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Anyone who thinks Biden didn't win the debate is Deleuzional
  • Ah good. I've seen liberal word salad that is close to this, but never quite on this level. Yet.

  • The US is where Rome was at in the 5th century CE - where like every other emperor was a literal child
  • All we need is a good strong army of goths and they're finished.

  • Anyone who thinks Biden didn't win the debate is Deleuzional
  • I know liberals hate actually defining the words they use and love using their own personal meaning for everything, but this is barely a step above baby babble.

  • From my resistance lib mom... It's so joever
  • You very clearly didn't want to be there either. The whole time you looked like you would rather be somewhere else. What other things could you have done with your evening instead?

  • Yes, his campaign is still selling this with that description.
  • A can of water is what happens when a group of suits focus test merchandise to be as "inoffensive" and have as much "mass appeal" as possible.

  • I don't know if it's a server problem but all my mastodon feed is this over and over again
  • Wow, NAFO is so fucking astroturfed, they really don't even try to hide it, do they?

  • Love having a president with the leadership style of Skeletor or Megatron
  • The amount of times Megatron was willing to forgive Starscream shows an incredible amount of patience and compassion.

  • "I’m just focusing on the present because the future is depressing"
  • Could it be that entry level positions require 12 years experience and don't even offer a living wage? No, it must be because the kids these days are lazy.

  • I have been informed that there were no left-wing participants in WWII.
  • I have no idea what they teach in political science classes, but I honestly think that they could get a better understanding of politics from playing Paradox games than whatever they teach in them. The way they talk it just seems to be "ignore every single actual bit of useful information about politics and use big words to cover up the fact that you have a toddler's understanding of politics."

  • Supreme Court wipes out anti-corruption law that bars officials from taking gifts for past favors
  • It's not corruption if it is all perfectly legal after all. If you plebians don't like it, just vote with your wallets!

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • Yeah, it does feel like it is picked for memorability and repeatability, just used as an empty floating signifier that just means "bad things" so the audience can attribute whatever specific meaning they want onto it, and the fact that this has picked up steam suddenly out of nowhere does make it seem like the US is trying to manufacture consent for something.

  • Gee, I wonder what gamers are saying about Monster Hunter Wilds! I bet everyone's excited about the monsters!
  • Cares about the environment ✅

    Beats up the rich ✅

    Could easily pick me up and carry me around without effort ✅

    NGL, she does tick a lot of boxes for me. I'm well aware of how cringe it is though.

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • Has very similar vibes to "SOS Cuba" for sure. Are you worried the US might try some false flag or something in the region, since Taiwan doesn't seem to be willing to destroy themselves for US profits atm?

  • Zelensky Removes a Top General Amid Criticism of Excessive Casualties
  • Huh. That's actually an angle on their stubbornness I hadn't considered.

  • Go read the liberal comments at r/StarWarsleftymemes/
  • Look, all I'm saying is, voting in the Emperor was a necessary evil to prevent JarJar from becoming leader of the galaxy, he was embarrassing and was a far worse option really.

  • Uncritical support to miHoYo for taking gacha g*mer's money to build a Tokamak reactor
  • However, whales partially funding it is still true.

    Capitalism would have a lot more clout if billionaires and companies used their money to fund solutions to humanity's problems, instead of using their money to create problems for humanity and then offering solutions for profit.

  • Fundamentally Detached From Humankind
  • Purchase a lot of non-perishable food and learn how to garden and grow your own veggies if you can.

  • NPR journalist experiencing ai heresy
  • I've looked into using it to save time, the way this interviewer recommends, and I must say "I would rather put a gun in my mouth" is a pretty accurate response to how it makes you feel as a writer. The only thing it is good for is when I'm feeling incompetent, I plug my ideas into an AI and the garbage it generates makes me feel way better about my own writing skills.

  • NPR journalist experiencing ai heresy
  • I love that Shapiro gives an example of one of the things AI is worst at doing with creative writing. AI is terrible at linking two unrelated scenes together. All AI can really do with a script is pad it with samey nonsense, it can't come up with a clever twist or a good segue.

  • I almost always upvote people for responding to me.

    I'm just happy to see that someone read something I wrote and feel like they deserve to be seen for that.

    How can we answer the question "China is revisionist because of billionaires in the party?"

    Hi! Long time lurker, first time poster. Been discussing stuff with MLs of all stripes recently, and have come across a common statement used by a lot of Maoists which frustrates me.

    They seem to always fall back on statements like "The CPC allows billionaires in their ranks, so they are revisionist."

    Maoists have often used this as a kind of "gotcha" argument against more traditional MLs, or "Dengists" as they love to label us.

    It's frustrating, because...I don't disagree really, allowing members of the bourgeoisie to hold political power is pretty much the definition of revisionism. The problem is, this feels more like a way to silence dissent or discussion rather than facilitate it. Feels like an overly simplistic hard line that simplifies history into binary divisions. Often followed by an implied "China is revisionist, therefore Maoism is the only working form of socialism."

    I'm reaching out to people to see if anyone has any ways to combat this, in a way that encourages discussion rather than it just devolving into insults or truisms hurled back and forth without thought.

    DamarcusArt DamarcusArt

    I tell terrible jokes.

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