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Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North

Image is of a Hezbollah missile attack on a military camp west of Jenin.

The situation between Hezbollah and Israel is rapidly escalating, with massive bombing campaigns on southern Lebanon by Israel predominantly on civilians (as the tunnels in South Lebanon are mostly unreachable to the Zionists, just like in Gaza), while Hezbollah and its allies respond with missile attacks predominantly on Israeli military facilities. Israel is spreading an evacuation order to the residents of southern Lebanese villages while also bombing their routes of escape and civilian infrastructure, similar to a terror tactic used widely in Gaza.

Northern Israel is currently under military censorship to hide their losses, so we get very little information other than what the Resistance provides and what videos and images get through the censors.

I don't know if Israel will dare a ground incursion soon, but it seems fairly likely in the coming days or weeks.

Please check out the HexAtlas!

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  • Говорит Шестиугольный Медведь!

    Сообщение Совинформбюро!


    I'm here to publish the list of proposals, made both by the mod team in internal discussions and from proposals made by users last week, to be voted on by the news heads.

    The process will be quite simple. Below this comment will be a series of comments from me.

    They will follow the format of...

    <Proposal Comment>

    • YES VOTE
    • NO VOTE

    If you agree with the proposal, upvote the comment with

    YES VOTE. If you disagree with the proposal, upvote the comment with
    NO VOTE.

    The voting margin to pass a proposal as approved shall be with a minimum floor of 36 upvotes, based on the rounded rough average of megathread upvotes of popular comments divided in half. Should a proposal be passed but prove to be controversial by also receiving a no vote of at least 26 votes, the proposal shall be tabled and reworked for presentation at a future megathread should the need arise.

    Additionally, the floor will still be open to new proposals with a caveat that the minimum floor for acceptance for deliberation by the council of news mods shall be 31 upvotes. This is just in case someone is struck by the lightning of inspiration and wants to bring up an idea to shape the comm in a better direction.

    The polls are now open.

    Semper post, news hogs.

    Edit: P.S, I know some of the proposals are kinda scuffed looking, if they pass I'll format them so they look like the others on the rule sidebar. chalk it up to my laziness lol

  • It has officially started, no words can describe the feeling in my heart right now. I have lots to say to Iran and the Axis, but this is not the time nor place. May God keep everyone home in Lebanon safe and strengthen their resolve. It has felt inevitable for months now, but I hate that we're so close to winter with how cold it gets in Lebanon. My aunties in Beirut started gathering supplies a few days ago, they have plenty of canned goods and stuff like rice stored now. My stubborn communist uncle was a "nothing ever happens guy" though so we're grilling him in the family group chat now. My cousin is home in Beirut now, we were worried for him because he works in Tyre which will most likely be pulverised by the Zionists. May God give us the chance to witness the total destruction of this cancerous entity.

  • Waiting for a response for any message in the family group chat right now is fucking torture, I literally can't deal with it anymore. I've sent my wife and the kid to her mom's for a few days, they can't see me and my dad like this. The two hours it took for my uncle to see the message and respond today were absolute hell, fuck this life. My aunt has little kids no older than 14, what if something happens. I've called my cousin from my mom's side who has a little farm outside of Damascus in Syria, he can take in my dad's family from Beirut, but how the fuck will they even leave with this situation, and my cousin is already dirt poor, how will he feed them. Too many thoughts spinning, nowhere to scream them out, nowhere to go and nothing to do, I almost wish I was there.

  • Today my heart broke because that guy I posted about, whom I'm helping and trying to find more donors, I asked him what will they do if this happens. He told me they're tired, exhausted and staying on north, that he wishes to die because he's tired of seeing death... I broke. I literally broke and cried until I knocked myself with xanax because it was unbearable. I was practically saying goodbye to him and his family today. Three months, we knew each other three months, we shared our thoughts, I would comfort him, he would comfort me... A part of me died today. Saying goodbye to him was one of the most hurtful thing to experience for me. He is my friend and my friend told me he's waiting to die and if Netanyahu does this, they're staying to die. He told me not to be sad, which made me sob even harder.

