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'It's a natural amphitheatre': Weird and wonderful solstice party in the west 'It's a natural amphitheatre': Weird and wonderful solstice party in the west

A full-size Stonehenge replica on Western Australia's south coast is hosting a new winter solstice festival to boost tourism in the region.

'It's a natural amphitheatre': Weird and wonderful solstice party in the west

Why is the southwest WA so pagan? Its such an interestingly funny quirk down there.

From Bridgetown, Margaret River all the way to Denmark, Albany and Esperance theres this streak of interest in all this kind of stuff. :)

Could We Build a Carbon-Zero Internet? — Tech News | Particle Could We Build a Carbon-Zero Internet? — Tech News | Particle

Sub-sea fibre optic cables connect Perth to the world, and we need more of them. But are they sustainable?

Could We Build a Carbon-Zero Internet? — Tech News | Particle

Didn't know the cables came through City Beach.

Bank of America tells Detroit’s Big 3 they can’t make money in China and should just leave the hypercompetitive car market ‘as soon as they possibly can’
  • The car industry execs should be laughing their heads off at naive bank execs assuming they know more about it than the car execs. Don't they think the car execs already know what the risk and competitive nature of their own business.

    Guess what bankers, this is how you produce positive growth in a real productive industry, and its risky business. Instead the bankers prescription assumes managed decline.

    It's like that new guy at work who constantly tells everyone about 'hacks' only they've discovered, when everybody already knows about them.

  • WA now has the 'toughest firearms laws' in the country. So who can keep their guns?
  • If you don't like guns, lets use a metaphor and imagine you're a golfer

    Probably best to stick to guns without the metaphors.

    Hard to find an apples to apples comparison. The damage a gun can do is uniquely unequal, while the products still having a societal purpose, to anything else i can think of.

  • WA now has the 'toughest firearms laws' in the country. So who can keep their guns?
  • This is a reason the Coalition have structured themselves in the way they have. As a mostly Liberal/National partnership, allied by a secret contract. It allows them to play to their respective bases, and as a unit, to constantly speak out of both sides of their mouth. Unfortunately the rise of the teals, and continuing denial of the climate reality have seriously damaged the Liberal/National electability in this area.

    As @Mountaineer says, voter dissatisfaction on many specific points like this one is why a lot of minor parties have gained traction over the last quarter century.

    Labor on the otherhand is supposed to represent workers, which is such a broad segment of society that they've never needed to form alliances to have the potential voter numbers to have a real chance of forming government before an election.

  • Louise Kingston resigns from WA Nationals after accusing Opposition Leader Shane Love of bullying Louise Kingston resigns from WA Nationals after accusing Opposition Leader Shane Love of bullying

    Nationals WA MP Louise Kingston resigns from the party, telling parliament it was because of bullying by party leader Shane Love.

    Louise Kingston resigns from WA Nationals after accusing Opposition Leader Shane Love of bullying

    How can you allow your party to have a fallout like this when they are in such a weak position already? Its unbelievably poor leadership by S. Love, let alone being so immature as to bully colleagues in the parliament. Who the hell would want to vote for such a foolish behaviour.

    Nationals should remove him as leader immediately. Cut the snake off at the head, deal with the many smaller heads that are bound to spring up quickly, before the WA election starts getting going.

    Otherwise they're going into the election with proverbial 'cement for shoes'.

    WA now has the 'toughest firearms laws' in the country. So who can keep their guns?
  • Labor just lost 31,000 votes next election.

    Might be water off a ducks back at the moment, but my experiences with gun owners to date, (apart from one gun owner), is they're uncomfortably fanatical about their guns. And belligerently oppose any demands they take higher precautions with the guns in their possession.

    In short, they'll remember this, the laws are passed, but acceptance of them isn't.

  • Bingeable Cities

    The articles above inspired me to to meld the two premises in the articles together in the post below. A lunch time read for anyone interested. :)

    Australians are a nation of travellers, it's been said that at any one time during the year there are over a million Australians abroad. It's worth noting that it's not said that a good chunk of that cohort are in Bali, our go-to destination of tropical delights!

