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Why is the 9th gen of consoles so.... barren...
  • More people are treatlords who but the new thing than you think, sadly.

  • Why is the 9th gen of consoles so.... barren...
  • Would be cool if we enter the eternal PC/PS4/Switch generation and never have to buy new hardware again. We've reached peak gaming.

  • It's over. Games will be political with Chinese characteristics.
  • Saw his Elden Ring build yesterday and it was fucking disgusting. On top of being a gamerboy fascist who only cares about treats.

  • It's over. Games will be political with Chinese characteristics.
  • Can China clone a controller with hall effect sticks and decent build quality because the build quality of controllers PS4/XB1/Switch and up has been noticeably worse.

    Other than the N64 controller I don't think I've regularly had issues with a first-party controller until nowadays. I recently had to fix a bad solder on a PS2 controller because its rumble was cutting out but that's about it. PS3 control sticks would be filled to dust because of the plastic stick being sawed through by the controller body and still work while my lightly used XB1 controller I only used for PC got wicked drift after a couple years, PS4 controller on my used PS4 slim I got had to be replaced, and my Switch left joycon developed drift (and I replaced it with some hall effect sticks so should never happen again).

    Oh, I had to fix a Sega Saturn 3D pad's left trigger button because the magnet it had inside it (even had hall effect triggers) had fallen out somehow.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • The hordes of shitlibs and bots that would argue about why it's good that it was used would be even worse and more annoying than the "there is not inflation" propagandists.

  • Stacy Q Two of Hearts
  • I like Apollo Smile.

  • Fellow completionists: What are some games that are very fun *especially* as completionist games, where the extra goals you dont *have* to complete add to the experiance if you do? (also read body)
  • Any chance you could set rules for yourself and try to just see credit screens or something? I sorta' get stuck in similar situations but to a much lesser degree. I was trying to beat all the 150 and 200cc ghosts for the MK8DX DLC tracks and gave up halfway through when I realized I wasn't enjoying it and was only doing it because of the completionist urge that's never benefited me.

  • I modded a GBA ^_^
  • Nice colour choices too for the buttons and stuff.

  • From the mouth of Mike Wazowski himself, Elden Ring is balanced around using everything
  • I think they could fix Elden Ring with a few changes:

    • Make items and bosses randomized or semi-randomized in the overworld dungeons
    • Make maybe 6 more starting classes with more starting gift options
    • Cut out most of the overworld boss repeats
    • Make the bosses slightly easier and more diverse by making their AI and movesets less aggressive and attack-spammy, especially in regards to making them more vulnerable for longer periods of time after their more powerful attacks -Make respeccing possible earlier but maybe slightly more resource intensive to do
    • Have regions scale to your player character level in some way so exploring is more enjoyable because right now it's basically you could go to a difficult area but you'll get curb stomped and mostly do it to grab later-game items and early-game regions are easy to miss so coming back to them makes them too easy

    I really, really like the idea of Elden Ring being an open-world RPG that rewards build experimentation and problem solving, using whatever tools you have available to you like crafting items, talisman/magic/ash of war combos/spirit ashes, etc. etc. But I find in actuality the bosses serve as hard gates to player creativity and I always end up giving in to use mimics tear, spellsword-style build, etc.

  • From the mouth of Mike Wazowski himself, Elden Ring is balanced around using everything
  • One example is how the Souls mechanics of the corpse run/death stain doesn't really mean or improve anything in an open world. It makes sense in the more linear Souls games because you're usually progressing in a single stage linearly and there's a push-pull/risk-reward mechanic of how far into a new area you want to push before you retreat to a bonfire to heal and having to risk losing more souls father away into a new area harmonizes with that kind of level design. In Elden Ring, particularly in the overworld at least, you can just hop on Torrent and grab it easily. There's no tension.

    The overworld is also cluttered with repeated dungeons and bosses and fixed item placement that makes exploring on a second playthrough basically useless, you might as well just use your memory or a guide to speed through to whatever item you want. If the items and bosses in those repeated dungeons were randomized there'd always be a reason to go down one, but how it is now it's great for most of the first playthrough but the open world closes up pretty tightly after you realize once cool-as-fuck bosses repeat again and again and it's more rewarding to look up what item you'd want to do a STR/INT build than hope you chance upon one in aimless exploration, especially when the bosses are generally so hard and rigid that experimentation is punished.