    Damn fucking Israel and damn fucking USA. I wish Netanyahu, his government, his army and his settlers that Israel collapses, that they lose everything and one by one gets mysteriously shot in the head. Fuck you, Biden! Netanyahu, choke! I hate you all so much, I wish you all die in a stampedo of people who will beat you to death. One of those foots in the head is mine. Drop dead, scum, I wish you nothing but death and death of your families, that your seed disappears, like my Palestinians lost everything, like they'll never have children and future. FUCK YOU!!!

    I have a friend from Lebanon, I haven't heard from him in months. I don't know what's with his family in Lebanon, is he ok...

    Fucking Israel is taking everything from us. We're maybe tertiary victim of this, but we are also victims. One year we're watching this genocide, nothing was solved, it's even worse now and now they mutilated Lebanese men and bombing their land. We're empty, depressed, defeated and helpless together with the primary victims. Nothing we did didn't made Biden to fucking get Israel at its place. It's only worse.

    Israel will be dead, Palestine will be free. Fuck you, Zionists, fuck off and die and choke in your blood. Monsters. Nothing but monsters and scum.

  • Conversation I just had -

    Me: "You support Israel invading Lebanon?"

    Lib: "Yes because Hezbollah have been firing rockets at settlements for months"

    Me: "And you support Ukraine?"

    Lib: "Yes Ukraine should defend itself because Russia invaded."

    Me: "What was Ukraine doing to Donbass before Russia invaded?"

    Lib: "Nothing"

  • I can't believe it, I just can't swallow this news. Nasrallah is the resistance, he's Hezbollah, he's the man that defeated Israel twice, he's the greatest man that the region produced in the last 50 years, he's the one that you could listen to for hours without being bored. What a loss, what a tragedy.

    It's a black day, it's very hard to process. I'm frightened of what comes next.

    لبيك يا نصرالله لبيك يا سيد المقاومة

  • Part one effortpost here, I chose number two. Sorry for any grammatical fuckups in advance, it was too long to proof read.

    The Rise of the Collective Shia Identity: Part One

    The year is 1978. Ayatollah Khomeini, the main voice of Shia Islamism has just been expelled from Najaf by Saddam Hussein. Najaf, the capital of Shia Islam and where the biggest Hawzas (Shia Islamic schools) are located, is a hotspot of political repression, executions, and arrests. The main Marja (basically Shia pope), Sayyid Abu Al Qasim Al Khoei is reduced to a strictly religious role, giving rulings about useless things like marriages and inheritance. His predecessor, Sayyid Muhsin Al Hakim, pushed the political buttons too hard with a ruling that deemed communists and Baathists as disbelievers, which made the Iraqi state go crazy and start a huge campaign of repression of anything political from the Shia elite. Khomeini’s development of the concept of Wilayat Al Faqih was very worrying for Baathist Iraq, so he was expelled from Najaf.

    Shias in Iraq never got a place post-Sykes-Picot, with the Kingdom of Iraq being dominated by the Sunni Baghdadi elite. The period between 1958-1968 after the revolution was too chaotic and disjointed to produce an elite, with daily conflicts and coup attempts by adventurers with different ideologies. The Baathist period produced a new elite strictly dominated by Sunnis from Salahaddin Province, so the Shias just never got a seat at the table. Two ideologies penetrated the Shia mind, Islamism and Communism. Islamists were concentrated in Karbala and Najaf, two holy cities for Shia Islam. Communists where concentrated in Nasiriyah, Amarah and Basra, cities where poverty was rampant. Islamists were finally organised in the form of the Dawa Party, led by Musa Al Sadr’s cousin Muhammed Baqir Al Sadr. Musa Al Sadr would later rise as the spiritual leader of the Lebanese Shia community. Muhammed Baqir Al Sadr’s works and political activities really annoyed the Iraqi state, so he and his sister were executed by the state in 1980. Most of their followers were executed or exiled. Many of the influential families in Najaf and Karbala had some Persian ancestry, nearly all those families suffered from mass deportations as Saddam’s anti-Persian paranoia grew. The communists suffered from the same fate, with most communists either executed or exiled by the state due to their political activities.