    But what are we doing when abroad? True many spend precious, and too fleeting, moments with distant families, but many are also touring a destination they may have no or minimal familial connection with. I think I have an answer, not the answer, just an answer. And this answer contains an insight into how today we are failing to design and build our own cities to capture the imagination. Bear with me, i'm gona be pulling some long bows on this one.

    “Don't feel bad about bingeing TV. Humans have binged stories for thousands of years.” An article offered by Darius von Guttner Sporzynski from Australian Catholic University this week on The Conversation website is a short exploration of the consumption of storytelling.

    D. Sporzynski wastes no time dispelling the negative connotations around bingeing. Instead offering an anthropic historical record of the “human desire to be completely immersed in a story.” He lauds bingeing as an act of unrestrained and excessive indulgence. Using examples as far ranging as Palawa Aboriginal (Tassie) oral stories that could refer to events 12,000 years in our pasts to theatre, television, or the moral panics brought on by serialised literature.

    Of course, from a certain point of view touring a destination could then also be regarded as a form of bingeing. Certainly experiences in my pre-poll of one, (me), bear out the “unrestrained and excessive indulgence” of touring a destination, my trips to Paris were deluxe all those years ago, thank you for asking. ;) Instead of a piece of art, or literature, or even beer, I suggest we can binge on a destination, in fact why not indulge on whole cities.

    Australia might not have fully bingeable cities like Paris or New York, Sydney comes closest (maybe even is), plenty of places around the country have flashes in the pan but fall a little short at the moment. Maybe it's simply due to our country being reasonably young, but I think part of it is the buildings we're constructing in this era. Even the ones where we're trying, for example One Barangaroo, (that big tall new one in Sydney), it's nice, but i'm not sure it adds a great deal to the feel or life of Sydney.

    In Western Australia if there's a single destination that has the potential to be bingeable it's Fremantle. Roel Loopers’ Fremantle Herald article, Just Over the Horizon, tells us the city of Fremantle is “embarking on a spatial vision City Plan to shape the future…”

    In the article R.Loopers laments sameness, and demands diversity in type, form and use of the buildings developers should be forced to build in the city of Fremantle, stating “level 2 looks the same as level 12, etc and that needs to change.”

    He offers suggestions like high rises surrounded by townhouses, single function buildings broken up by different facades, he even suggests the historic Fremantle prison becoming part/neighbouring a mixed use development along with the football field.

    It is right to demand this of developers in our cities, especially in those places around our country like Fremantle or Sydney who have the potential to create a touring destination, that, in its discovery and excitement can be a dopamine hit that demolishes the dopamine hits of the latest tv series. But a bingeable city isn't accidentally created, it is demanded and loved.

    D.Sporzynski describes “humans desire to escape from reality and engage emotionally with stories.” I say that is what our one million travellers abroad are doing. They are engaging emotionally with far off cities like Paris, London, Tokyo, and of course even our beloved Bali. As D.Sporzynski says, we are developing the 17th and 18th century enlightenment ideal of a critical view of the world through our experiences abroad, but we should take the opportunity now and use our foresight to make our cities bingeable destinations. Sorry developers, concrete and glass boxes aren't enough.

    By Gorgritch_umie_killa

    What's the piece of technology that has impacted the modern world the most?
  • Glad to see someone has mentioned this. Huge gains in time in the day for a huge part of the population.

  • Future looks sweet for WA honey Future looks sweet for WA honey

    Researchers from UWA have developed a new technique to authenticate the origin of honey through its nectar signature.

    Future looks sweet for WA honey

    Below is the linked abstract in the article from PeerJ Analytical Chemistry.

    Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) is a dominant forest tree endemic to the southwest of Western Australia. Its honey is appreciated for its highly desirable taste, golden colour, slow crystallisation, and high levels of bioactivity, which have placed Jarrah in the premium product range. However, whilst customers are willing to pay a high price for this natural product, there is currently no standard method for its authentication. As honey is naturally sourced from flower nectar, a novel route of authentication is to identify the nectar signature within the honey.

