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Retailers are replacing price stickers in aisles with electronic shelf labels. The labels prices can change as often as every 10 seconds. Hot outside? They can raise the price of water & ice cream. /2024/06/17/nx-s1-5009271/electronic-shelf-labels-prices-walmart-grocery-store

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  • That's very dubious, since where I live they have to honour the shelf price even if it's wrong.

    What happens when they raise the price while I'm on the way to the register? How can I possibly counter this?

    I actually had something similar happen to me. I grabbed something, I was mischarged, I told the cashier who told the manager who checked, and the manager changed the price while I was standing at the checkout and claimed it was always that price. I usually check the UPC when something is on clearance so I know I'm buying the right thing. I didn't buy the item.

    19 84

    Now I always walk with them to the aisle to see the price so they don't pull that on me.

    • Now I always walk with them to the aisle

      Another reason the dems want to ban Tiktok. Imagine a 60s surge gouging vid where the Tiktoker films prices, goes to the register, the cashier pleads ignorance gets the manager, the manager vomits up a bald faced lies, and the Tiktoker shows them the vid of the "old" prices and says "You just lied to me ten times!" Once the public is aware of this - future vids could then be 30s or even eventually 10s gotcha vids.

    • I could only see this working if they straight-up close the store when the prices are adjusted or eventually maybe forcing shoppers to use carts/baskets with digital price tallies that you gotta' like press a button on each price display as you grab items or something. I don't know, a physical store with actual space and people is so much harder to rig like this than a digital storefront, I don't know if you can mesh them in a way that doesn't destroy any benefit for shopping in-person and I don't see how if the prices are raised enough it doesn't become beneficial for people to hire someone poorer for minimum wage to buy their groceries for them.

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