WA's had its own version of the Voice for more than 50 years. How well has it worked?
WA's had its own version of the Voice for more than 50 years. How well has it worked?
Not many know that Western Australia has its own type of voice to government, but the jury is out on whether it has been a "toothless tiger" or a "powerful tool".
From the article, about the WAAAC, "It's fundamental weakness is that it's limited to an internal council advising the minister, the Voice's strength is that it's external to advise the broader government and the parliament."
This is such an important point, and the yes campaign should hammer this example in the time left, because this is a real example of why the argument of 'over reach' has poor evidence.
I think it's also why the revanchivist 'right' in the country were never going to go for the Voice proposal. Because it clearly means where the Government of a day were to ignore the Voice everybody will know, creating an in public political problem for them.