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fixed some trash I saw on another instance

  • "We must stop bailing out the boat and hold an election to determine the captain of the boat! Your choices are me or the fascist, you don't want him to win do you? Why, he'd even drill a second hole in the boat if he were in charge! I know he drilled the first one while I was in charge, but you really want a second hole in the boat? What are you crazy? Vote for me!"

    -The liberal.

    • "I cupped some water in my hands then threw it out once so you guys would stop yelling at me, the fascist just sat there. Clearly I'm the harm reduction candidate." Meanwhile the boat is fully underwater.

  • Liberals: You’re doing it wrong.

  • I drilled the hole.

    smuglord anyone can drill a hole, but knowing where to drill the hole is why I get paid the big bucks