    This study reports on a high-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC)-based authentication system which allows the tracing of six key marker compounds present in Jarrah flower nectar and Jarrah honey. Four of these markers have been confirmed to be epigallocatechin, lumichrome, taxifolin and o-anisic acid with two (Rf 0.22 and 0.41) still chemically unidentified. To assist with the characterisation of Jarrah honey, a range of physicochemical tests following Codex Alimentarius guidelines were carried out.

    A blend of authenticated Jarrah honey samples was used to define the properties of this honey type. The blend was found to have a pH of 4.95, an electric conductivity of 1.31 mS/cm and a moisture content of 16.8%. Its water-insoluble content was 0.04%, its free acidity 19 milli-equivalents acid/kg and its diastase content 13.2 (DN). It also contains fructose (42.5%), glucose (20.8%), maltose (1.9%) and sucrose (<0.5%).

    The HPTLC-based authentication system proposed in this study has been demonstrated to be a useful tool for identifying Jarrah honey and might also act as a template for the authentication of other honey types.

    *Cite this as

    Islam MK, Barbour E, Locher C. 2024. Authentication of Jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) honey through its nectar signature and assessment of its typical physicochemical characteristics. PeerJ Analytical Chemistry 6:e33*

    What do you all check instead of the news?
  • Everytime i go for a walk i see something new that i haven't noticed before.

    Doing what to casual observater seems like the same thing over and over again, can actually be the process of developing a deeper understanding of the subject area than before, (in this case your local neighbourhood).

  • Drivers react to Perth street circuit plans | Supercars Drivers react to Perth street circuit plans | Supercars

    "The action would be so cool and just so much fun to race there"

    Drivers react to Perth street circuit plans | Supercars

    Gona do a race around the casino? Maybe they can race around the entrance and call it 'Packers u-bend'. Really drive home the key beneficiary of this plan.

    Of course.. i can't think of anywhere else around Perth you'd have it so maybe i should shut up :)

    The article has a bit more to it, but heres the watoday article,

    WA farmers rely on Rio Tinto for one crucial resource that's suddenly been cut by half WA farmers rely on Rio Tinto for one crucial resource that's suddenly been cut by half

    With producers across the state looking far and wide for hay at a time of below-average rainfall, the mining giant's sudden drop in production comes as a blow to the livestock industry.

    WA farmers rely on Rio Tinto for one crucial resource that's suddenly been cut by half

    Somewhat surprising. I don't know if its the best use of the water, but its certainly creative.

    Newly Renovated Metros Freo Donates Old Floors To Clag To Help Develop A Super Adhesive | The Bell Tower Times /Satire Newly Renovated Metros Freo Donates Old Floors To Clag To Help Develop A Super Adhesive | The Bell Tower Times

    Metro's Freo announced last week that it has been busy renovated the iconic Freo nightclub and will be reopening this weekend for the launch of a "superclub".

    Newly Renovated Metros Freo Donates Old Floors To Clag To Help Develop A Super Adhesive | The Bell Tower Times

    Loctite company better watch out, clags comin in with the strong stuff!

    Edit: string to strong

    The Ellington celebrates 15 years of jazz photography The Ellington celebrates 15 years of jazz photography

    To mark fifteen years of The Ellington, Perth’s home of jazz, on the weekend of June 7-9, the club hosted [...]

    The Ellington celebrates 15 years of jazz photography

    15 years already! Can't believe its been that long already.

    Good set of pictures of the event at the end of the article.

    Australia Community Anniversary Thread
  • I've thought a fun promotional tag would be,

    Aussie_zone, the socials alternative

    Possibly recognisable from a certain media outlet ;)

    Its probably better to focus on aussie_zone and any future sister servers rather than lemmy or fediverse as a whole.

    Its a broad church out there. Last night i's reading about the Maven AI controversy. People here on Aussie_zone might be cool with promotion, (also might not be), but others on Lemmy might not be, its not practical to check with everyone on every Lemmy server, and it'd not be nice to garner a perception of speaking for them.

  • Australia Community Anniversary Thread
  • Challenge that moderator to 'Street Countdown', i bet they won't even show.

