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June 16 Is 6 (Mu) 16 (Juuroku)… Which Means “Zero Gravity Day”!! by yolozyaTOM

6月16日は、6む16じゅうろく…で【無重力の日】!! by よろづ屋TOM: pixiv, Twitter #microgravity


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  • I've started keeping track of some anniversaries and goroawase days. June 16 can be read as mu-juuroku, which sounds like mujuuryoku, the Japanese word for zero gravity. Incidentally, June 16, 1963 is the day Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space. Oh, and today is also Father's Day here in the US, so shout out to all the other dads I've got floating around here.

    Next week, we've got Sonic the Hedgehog's birthday on Sunday and UFO Day on Monday. Let's try to get relevant floaty things posted here on those days.