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We got like 4 hours left to talk.
  • I am posting at work and will continue to post on company time IN FRONT OF MY BOSS freedom-hater

  • got me one of those "gf" persons you hear so much about these days
  • This is why the admins are shutting the place down. It's for you to logout and violate your Volcel oath. volcel-judge

    cuddle (very happy for you. Congrats!)

  • Check out the hilarious "South Park of X" Cartoon from Dave Rubin (CW: Transphobia)
  • Everything spying on you is "the radical left"?

    How to sell frothingfash PATRIOT ACT as a construct of "the left" mission-accomplished

    Then that ONE CAN which wasn't even rainbow colored - just her face - that wasn't even available to the public as omg I can't drink my addiction in peace! It offends me soooo much oooaaaaaaauhhh

    That's the opening and when I cringeed out.

  • Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a vocal Israel critic and 'squad' member, loses primary
  • This is what you get giving life support to the Does Not Care party. shrug-outta-hecks

  • Julian Assange has reached a plea deal with the U.S., allowing him to go free
  • This also gives precident that the United States can attack a Journalist - a non US Citzen with non US loyalties or oaths in a foriegn country that isn't even his own and brand them across the Empire. Hold and tourture them in a 3rd party prison and then strip away rights for the rest of his life all for the crime of reporting the Empire's crimes.

    This should send shockwaves of horror across all of the Anglosphere and their client states.

    The freedom of speech, press, right to write is effectively DEAD with this plea.. Fascism won.

  • Zelensky Removes a Top General Amid Criticism of Excessive Casualties
  • Maybe accept you lost the territories you terrorized for a decade for the crime of ..... not accepting fascism...and piss the fuck off to a tax haven island somewhere. Or better yet die-motherfucker

  • China’s Chang’e-6 lunar probe returns to Earth with world-first samples from dark side of Moon
  • Meanwhile at super freedom-and-democracy land....more delays as space enshittification can't safetly bring people home and send more enshittification to the rescue.

  • Go read the liberal comments at r/StarWarsleftymemes/
  • Pretty much every pro-Israel liberal I know is still voting for Biden. The people in both Israel and the United States that are supporting/choosing Trump are nothing short of disgusting. They’re willing to give up:

    What little semblance of this bullshit of a bourgeoise “democracy” we have left to fascists just so Israel can genocide more freely

    • All LGBTQ+ protections just so Israel can genocide more freely

    • Women’s rights just so Israel can genocide more freely

    • Freedom to protest in the United States just so Israel can genocide more freely

    • Allowing open Nazis in the U.S. government just so Israel can genocide more freely

    maybe-later-honey This is why I’m going to hold my nose, get drunk and high, and do whatever else it takes to make myself vote Biden.

    My LIB in shit those are already gone in actions and in deed under brandon. You choose tp ignore it because his pete-eat jokermala wingmen say colorful fluffy plattidues.

    vote is as bad as an alcoholic in denial during severe withdrawl.

    What comes after DaBiden geniuses? More the-democrat? What's going to happen the 8 years after more polite genocide and testing nuclear Armageddon with nuclear powers to satisfy that crack MIC Cold War spending itch? You think the Red states are going to magically flip? Especially with this DNC strategy of Pied Piper propping up of radical fascists to slip in a more polite fascist and not do anything for the left?

    Then you have the insufferable DSA AOCIA AyyyyyOC-big and cpusa CPUSA turncoats sucking up leftist energy and throwing away at the sisyphus motion of giving life support to the DNC thinking that's ever going to change while fucking the rest of us and future generations by kicking the can down the road. Then they cry when the Republicans inevitably get back in charge about how mean they are in the sick rachet effect to fascism.

  • What's a good place online to buy a new laptop for a reasonable price? (In Australia)
  • Uncommon GabeN L sicko-wistful

    kril-scream My Aussie comrades deserve a cool portable too!

