Ah, what should one do after finishing their second game and doing well at their first game jam ? That's right: Just join the next jam , start work on a completely overambitious project, fail to intro...
Check out a story about thought processes going awry after ecstasy born from early successes and personal issues hitting.
Still, I decided to release the result of my work so far as a prototype for Fuck Capitalism Jam 2024, to be worked on in the future until it is done. Alongside part 1, which was basically developed within the time frame anyway, and is more than fitting for the theme as well.
I can only imagine how I would have acted if I had gotten into game dev, like, 15 years ago or so, and MMOs still seemed amazing to me instead of kind of annoying, stressful and disillusioning.
It can still be done, but there’s no like.. industry standard for how to build a backend afaik? And cloud compute is still relatively new, all things considered. Not to mention all the CSPs kind of want to lock you into their ecosystem