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Sunday Is Gaming Day: What Are You Playing Thread (The Return)

I forgot to post this the past 2 weeks but im back. This past week a I played through the Demon's Souls remake to get ready for Elden Ring DLC. I also played some Binding of Isaac on the side. Haven't watched the Summer Games Fest, but everything I've heard is that it's been dreadful.


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  • i've been playing Nine Sols lately, i usually can't stand games where you lose all your shit when you die but this one is pretty nice. like a little 2d Sekiro

    • watched a streamer play it and the boss fights get a little intense and really difficult lol. looks like a good game!

      • thankfully the checkpoints are forgiving and it only takes a minute or so to get back to where you were, at least in the beginning. now i'm dreading future bosses

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