  • What's a good place online to buy a new laptop for a reasonable price? (In Australia)
  • Emulators yes. They have a Linux desktop underneath it. I'm sure you can play the GOG games but it might take a bit of playing with. Steam runs the games through a compatability layer called Proton.

    Here's a step by step

  • What's a good place online to buy a new laptop for a reasonable price? (In Australia)
  • Have you considered a Steam Deck? Cheaper than a laptop and can play a good amount of modern games. You can get a dock for it to connect to a larger screen.

    I was playing Miles Morales on it and it looked sounded and played great. Also did you know the processors are code named Arieth and Sephiroth?

    I can play BG3 on it. It's functional. Looks....ok, but the fun with it is in the dialog. On PC you can mod the shit out of it too which you can then make everyone naked and big boned. 😉

    But it you are looking to play on a laptop with all the bells ans whistles expect to be spending over $2,000 at least..and at that point you might as well get a full blown desktop.

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • guilty during a federal US court hearing in the Northern Mariana Islands

    What the backwards fuck? Kangaroo court bullshit. He exposed crimes. Willful war crimes.

  • One-Third of Americans Making $250,000 Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck, Survey Finds
  • And they have the gull to chastise us making less than half that to work on our budgets? How many people make more than $250k and how are they stuggling?

  • Bird flu outbreak is slowing, but MDARD isn’t declaring victory yet Bird flu outbreak is slowing, but MDARD isn’t declaring victory yet

    Knock on wood, but it has been 13 days since MDARD has confirmed a new bird flu outbreak in the state. Is this a sign that the emergency order put in place last month is working?

    Piss on Boeing CEO being a little shit weasel turing testimony.

    CW Forbes is a PNAC neocon shit weasel but it's the clip of the moment if you find it outside of Forbes, I'll gladly switch the link.

    $30+ million a year on a company that makes "zero profits"

    In Florida the restrictions on providing gender affirming care to trans youth and adults have been found unconstitutional and are now permanently enjoined Alejandra Caraballo (@esqueer_) on Threads

    Huge win in Florida. After a full trial, the restrictions on providing gender affirming care to trans youth and adults have been found unconstitutional and are now permanently enjoined. Huge win by Simone Chriss and Southern Legal Counsel.

    Alejandra Caraballo (@esqueer_) on Threads

    Get paid by fixing our drunken AI system!

    !grillman It isn't full time, but seriously if any of you comrades out there have a laptop or desktop (somehow AI isn't caught up on the whole mobile / tablet update from the last decade yet) it's something.

    Maybe even !programming-communism

    Whats even funnier is they use cell phones in their recuutment webpage examples. But if you want to suck some cash from tech bros here's the link

    Jill Stein 2SLGBTQIA+ rights

    Source - Green Party campaign email

    The last few years there has been a dark cloud hanging over Pride Month as we’ve seen an alarming escalation of legislative attacks against hard-won 2SLGBTQIA+ rights.

    The full scope of this assault is difficult to measure. The ACLU is currently tracking 515 pieces of anti-LGBTQ legislation across the country, yet Trans Legislation Tracker has clocked nearly 600 bills attacking the trans community alone.

    The vast majority of these bills fail, but that isn’t the point. The constant drumbeat of anti-LGBTQ rhetoric is fueling a toxic environment that openly encourages physical violence and social isolation of our friends, neighbors, and loved ones.

    As a result we’ve seen increasing rates of self harm and suicidal ideation, particularly among young people. According to the Trevor Project, as many as 70% of LGBTQ+ teens reported symptoms of anxiety within the past year, and 57% symptoms of depression.

    They are aching for mental health support but the majority of them can’t get it – whether it’s too expensive or their state has literally banned the gender affirming care they need.

    This is a national public health crisis, and as your president, I would treat it accordingly.

