when all you can think about when looking at them is the deaths and the blowback their work is directly causing? I know that being well adjusted to a sick world is not a good thing, anyone who can shrug off mass murder to be professional is on their way to being a ghoul themselves.

    That being said though, if I went on a Jeremiad every time I met one of these guys I'd be an utter pariah. So fair I've just tried to avoid these people and used them as a reminder of what we struggle against. How do you deal with it?

    FunkyStuff FunkyStuff [he/him]
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