    Now we’re done with Iraq, let’s go to Iran. Shia Islamism is dead here too, the Shah’s security services arrests anyone with any political activity. Khomeini was successfully chased out 20 years ago, and there’s no organised political force that can even talk loudly without getting executed. The Shah is at least Shia Muslim on paper, he prays in public once every 10 years, visits the shrines in Qom and Mashhad occasionally, but to everyone with a functioning brain, this man is a disbeliever. There’s something brewing, but let’s wait with that story.

    Let’s go to Lebanon. Shias in Lebanon are around half of the Muslim population. It’s hard to get exact numbers, but Shias are around 25% of the total population of the country. The Shia community here also never got a real seat at the table. The president holds most of the power and is always a Maronite. The prime minister gets fired every few weeks, but he’s always a Sunni and does nothing while the Maronite elite is pretending to be French and robbing the country. The speaker of the parliament is Shia, but toilet paper is more useful than that position. Feudalism didn’t really end in the Shia parts of Lebanon, most Shias were farmers who were getting fucked so hard on a daily basis that they didn’t have time to even think about politics. Remember we’re in 1978, where are the Shias in the middle of civil war? The answer is nowhere. The main sides are Maronites vs Sunni Muslims, communists and Palestinians. Shias were not a major factor here. The only notable Shia organization is the Amal Movement, led by Musa Al Sadr. Musa was a charismatic leader who would set the foundations of the modern Shia Lebanese identity, he was respected by all sectors of the cursed Lebanese society and his connections to Iran and Iraq were slowly starting to be important in a regional context. But nothing good lasts, as he was inexplicably disappeared and presumably killed by Gaddafi during a routine visit to Libya in August 1978.

    Let’s go to Yemen and the Gulf. In Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, Shias were an afterthought, they are 0% of the ruling families and have zero political representation. They’re allowed to do some rituals at home when no one sees, but if you open your mouth in public and say anything Shia Islamist, you’re getting disappeared and your whole family will probably be deported to Iran or something. Shias in Bahrain are the absolute majority and they’re significant minorities in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. In Yemen, the Shias are not the same kind of Shia as in Iraq, Iran and Lebanon. The main group of Shia Muslims are either called Jaafari after the theological works of the sixth Shia Imam Jaafar Al Sadiq, or Ithna Ashari (Twelvers) due to their belief in twelve Imams after the Prophet Muhammed, starting with Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib and ending with Imam Muhammed Al Mahdi, also known as the Hidden Imam who according to Shia beliefs will reappear one day and basically set in motion the end of the physical world. The Shia of Yemen are known as Zaydis, after Zayd ibn Jaafar Al Sadiq, who the Zaidis recognized as 7th Imam, while the Twelvers recognized Musa ibn Jaafar Al Sadiq. The Zaidi Imamate in Northern Yemen continued for nearly a thousand years, but it could not withstand the post-WW2 chaos in the region and ended in nearly comic fashion after a coup led by local rivals and involvement from an exiled Iraqi officer. The Zaydi community here in 1978 is in disarray, with many converting to Sunni Islam out of convenience in a new world. There’s no organized Zaydi force or political party, they just farm in the highlands of Northern Yemen and chill out there. It is a fading group, but wait, something just happened in Yemen. Ali Abdullah Saleh, a Zaydi military officer from Sanaa, and one of the great adventurers of the 1900s in the Middle East, just did a military coup and took power in the failing state of North Yemen in July 1978.

    How did this defeated religious group go from edges of the region to the dominant group in five countries and a political force that annoys America and Israel? We’ll find out in the next episode as we cover the Islamic Revolution in Iran and the formative value of the Iraq-Iran War, the failed Shaaban Revolution in Iraq, the rise of Hezbollah in the south of Lebanon, and the rise of the Houthi (Ansarallah) movement in Yemen.

