House Passes Bill To Automatically Register Young Men for the Draft
House Passes Bill To Automatically Register Young Men for the Draft

The Selective Service should be abolished, not made more efficient and equitable.

House Passes Bill To Automatically Register Young Men for the Draft
The Selective Service should be abolished, not made more efficient and equitable.
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Technically, the USA already required you to sign up for the draft right around the time you received your Social Security Card. The draft has not been used since 1973 and earlier. So this basically has no adverse effect. Even if a draft happened all the same people who would have been drafted before will be drafted now.
You're required to sign up within 30 days of your 18th birthday. You should have (well your parents anyway) a social security card within the first year of your life, strange outliers aside.
It's still technically a crime knowingly not registering, with a $250k fine, even if it hasn't been prosecuted in decades.
It also bars you from federal government jobs, many federal programs, and grants. Until 2020, it also barred any federal financial aid for education, but that's changed now.
You should have a Social Security Number when you are born as a citizen of the USA. You register for your card when you turn 18.
Your parents received your ss card after you were born once your SSN was assigned.
You register for the draft when you register to vote.
I've definitely had my social security card since I was like, 12. Before that, my mom had it. Definitely, 100% did not get it at or around 18
American men are supposed to sign up for the draft when they turn 18, this new bill would make that an automatic process.
I think it's called selective service
Yes, it's called the selective service, but it's colloquially known as draft and that's what above was referencing
I like how you got downvoted for rehashing 16bit when all they did was repeat exactly the same thing me and the article headline said and still got upvotes.
The draft has not been used since 1973 and earlier
One thing I found as I’ve gotten older is that history gets shorter and shorter the older you get.
1973 was so recent bro you have no idea. It was within one human lifetime. That’s really close. That basically just happened.
I don't really get what point you're trying to make.
I don't even think he's over 69 I think he just wants to say the Draft is some impending doom we should be worried about, but at this point if a draft occurs it will probably be for something pretty important.
If it's important draft everyone then. Not just the men
Sure, sounds good.
Your sense of time is too short is what's being said.
I'm sorry I don't measure recent events in a span of a hundred years.
Trading bodily autonomy for voting isn't right, especially when half the country is not only exempt but fights any attempt to make it more equal.
Defending only yourself isn't right, especially when you want all the benefits with none of the costs.
Men are the only ones paying this cost in the US
Again, there hasn't been a draft in 51 years, all of our current armed forces are volunteers and about a fifth of them are women. If you want to extend the draft that is fine but it sounded more like you were opposed to the draft entirely.