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Imagine a Looking Good Susan meme with Reagan and Biden saying "I have severe dementia" but Susan calling the police on Biden. Smdh at society
  • I appreciate this but that comic has misogynistic & incel underpinnings. and i hate it, just a reminder

  • Pretty sure I alienated everyone in my local furry Discord by saying I'm refusing to vote for Genocide Joe lmao
  • People voting for biden because he wont make things worse for you personally is also a take pride in your self centredness moment lol

  • Just saw one of my comments as a tagline
  • ^ Lol make this a tagline

  • I see you
  • the Byrds


    I see you, times two

  • Despite Biden losing, debate also showcased how awful Trump is as a candidate
  • So they made him look even better lol, I cant say i was paying that close attention

  • Despite Biden losing, debate also showcased how awful Trump is as a candidate
  • Trump was so civil and together, I think libs are going to eat that shit up, people dont care about policies, these debates are the literal theatre of bourgeois political theatre

    Im out here in the peanut gallery, trying to get closer to the SPLASH ZONE πŸ’¦

  • Hexbear anti-dronies meme
  • This is so chaotic, nice one!

  • Honey, it's time for the debate again!
  • I used to work with a guy who'd set traps and take them to the pound, his stories were very entertaining

  • Oklahoma orders schools to teach the Bible 'immediately'
  • I had to read bibles in school and all it got me was kicked out of class for asking too many questions

    Get excited, capital punishment coning to a school near you

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • The kids are all right, siri play the Offspring

    I know so many younger people who are trendy and hip and wayyy too online, people obsessed with short form content, I guess it stems from twitter? Snapvhat stories, vines, shit you make, is seen once, and then its gone (but theres no privacy involved and meta harvests all the data, and I've seen communities around mr tear themselves apart on fucking instsgram instead of talking to people, wait thats it! these damn kids wont make a phonecall ~my grandchildren wont call me~ sorry dear, what was I saying? lol)

    grumble grumble

    I've been terminally online since i was 14 but it was out of necessity from being isolated and having no irl people to bond with, it feels like people are doing it deliberately now, I feel for them.

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]

    I know this is kinda a special case but heres a 12 second song from 1992, theyre just jingles really, the who sell out would maybe be a better example

  • What are your predictions on the Trump/Biden debate happening tomorrow?
  • According to this wikipedia list it's been a hot minute since there was a sizable seismic event in Atlanta, that could be funny, maybe an early hurricane?

    big wet boy goes down under biden (in earthquake)

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • Suckers, I slept through the downtime. Do we needna /downtimebananas comm? 🍌

  • Trumpy is a Swifty?
  • BREAKING NEWS: Taylor Swift confirmed LIB by a BIG WET BOY

  • I hate the stuff I have to read for my exams
  • Yeah hi, I'd like a large side of feminised men under communism please, youre menus very cluttered i only got that far, can you recommend anything else?

  • Most intelligent πŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡Ό poster
  • Drews grandfather was a cypriot anti communist, Drew follows in his footsteps by being a fucking rabid dog

    yesterday he was openly sharing neo nazi propaganda to uh, criticize them, without censoring any of the links attached

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • So many cops in these photos wearing face coverings not even pretending to be for covid safety, while the nees about laws meaning protestors cant wear covid safe masks

  • Owl rly?

    >β€œI added the owl to it before I put it into the Darling Prize and I suppose it brought me good luck,” says McKenna. β€œI kind of identify with the owl as an animal. I don’t really know why. I suppose in some ways I like owls in that you very rarely see them. They lurk in the background a bit and I am a little bit like that myself. I’m quite an introverted person, so the owl is me, really.”

    edit btw you can access the entire age website through, pretty much every article will be archived everyday, if you want to get mad reading the age

    Direct Link to Delete Your Facebook account, a short how to

    because it took me 10 minutes to find it. every "how to" just copies facebooks fucking useless help page.

    maybe this will get indexed by yandex oneday lol

    Voilà, see how the extremes meet! 😱

    le horseshoe understanders have logged on 🐴

    Shoutout to the french people for contributing this fine bit of "political theory"

    Depicting Xi as Winnie the Pooh is racist

    cross-posted from:

    > Xi as Winnie the Pooh is racist

    They're ingrained in every group I swear to god

    sorry for posting this sad old meme, I spat out my coffee when I saw it this morning

    The Ballad of Stalin - Ewan MacColl

    I've made a rough attempt at working out chords for guitar

    My ear isn't amazing (I used an electronic tuner to help guess chords), and the recording is kinda shonky and weird (its a banjo recording from the 1950s), if anyone has suggestions I'm more than open to them! C#m B C#m Joe Stalin was a mighty man, a mighty man was he, C#m B Ab He led the Soviet people on the road to victory. C#m B F# All through the revolution he fought at Lenin's side, C#m Ab C#m And they made a combination till the day that Lenin died.

    (C#m) Joe Stalin was a mighty man, (B) a mighty man was (C#m) he,

    (C#m) He led the Soviet people (B) on the road to (Ab) victory.