  • Just before the UN meeting, Brazilian President Lula da Silva said: “The world is out of control. Nobody respects anybody.”

    “The world is out of control. Nobody respects anybody. When the UN was created, it had 51 countries that were UN partners. Now there are 193. That means that more than 140 didn't take part when it was created. And the UN, which when it was created had the strength to create the State of Israel, doesn't have the courage to create the Palestinian State,” said the president at the event.

    “The UN can't do it, it doesn't have the strength to decide. It wouldn't have been necessary to have had Russia's war with Ukraine, it wouldn't have been necessary to have had the genocide in the Gaza Strip, it wouldn't have been necessary to have had the invasion of Libya, the war in Iraq. All this could have been avoided if the UN had fulfilled its task of being a kind of world governance,” said Lula.

  • Hey, please read the first two parts of my effortpost on the evolution of the modern pan-shia ideology if you haven't done that already. Part three coming probably tomorrow, but I'm on 5k words in total already and I haven't even mentioned Syria and Bahrain in the last part, so this became a bit larger than expected lmao.

    Part One

    Part Two, it gets continued in the first comment

    you're getting the third and probably final part tomorrow, be patient

  • Looks like Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah will be buried in Karbala, Iraq, next to Imam Hussein. There's no more fitting spot on earth for him, I have made a promise to visit his grave as soon as possible. My wife has been feeling kinda homesick since birthing our son and she wants to go to Iraq for a few weeks, so there's a very good reason for me to follow along now.

  • Fresno mayor says city will arrest ‘defiant’ homeless people as Central Valley sweeps intensify

    On Monday, a city ban on any encampments on public land goes into effect, soon to be followed on Oct. 13 by another policy prohibiting camping on private land — essentially making it illegal to camp in the city. Violations can bring a $1,000 fine or a year in jail.

    . . .

    Fresno Mayor Jerry Dyer said he plans to add more teeth to the ban by ordering the police department to arrest the most troublesome, continuously service-resistant homeless people in Fresno. It could mean scores of people tossed in jail.

    "Service-resistant." Death to Fresno. Death to America.

  • Thank fucking god that Syria isn't a nation led by a comprador shithead and is allowing Lebanese refugees in via border crossings. Incredibly difficult situation for Assad given the state that Syria was already in, massive respect for not hesitating. Hoping that Iran and friends can get enough food in to the refugees to prevent the famine we're seeing in Gaza, as the numbers of displaced might reach the hundreds of thousands by the end of this war. Now would be a good time for Russia to help things out with its big agricultural sector, for example.

  • I don't have anything interesting to post right now so here's a picture of a PLA soldier on the disputed border with India. Nobody in the disputed territory is allowed guns so the PLA have polearms instead.

  • Watching Hasan just now, he had a clip on that I think is perfect example of how Israeli / US propaganda seeps into the national consciousness (don't know how to link Youtube without trackers, but you can see the clip for yourself by searching for the account "CBS Mornings" and the title is "Breaking down the Middle East conflict: Israel's strikes on Hezbollah, U.S. troop movements".

    First off, CBS Mornings is the kind of generic news program that my boomer parents watch. Like most of the non-cable news networks, the public sees it as "impartial", if maybe a little boring.

    OK, so in this clip, you have 3 news anchors. In other countries there may be news anchors who know what they are talking about... but that's definitely not the case in the US. They're just... dumbasses with communications degrees who got where they are at because they are conventionally attractive, articulate, and can speak with authority. They don't actually know about or understand these issues. They ask dumbass questions that dumbass Americans themselves might ask someone, all done without any pushback or probing follow-through of interviewees. Because they themselves have no actual understanding the world around them.

