Should we add a rule about AI?
Should we add a rule about AI?
My proposition:
- no AI generated images/drawings,
- AI content should be marked as [AI].
What do you think?
Should we add a rule about AI?
My proposition:
What do you think?
i prefer no gen ai. the name of the community is silly drawing requests, gen ai is explicitly not drawing.
I think we have consensus -> no AI.
The sillyness and somtimes very rough drawings are an inherent part of what makes this community fun i feel like. And that is just not what AI art is about. It has its own place and maybe there should specifically be a community for weird, absurd, minimalistic or funny AI art.
The second one is best. Marking it means people can easily filter it if they don't want to see it, but people that want to post cool AI drawings still can.
I’d just go with a sillyAIdrawing community at that point.