    (C#m) All through the revolution (B) he fought at Lenin's (F#) side,

    (C#m) And they made a combination till (Ab) the day that Lenin (C#m) died.

    full lyrics as per prole wiki

    \ He said, "Come all you people, we will work with brain and hand."

    And then one day the Nazis came into the Soviet land,

    They plundered to the Volga, to Stalingrad, and then

    Joe Stalin said, Come on, me boys!" and he kicked them out again.


    Joe Stalin was a southerner, in Georgia he was born

    Where the oranges grow thick and fast and fields of waving corn;

    And Joe he was a farmer, his fingers they were green

    And he has planted the biggest crop the world has ever seen.


    One day he looked upon his map and frowned and shook his head,

    "There's too much brown and not enough green," these are the words he said;

    "We'll have to change the weather, boys," he said and then he smiled,

    "So let's begin by planting trees along three thousand miles."


    Joe Stalin rolled his sleeves up and he said, "Come on, let's start!

    The Volga river and the Don they are too far apart.

    I think we'd better join them, so come and help me, pal,

    And we'll build a mighty waterway, the Volga-Don Canal."


    One day he went into the North and there saw rivers three

    All emptying their waters into the Polar Sea;

    "Now that's not right," Joe Stalin said, "these rivers they are ours,

    We'll turn 'em 'round and make 'em work to give electric power."


    There was a range of mountains that was standing in the way

    So Stalin put his hand out and he smoothed them all away;

    For Joe he was determined to make the land all green

    And that's the biggest project that the world has ever seen.


    Joe Stalin was a mighty man and he made a mighty plan;

    He harnessed nature to the plough to work for the good of man;

    He's hammered out the future, the forgeman he has been

    And he's made the workers' state the best the world has ever seen.


    ps thanks to the user who shared this song in a comment the other day



    This is from an ancient fb group iirc

    It's really like that!

    !feral-hog Mommy, I'm scared of the hexbears

    Their/there, they're hexbeans now dear !beanis


    >post hog\ >post beanis\ >????\ >profit!

    Jim The Charmer

    Bit late for the australian federal budget but it's been on my mind, and I'm trying to do more "nice" things for myself by making art and junk


    >Father-of-three Treasurer Jim Chalmers says he would like to see Australians have more children.

    all while there's a national debate seething about the number of migrants coming to the country, a Labor government you say? I'm shocked! Take some fucking personal responsibility and squeeze out a kid for the economy, who's going to look after you otherwise??


    someone let me know if it's better to post these in /c/art or /c/comics, I'm having major imposter syndrome and can't decide.

    ps shoutout to comrades who encouraged me to try krita


    >the author said that while he has β€œargued for a Palestinian state for most of my life – since the 1980s, probably –"

    He was born before the Nakba ffs, read Stalin on the national question:


    A nation has the right freely to determine its own destiny. It has the right to arrange its life as it sees fit, without, of course, trampling on the rights of other nations. That is beyond dispute.

    I am sick of smart guys pretending they do not understand the goal of national liberation movements. The struggle does not end when Palestine is recognised as a state.

    ps have a nice day comrades, communism will win, up the P.F.L.P.

    Mining heiress demands National Gallery of australia remove unflattering portrait #girlboss

    >"Australia’s richest person, Gina Rinehart, has demanded the National Gallery of Australia remove a portrait of her from an exhibition by Archibald Prize-winning Indigenous artist Vincent Namatjira.

    >The billionaire mining mogul directly approached NGA director Nick Mitzevich and NGA chair Ryan Stokes in April to press for the portrait’s removal.

    >There have since been more than a dozen complaints to the gallery from associates of her company, Hancock Prospecting, which have accused the NGA of β€œdoing the bidding of the Chinese Communist Party” by displaying her image in an unflattering way."

    Archived article from the Age

    Article from the Guardian

    >The Streisand effect is an unintended consequence of attempts to hide, remove, or censor information, where the effort instead increases public awareness of the information. The effect is named for American singer and actress Barbra Streisand, whose attorney's attempt in 2003 to suppress the publication of a photograph showing her clifftop residence in Malibu, taken to document coastal erosion in California, inadvertently drew far greater attention to the previously obscure photograph.[1] The effect exemplifies psychological reactance: where the desire to hide information instead makes its propagation more likely.

    The Brandenburg Gate in Berlin last night

    Happy Victory Day comrades

    Not linking to the tweet because theyre posting patsoc tier trash, concern trolling about satan and transgender people

    Authoritarian dictator enacts child policy, these brave women stand defiant πŸ’…πŸ’β€β™€οΈ

    I think I might be unironically be on team #defundtheABC Β―\\\(ツ)\/Β―

    One of these things, is not like the others 🎢

    post racial meritocracy 🧐


    the market will self regulate

    > Just minutes after the first bounce in a round one AFL game, families watching on free-to-air television were exposed to more than 70 gambling ads – and all before 8pm.


    fixed some trash I saw on another instance

    EllenKelly EllenKelly [comrade/them]

    Steal my posts πŸ™†β€β™€οΈ

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