    My administration will leverage the full powers of the executive branch to guarantee the human rights of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

    I will pressure Congress to pass the Equality Act, the PRIDE Act, the Every Child Deserves a Family Act, and other bills to instill ironclad protections for LGBTQ+ rights at the federal level – effectively ending the vast majority of the attacks from these radical, right-wing lawmakers and their weak liberal enablers.

    We will support legislation that expands healthcare access for vulnerable populations and continue the push for universal healthcare – which is a top priority for my administration.

    We will develop and implement a broad scale public education program to counter the extremist, right-wing rhetoric fueling many of these bills, and direct the Department of Education to develop curriculum and support school programs to protect LGBTQ kids.

    We will declare trans murder and suicide rates a national public health emergency – which they are – and instruct the DOJ to track and investigate hate crimes against the LGBTQ community at the federal level. This will help us better identify trends and spot early warning signs of new attacks BEFORE they can escalate to the levels we currently see.

    These are just a few of the solutions our administration will pursue. You can read my full platform on LGBTQIA+ rights here (you’ll find it under “People”).


    Jill's Policy copied from campaign page


    A Jill Stein Administration will guarantee the human rights of the 2SLGBTIQIA+ community.

    Violent attacks on transgender women (particularly Black and other transgender women of color), recent stripping of state protections, lack of legal protection after negative court rulings, and long-standing historical inequities continue. We will end the acceptance of a violent culture that devalues the humanity of our 2SLGBTIQIA+ siblings. We will fight for the liberation of 2SLGBTIQIA+ people around the world.

    Here’s how:

    • Support the Equality Act, the PRIDE Act, the Every Child Deserves a Family Act, and other bills to prohibit discrimination by the U.S., the military, state or local governments, or private industry

    • Support the PrEP Access and Coverage Act (until universal healthcare is implemented).

    • Develop and implement 2SLGBTIQIA+ inclusive public education to combat bullying

    • Include 2SLGBTIQIA+ history in school curricula, provide school and community trainings and 2SLGBTIQIA+ specific school counseling

    • Federally prohibit the harmful practice of “conversion therapy”

    • Fund housing relief programs for 2SLGBTIQIA+ youth, who are disproportionately represented in unsheltered populations

    • Remove punitive and cumbersome legal name change requirements and fees Declare trans murder and suicide rates a national emergency

    • De-gender or add nonbinary gender options to all Federal public documents

    • De-gender school dress codes, and guarantee protection from discrimination as a result of dress in workplaces

    • Publish the original Equal Rights Amendment in the National Archives, effectively bringing it into law.

    • Prohibit insurance companies from denying trans-affirming procedures

    • Remove “transmedicalist” language from all educational materials relating to trans individuals

    • Specifically prohibit disciplining or firing trans employees for acknowledging their gender/pronouns with customers, clients, or other individuals in the workplace

    • Legally prohibit mutilative surgeries on intersex infants

    • Pass legislation to mandate that police adopt policies to ensure fairer interactions with transgender people, especially transgender women of color, who are disproportionately impacted by disparities in policing

    • Outlaw misgendered imprisonment nationwide and end “gay panic” and “trans panic” defenses for violent crimes

    • Prevent and repeal any legislation that purports to protect religious liberty at the expense of the rights of others

    • Ours is the only campaign that will be on the ballot across the country this November that is fighting for people, planet, and peace – and the only credible challenge to empire, genocide, and hate.



    Remember: the first Pride was a riot. Patrons of the now legendary Stonewall Inn stood up to continuous harassment and police brutality targeting New York's thriving LGBTQ community.

    From the beginning, Pride Month has been about challenging structural hate and dismantling systems that exclude, silence, and sideline people because of who they are and who they love.

    It is long past time the LGBTQIA+ community had a true ally in the White House.

    We will end the acceptance of a violent culture that devalues the humanity of our LGBTQIA+ siblings. We will fight for the liberation of LGBTQIA+ people around the world.

    In solidarity and gratitude,