  • South Australia to legislate 'world leading' electoral donation ban prohibiting donations and gifts to political parties, backed by tough penalties for those who seek to circumvent the law
  • It won't halt all monied influences, lobbyists won't be hit by this it seems, (its complicated to hit the bad lobbyists without hurting the good), corruption will crop up, but its a great reform nonetheless.

    What i think it will do best is reset the tone from monied interests walking honourably through the front door, to sneaking guiltily in the metaphorical back. The reputational risk increases the costs for business people being seen to be influencing politics too much.

    Bonus the lack of funding might reduce the amount of scare campaigns and political slinging matches due to the campaigns needing to attend to their own platform messages in a campaign rather than their opponents. Of course there'll always be the outlying elections where the opposition can get away with virtually no platform.

    Exciting news!

  • How to Plant a Black Cockatoo Friendly Garden
  • Hmm, gona have to think about a long term solution, but for now put something shiny in the next suburb over.

  • Australia Community Anniversary Thread
  • Sister instances would be my preferred option, it could mean we build the communities, but never have to sacrifice this instances culture by getting too large on a single instance.

    Adding another view would be the way to go for sister instances to connect in a deeper way than the rest of the fediverse but still maintain some semblance of separateness.

    It puts me in mind of the EU bloc, a supranational organisation, where the culture and way of life of the participating States is maintained, but many benefits of the closer connectedness are granted.

    I'd be keen for a more descriptive view label than 'curated'. Maybe it could become an extra field that admins launching sister instances are able to fill in themselves. I guess this is something we'd have to approach lemmy developers about.

    Giving them the ability to have a uniquely descriptive name could be fun though. In our case it could be Australasian Allied Instances (AAI), or Australasian Union of Federating Servers (AFUS), or my personal favourite "Warboss Gorgritch's Waargh on the Fediverse".

    and, my mind is mush, i'm going to bed...

  • How to Plant a Black Cockatoo Friendly Garden How to Plant a Black Cockatoo Friendly Garden

    Choose native trees and plants that provide habitat and food for black cockatoos.

    How to Plant a Black Cockatoo Friendly Garden

    They're big, brash and loud. But a beautiful sight to see when a group of ten or twenty flap about overhead, or squawk at each other as you walk underneath them.

    Philanthropy – What Does it Mean? - Fremantle Shipping News Philanthropy – What Does it Mean? - Fremantle Shipping News

    Philanthropy is a word that is bandied about in the media so often that we can forget what it means. The word is derived from Greek: philos meaning “love” and anthropos meaning “man” or “humanity”. While philanthropy is associated with giving, the Greek interpretation could be seen as a precursor, a...

    Philanthropy – What Does it Mean? - Fremantle Shipping News

    Philanthropy is a 'lover of humanity', and is represented by the 3 T's (Time, Treasure, Talent) is the article in summary.

    Aren't philanthropists meant to be arms length support for 'good causes' though? How does time and talent compute with that?

    Australia Community Anniversary Thread
  • I think your right about a need for critical mass.

    Whether we should consider some kind of promotional campaign is probably a topic that should be discussed at some point. Be it of this instance specifically, or Lemmy in general, or even considering having sister aussie_zone instances and lean into smaller servers to create the whole.

  • Hotspot appeal Hotspot appeal

    KINGS PARK’S long-serving director of science has added his signature to a letter calling on prime minister Anthony Albanese to protect at least 30 per cent of the South West from further deforesta…

    Hotspot appeal

    Dr Yin said 100,000 hectares of forest had been wiped out through prolonged drought and “heat-making ecological restoration” in the last six months.

    Does anybody know what "heat making ecological restoration" means? Is this a fancy phrase for the firies doing burn-offs?

    Indigenous singer Emma Donovan alleges entire taxi rank refused to serve her at Perth airport
  • You don't fucking know shit about it

    Nor do you.

    Its a largely uninvestigated report at the moment. Maybe people who believe her will turn out to have misplaced their trust, maybe theres a more compliacted series of events, maybe she is lying.

    Point is none of us know more than whats been said so far; theres no reason to outright disbelieve someone when they make a serious complaint about discrimination. Otherwise, if we do, we've learned nothing from historic discriminatory abuses in all manner of circumstances.