    The person they are asking their questions to - Samantha Vinograd - is NOT a dumbass. She is, however, a CIA/State Dept asset and not even shy about it. She knows the company line very well. So you have three dumbasses asking a real pro what to think about Israel. And she knows exactly how to play that fiddle and how to frame it. She doesn't even need to prepare for challenging questions because they will never come.

    So your typical American watches this, and all they need to know is placed right in front of them, without having to do any sort of critical thought. It's people who are seemingly asking "good" questions even though they're not and have no idea what's going on, getting those questions answered by just the right person that the CIA/State Dept wants there.

  • I’m convinced 95 percent of the users on the Lebanon subreddit don’t actually live in Lebanon. (In fact many of them admit this already)

    There’s no fucking way all the posts that are like “fuck Hezbollah for doing this” while Israel carpet bombs the country are legit . For lack of a better word that shit is so cucked there’s no way this isn’t all from people whose family moved out like 40-100 years ago

  • look at this pathetic soon to be beheaded piece of shit, it's ridiculous

    a life long nerd of capitalism who got to start the day in wall street, his pathetic little dream. Meanwhile, the argentinian province of Córdoba (where he won by a landslide, mind you) is being obliterated by fires (not strictly due to climate change or months long droughts, but by agro business like in the Amazon)

    while he's celebrating the expansion of capitalism (which will end in it's ultimate demise), people are fleeing from their homes because his government butchered all regulations against forest fires. There are almost no state resources being mobilized to fight the fires, lots of them are being fought by regular people and volunteers.

    also all argentinians bonds and shares in the exchange fell by 3% when milei spoke lmao. what a fucking baboon, with all respect to that noble animal

    death to "israel"

  • The relations between the United States and Brazil worsens.

    The Clinton Foundation had invited Brazilian President Lula da Silva to speak at the event. This had been agreed with the event's security team and the president's security guards.

    However, during the speech, President Lula da Silva and his team were barred. The reason was that President Joe Biden had arrived for a “surprise” visit to the event. Apparently, the American security guards tried to stop the Brazilian security guards. Lula da Silva refused to go there under the protection of the American security guards, believing that he would be safer with the Brazilian security guards.

    The organizers of the event apparently got angry, and Lula da Silva and his team withdrew from the event. The atmosphere at the event completes the list of annoyances caused by the US to Brazil in the diplomatic marathon. Although the US government had implied that Itamaraty would mediate in conflicts with Venezuela following Nicolás Maduro's election, the State Department called a meeting to discuss the situation in the neighboring country with Argentina, which had its ambassador expelled by Maduro.

    The government was also unhappy that the White House had sent a second-ranking US government official to the pro-democracy meeting called by Brazil at the UN, which will be attended, among others, by Emmanuel Macron, President of France, Pedro Sanchez, Prime Minister of Spain, Gabriel Boric, President of Chile, and Gustavo Petro, President of Colombia. All political allies of Lula da Silva.

    The US does this shit, and then are surprised when these countries ally with China and Russia. Also, Democrats treating Global South leaders worse than fucking George Bush.


    There's actually a critical lesson to draw from this and other Ukrainian fiascos, of which the Bakhmut saga and the Zaporozhie Hundred Days come to mind: Ukraine will have ended up losing this war in large part because it consistently tried to fight beyond its means.

    The Ukrainians started this war with an enormous army, well in excess of what the Russians could and actually did commit to the fight in 2022. That huge force (the "First Army") was badly mauled in early 2022, but it was rejuvenated later that year by a combination of ruthless mobilization and massive aid from NATO. This convinced the Russian Stavka to transition to the defensive and consolidate their position in Ukraine, withdrawing troops from more exposed positions in east Kharkov and right-bank Kherson. Any serious assessment of the situation at that point would have been that the Russians had consolidated into a basically impregnable position that the AFU was incapable of breaching (lest we forget in the wake of Russia's totally unhindered withdrawal from the area, their attempts at reducing the Kherson bridgehead by force in mid-2022 were bloody disasters), and the correct course of action was to start digging in and negotiate a peace treaty in the meantime.