  • From the mouth of Mike Wazowski himself, Elden Ring is balanced around using everything
  • Game needs a lot of medium-sized tweaks to really be excellent. Right now it's good but it's flawed and doesn't actually utilize open-world mechanics much beyond saying people could do things even though the game design is slanted against it.

  • Check out the hilarious "South Park of X" Cartoon from Dave Rubin (CW: Transphobia)
  • The laugh track to make it seem like All In The Family (for some reason?) makes it so surreal. Comes off as satire because it's so obviously stupid.

  • got me one of those "gf" persons you hear so much about these days
  • Get the admins to ban his ass for his own good.

  • When I go bride-shopping in a developing region, I buy American, baby!
  • Tried this in Canada and still got turned down 100% of the time.

  • I asked what Fetterman had been reading about Israel, meaning books - but he understood me to be asking about which news outlets he read. He opened his phone and showed me his Apple News feed
  • I think about that scene where Michael Keaton is screaming "Now you wanna' get nuts! Come on, let's get nuts!" and pulls out a sword to fight the joker.

  • Literally a skill issue
  • And no, I'm not kidding.

  • Literally a skill issue
  • Mods, ban this post for ageist anti-gaming propaganda.

  • Literally a skill issue
  • Elden Ring took the boss design that previous Souls games would have 1-2 of -- which they used more for thematic and gameplay emphasis -- and designed like at least half of the bosses like it. It's so tiring to play compared to the Souls series (and DS3 was already kinda' pushing it). Wouldn't mind it so much if ER became the capstone to Fromsoft's Souls-style action games as they experimented with more gameplay styles, but we know that won't happen.

  • The white libs are at it again
  • Bryan Quinby-level weirdo wrote this.

  • [BMF Repost] consumer desire for most "classic American foods" was manufactured by '50s psyops from corporations trying to sell highly processed bologna or onion dip etc

    naive: "today I will read about chips and dip...a yakub psyop to manufacture desires in a libidinal economy????"

    its amazing how a list of "American culture" is just disgusting garbage that corporations brainwashed them into enjoying. Like peanut butter which is of course a chalky tasteless food without all those unhealthy fats and salt/sugar

    >We also might shudder at the bologna sandwiches we were forced to eat, with their cold, slippery, overly thick slices. We protest — even riot — over the indignity of consuming bologna. "It’s been inserted into the national psyche of despicable foods, laughable foods," says Amy Bentley, professor of food studies at New York University. "‘That’s baloney, that’s crazy.’ That’s how we think of it. It’s been embedded in our brains that way."

    "its crazy to be an authentic human with a soul who doesn't believe whatever Oscar Mayer's corporate advertisements say! You must be brainwashed by Russian propaganda to think Lunchables being served in schools is disgusting abomination. Actually, kids learn better if they don't have a cafeteria at their school serving actual food. We need to privatize and defund schools even more so they can't afford to pay for a single cafeteria worker" - finance imperialist PMC demons

    >Bologna was one of the more accessible meats of the early 20th century. It kept well and, most importantly during the Great Depression and the war-rationing era, it was cheap. Made out of discarded or fatty parts of meat, even organ meat in some places, bologna was more affordable than ham or salami. And other meats like turkey and roast beef were not easily produced and therefore less available to consumers, says Jason Falter, co-owner of Falters Meats in Columbus, Ohio.

    the ideal, highly processed wage slave food, which they later exported to kids in their "future wage slave traning" schools

    >In the mid-20th century, the rise of the packaged food industry transformed bologna sandwiches into a shared cultural experience. Bologna became available on a mass scale as meatpackers began selling packaged and pre-sliced deli meats in supermarkets, an invention that the New York Times extolled as a time saver for homemakers. "It’s a truly industrial product," says Bentley, explaining that packaged foods like bologna took on a cultural cachet as consumers saw those goods as cleaner than meat at the butcher shop.

    "consumers saw those goods as cleaner " the soy neoliberals who wrote this were unable to talk about the million dollar advertising agency that was doing propaganda techniques to psyop people to have this belief.

    >The popularity of chips and dip significantly increased in the United States during the 1950s, beginning circa 1954, due to changes in styles of entertaining in the suburbs and also due to a Lipton advertising campaign based upon using Lipton's instant dehydrated onion soup mix to prepare dip.

    "suburbs" segregated nazi settler Karen NPC culture

    >Chips and salsa, typically served using tortilla or corn chips, is a common type of chips and dip dish that gained significant popularity in the United States in the late 1980s.

    CIA psyops in the Latinx community smh