  • Poste Café owners explain their decision to close - Echo Newspaper

    This is a read twice article for sure. Stoys a bit convoluted. I don't feel like the full story behind this business closure was really explored.

    Hopefully Echo follow up with a couple more articles.

    ABC Radio Perth turns 100 - About the ABC
  • I saw Costa at a gardening show, the man was in his element. Gardening show royalty as well, everybody there knew him. People walking past offering chips, sayin hi, great stuff.

    I've heard they use google docs as the communication method at other radio stations as well. Must be because its such a flexible medium.

  • Zen and the Art of Beach Bumming - Fremantle Shipping News Zen and the Art of Beach Bumming - Fremantle Shipping News

    It’s not easy being a beach bum. There’s a skill to it, for sure, and it’s not an easily acquired skill. Truth be told, it’s a rare art. Years of practice, repetition, and more practice and more repetition are required before you can even modestly claim to be approaching beach bum status. The ultima...

    Zen and the Art of Beach Bumming - Fremantle Shipping News

    Whoever knew the art was so deep. Give me the beer, you can keep the sittin about on the beach.

    ABC Radio Perth turns 100 - About the ABC ABC Radio Perth turns 100 - About the ABC

    ABC Radio Perth will celebrate 100 years of radio in Western Australia on Tuesday, 4 June 2024 with special broadcast plans set to roll out across the week.

    ABC Radio Perth turns 100 - About the ABC
    Journalist Antoinette Lattouf was sacked by ABC, Fair Work Commission finds
  • Tl:dr

    1. An xmas hols fill in, made some unrelated post referencing the atrocities happening against palestinians.

    2.Whatsapp (i think) group in Aus decided to launch a targetted campaign to remove lettouf from broadcasting.

    1. Other people from the same group took screenshots and went public

    2. ABC management screwed up, and probably deserve all the punishment they get for having such a wrong headed and knee-jerk response.

  • Journalist Antoinette Lattouf was sacked by ABC, Fair Work Commission finds
  • Yeah, this is important. In such a small traditional media environment they probably feel like they don't have much choice. They should look for talent in new and independent media if they don't already, theres still plenty of people out there, they just have tiny loudspeakers.

  • Journalist Antoinette Lattouf was sacked by ABC, Fair Work Commission finds
  • Haha, different interpretations of State i guess.

    I'd interpret your example as policies of the Government of the day, which represents the State, (like the managers represent the ABC), for a short tenure of the life of the respective entities.

    My interpretation in line with what might come to mind when you talk about a Statesman. Good current examples would be John Kerry, Angela Merkel, or closer to home, Julie Bishop. These people have their political aims, but they also realise the continuation of the State as a living entity has a use in its dependency and therefore importance. Noticeably, they're more internationally focused where its enormously important to take a wider breadth of view in regards your own State and its continuing existence.

  • Journalist Antoinette Lattouf was sacked by ABC, Fair Work Commission finds Journalist Antoinette Lattouf was sacked by ABC, Fair Work Commission finds

    Journalist and presenter Antoinette Lattouf was sacked by the ABC when she was taken off air part way through a radio presenting stint, the Fair Work Commission has found.

    Journalist Antoinette Lattouf was sacked by ABC, Fair Work Commission finds

    The ABC are taking some poorly thought and knee-jerk decisions lately. They instead should take a State-like approach to their decision making.

    I mean, management need to treat their tenure as a small period in an organisation that continues forever. A perspective change, hopefully leading to better deliberative decisions.

    No need to rush when you have eternity to play with.

    Interwhat? Interwhere? Interwhat? Interwhere?

    Located off the coast of Australia’s north west, the name of the Intercourse Islands raises eyebrows.

    Interwhat? Interwhere?

    By Kimberly Putland

    Fun article about a historical mystery.

    White House says Israel's Rafah strike and ground assault don't cross Biden's 'red line'
  • Someone call Mr Squiggle, that red line ain't very straight!

  • Gorgritch_umie_killa Gorgritch_Umie_Killa
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