    The Ukrainian leadership instead threw a disturbingly large portion of the "Second Army" into Prigozhin's meatgrinder in Bakhmut and then ordered not one but two large-scale counteroffensives into Zaporozhie and the Bakhmut flanks using the post-Bakhmut remains of the "Second Army" and their NATO-supplied "Third Army." Those failed with enormous losses, opening the way for Russia to transition back to the offensive in late 2023 and begin systematically rolling Ukraine out of the Donbass. The correct course of action at this point was, again, to find a tenable defensive line and start digging. Zelensky instead ordered a "Hail Mary" offensive in Kursk with the remnants of the "Third Army" and significant elements from a lightly-equipped "Fourth Army," hoping Russian border defenses were weak despite their having ample warning of Ukrainian designs on the border region (courtesy of several earlier, smaller raids) and plenty of time to prepare. It proceeded to fail with enormous losses - Ukrainian forces breached the border, began to exploit, and ran square into a Russian haymaker counter-punch that stopped them in their tracks. The Ukrainians then reinforced failure, sending massive reinforcements into a death pit in an attempt to keep a sliver of Russian soil under their flag as a middle finger to Putin.

    And while this was happening the front in the Donbass started to collapse with Russian troops making large advances and seizing key terrain, in no small part because the AFU's resources had been systematically redirected to a tertiary operation far to the north. We've seen, again and again and again, that when the Ukrainians got resources and generated forces, rather than admitting they are the weaker power here and working to strengthen their positions and conciliate, they instead squandered them on hugely ambitious and equally doomed offensives. In 2023 these offensives were aimed at restoring their pre-2014 borders when Donetsk may as well have been on the Moon for them, while in 2024 their ambitions transitioned to the outright insanity of conquering southwest Russia despite the fact they'd been on the military back foot for the last year. These are the moves of a power setting objectives beyond its means to achieve, and they will probably end up dooming Ukraine as a sovereign state going forward.

  • The most recent Trump shooter is offering $150k to anyone that kills Trump

    Gotta wonder what was going through the mind of whoever at the DOJ thought this should be published

  • Hezbollah protesters in Melbourne may face police, visa scrutiny

    A protester with a photo of Nasrallah during a pro-Palestine rally for Gaza and Lebanon at the State Library of Victoria in Melbourne on Sunday.

    Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke threatened to consider canceling visas for people supporting such groups.

    “Any indication of support for a terrorist organisation is unequivocally condemned,” Burke said in a statement on Sunday.

    “It draws the immediate attention of our security agencies.

    “There is a higher level of scrutiny if anyone is on a visa.

    “I have made clear from day one, that I will consider refusing and cancelling visas for anyone who seeks to incite discord in Australia.”

    What a fucking joke, Posy Parker is coming back to australia in under a month for a "conservative conference", and they're getting ready to round up Brown kids. I saw somewhere that a 13 year old got pepper sprayed in the face for carrying a Hezbollah flag yesterday as well.

  • "I support a two-state solution!" is an extremely common liberal deflection technique when they are pressed to have an opinion on zionist atrocities.

    In South Africa, the apartheid regime tried having a two-state solution as well by creating Bantustans, pro forma independent countries for black people carved out of South Africa proper, de facto under the total control of the white supremacist rulers of South Africa who controlled their borders and installed corrupt comprador rulers to keep the people in control.

    Even if we ignore the fact that nobody in Palestine wants a partition, the indigenous population wants their country to be free, the zionists wants everything for themselves, a two-state solution in Palestine would be nothing but a rebranded Bantustan solution. They would be allowed to have a flag and a football team and a president but the west and the zionists would be in total control. It is highly unlikely that a pro forma independent Palestinian rump state would be allowed to control their own borders, airspace and territorial waters or to have armed forces capable of effectively defending them against the zionists. Being torn in half by the zionist entity, a rump Palestine would have a very hard time developing economically and the nation would be saturated by western NGO's, pumping money into ensuring that elites friendly to western imperialism govern.

