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Is anyone else having trouble giving up Reddit due to content?

I’m not trying to cause an argument but when Reddit pulled it’s bs - I said that’s enough. I gave up my Reddit addiction and didn’t open it or visit the site for over 30 days.

The tone and people on Lemmy is great. I don’t miss Reddit. But I miss the content types. For me Reddit was a topic related news source, a place for great discourse about those news pieces, a place where community members asked constructive questions or shared ideas/projects - and lastly a place for some very specific community types.

Over the last few days I noticed that the first 2 categories of content came over to Lemmy no problem. But the second 2 types I outlined above don’t seem to have come. I went back to Reddit this morning and it’s all still there. Certain types of posts just don’t happen on Lemmy, and on top of that many communities never came over (street_photography is a great example. They literally shut down a subreddit with thousands of users and created a new location in Lemmy/kbin, and instead of coming over the community just evaporated). Other communities are also non existent and some that do exist are simply just not enjoying the same types of posts. I like it here, I want to stay - but it’s difficult. Is anyone else having this issue?

Thanks for hearing me out.

TLDR: all of my communities seem to link posts only, many types of posts just don’t seem to happen here.


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  • It is a right bitch that the reason to leave is 100% the bastards in charge. The community was fine. (Okay, giant asterisks all over that, but you know what I mean. The community was not the cause for masses walking away with a sea of middle fingers lit by burning bridges.)

    I'm not here because it's better. I'm here because fuck Spez. And fuck enshittification. Fifteen years and these greedy incompetents made it impossible to come back without feeling like betrayal. The only reason I'm not deleting anything is that I don't do that shit. Nothing any human being put effort into deserves to be lost forever.

    Elmo did us the favor of turning his stolen harassment engine into an all-stick-no-carrot experience in a fucking hurry.

    • Agreed. I miss things about reddit with its communities. There are parts of that browsing experience that a smaller userbase is simply unable to replace.

      At the same time I have too much disgust with what happened to go crawling back because I need my content fix like some kind of addict. I mainly enjoyed Reddit for the long story posts on things like AskReddit or HobbyDrama, but it's not like Reddit has a monopoly on "lots of text you can read".

      I've swapped over to reading ebooks instead, which I had entirely ceased doing since Reddit, and it's been wonderful getting back in touch with that. After all these years I'd somehow never read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, for example, so as one door closes another opens. It's no true replacement, I did prefer the short story style of AskReddit and HobbyDrama, but it's not bad enough that I'll lose sight of why I left.

      • Honestly I miss reddit circa 2015. Obviously before The Idiot and half the world lurching toward fascism - but also back when "fuck off, Nazi" was treated better than being a goddamn Nazi.

        The proliferation of "civility" is poisonous to online discourse. It is always the wrong metric. Trolls love being polite monsters. r/Politics even went a step further and demanded all opinions be taken in good faith. Do those idiots know what trolling is? Do they not understand bad faith... as a concept? It only works because people mistake it for good faith. Demanding everyone do that is a gift to trolls.

        Moderation requires common-sense identification of who's being an asshole. It's never about no-no words. If a script could handle the job, we would let it.

        Lemmy has far too many communities with rules going 'never be rude to anyone ever!!!' and then zero enforcement when someone calls you a cunt for gently correcting their grammar. That is the worst of both worlds. Anyone sincerely trying is going to hold back from just dealing with assholes appropriately, like an adult, but those people are then left with no recourse against pointlessly toxic shitheads. I don't want a screaming match. I want words to matter.

        Also if you enjoy Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett has a similar deep snark. Discworld's a whole mess of books but you can kinda jump in anywhere. I recommend Guards! Guards! or Going Postal. He did Good Omens with baby Neal Gaiman, and they'd write chapters separately, then throw out every joke they'd bought thought of.

        • You're right about moderation, but I think it's actually not an easy feat for someone to have really well-tuned common sense when it comes to tone over text. I know a lot of people in real life who text like total dismissive assholes, and if I didn't actually know them I'd think they were being dickwads because they speak in real life completely different to how they type online.

          Since ebooks have taken over my casual text consumption, would you say Discworld is accessible enough to just go from the beginning? There's a lot of books in there, but I wouldn't mind having all that to cruise through over a long term.

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