    In South Africa, the creation of Bantustans gave the regime an excuse to strip black Africans of their citizenship, as they were now considered "citizens" of one of the Bantustans, thereby making their existence even more precarious. One could easily imagine a similar process happening if western imperialists decided to actually make a two-state solution happen.

    In the case of South Africa virtually nobody outside the Boer minority saw the Bantustans than anything other than what they were, a legalese fig leaf to justify apartheid. They remained universally unrecognised Internationally and they fell with the apartheid regime. Unlike back then liberals today are ready to play along with the creation of a Bantustan but the fact remains that no liberal reform or milquetoast half-measure will be able to protect Palestinians against the abuses of settler colonialism. They are in danger as long as Zionism holds any power in Palestine. Jews living in Palestine can not be free from hate and fascism before they live as equals with their neighbours. Palestine can only be free when it is free from the river to the sea.

  • Terrorist getting arrested in Morocco:

    Israeli soldier Moshe Avichzer was reportedly detained in July while vacationing in Marrakesh.

    He is accused of committing war crimes in Gaza after completing a three-month tour of duty there.

    Avichzer had shared photos from his vacation in Morocco shortly after posting images of himself amid destroyed Palestinian homes and rubble in Gaza.

    Following protests by hundreds of Moroccans demanding his prosecution as a war criminal, a Moroccan court is now reportedly preparing to hear his case.

  • It isn't wise to fall into the stupidity that is the Great Man Theory, even more so since we're leftists and we uphold other ideals. We seek to build movements from the ground up, leaders are important for articulation but our collective fates are NOT tied to them. The same goes for Nasrallah, he was indeed a great leader and very important for Hezbollah in it's resistance against the genocidal entity. His death is a heavy blow but the movement will continue because it has a great and noble goal -- the liberation of their land from the zionist occupier. He himself spoke about this, he himself was aware that he will die sooner or later, and he made it clear that the fight must go on despite this. Now, the man is a martyr, he's in a position where he can't be killed nor touched.

    Let us not forget also that movements like Hezbollah have a different approach to death itself. A dead palestinian or a dead lebanese is a martyr, not something to hide or be ashamed of. People who die are mourned, cried but also celebrated, remembered, elevated to greatness even. That's a key difference between the arab resistance movements and the genocidal entity that is "Israel", one is not afraid to die, the other hides behind military hardware and will take the first plane out of Tel Aviv as Ansar Allah fires a missile or two. One proudly announces their dead as martyrs, vows to keep fighting for them, meanwhile "Israel" hides behind censorship and will never release their death toll in Gaza and the northern front, they're ashamed of their dead.

    Leave the Great Man Theory for losers like the fascists, liberals and monarchists, those who will tie their fates to individuals. Mourn the death of a great leader, but go on. The path ahead is full of problems and obstacles, but one shall never lose track of the ultimate goal: the elimination of the genocidal entity that will mark an important victory in our greater anti-colonial, anti-imperialist and therefore anti-capitalist struggle.

  • Are we at a point where we can start to blame Iran for their slow ass reaction times? I understand the strategic planning and patience and all that. But it just gets frustrating seeing the cities of Iran's "allies" get flattened every few years while the Iranians are chilling in the driving seat of the resistance while not even fucking touching the steering wheel. Hezbollah, Hamas, Ansarallah and Syria keep taking the devastating hits while Iran is egging everyone on. This doesn't feel like an equal relationship anymore like in the days of the Syrian Civil War when Iranians were on the frontlines of Aleppo and Mosul. Israel doesn't stop because Iran isn't protecting their allies anymore, they're using them as a sponge to suck up the hits while Iran is protected and trading with the likes of the UAE. I'm just rambling here, but it gets frustrating seeing Beirut getting pulverised and we can't even get a little drone strike from Iran despite failing to protect Haniyeh in fucking Tehran. Resistance leaders were safer in fucking Qatar than the supposed HQ of the resistance